Unable to sleep since day one after three days of no weed


New Member
I haven't had weed for three days, which is uncommon, and ever since the first night I've been unable to fall asleep or feel comfortable in bed. By no means am I trying to quit weed and I don't mean to be disrespectful but I think I'm going to hang back until the strains I like the most come in, or when my first grow bears fruit.

My question is, say in a couple weeks from now my dispensary brings in maui waui (one of my favorite strains), and I decide to get a gram or an eight and then don't smoke again until a new favorite strain comes in, will I suffer the same symptoms as I have these last three nights since the thc will be fresh in my system again?

Because as far as cigarette smoking, if you quit for months and relapse have a cigarette, I think you go through all the withdrawal symptoms again..


New Member
Been there. That's why I prefer meth. Yes, the withdrawal is a bit more intense, but you become adept at robbing people early on, so times without meth are few a far between. Hope this helps...
It seems like you are trying to project an image to me, of a brad pitt type persona..just be yourself man..


Well-Known Member
If you have no tolerance i would recommend 100mg of diphenhydramine. It can be taken without dependence developing.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Take some resin hits off your pipe before you go to bed..won't taste great but will take the edge off so you can sleep.