seedling disease?


I do not mix close by. It had a small chunk of perlite on that bottom side of the leaf but I doubt that did this it seems this was done by the plant as some sort of disorder or something. It does look like a drop but if you could feel it.. it seems it's grown that way naturally. If I lose it oh well but I'm so curious now and weary of the merchandise


Well-Known Member
There are several types of peroxide I needed to know if I needed the 3% or something stronger like what is sold in hydro shops I would appreciate it if you kept your criticism to a minimum as it is a waste of my valuable time. Thanks.
First off did I have your post quoted? No it was quoted to noysy so at least learn to use this site before you start your whining...and if you think that is criticism? Your in for a treat on this site....noysy called me a nurse so the common sense was to him meaning that's why I quoted him
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Well-Known Member
There are several types of peroxide I needed to know if I needed the 3% or something stronger like what is sold in hydro shops I would appreciate it if you kept your criticism to a minimum as it is a waste of my valuable time. Thanks.
I'm going to be nice and give you a tip... do u know why to use hydrogen peroxide? Don't just do everyone's idea...I'm very new to growing as well, and what I have learned in the past year or so don't listen to everyone's suggestions on here, yea there are deff a lot of very experienced growers on here that will give you vital information but then again they are people on here that are completely set in their ways and just think there right...I would do more research before adding the hydrogen...


I'm going to be nice and give you a tip... do u know why to use hydrogen peroxide? Don't just do everyone's idea...I'm very new to growing as well, and what I have learned in the past year or so don't listen to everyone's suggestions on here, yea there are deff a lot of very experienced growers on here that will give you vital information but then again they are people on here that are completely set in their ways and just think there right...I would do more research before adding the hydrogen...
Thanks I planned on looking more into this. I'm sure it has it's pros but it seems almost like putting neosporin on the cut off leaf lol


Well-Known Member
If u use tap let it sit out for 24-48 hours I go 48 personally. ..but I don't know about distilled I have seen some threads where it was screwy with people's plant


Hmmmm that was the only difference in these seedlings. I wonder if the distilled water has something to do with this
If u use tap let it sit out for 24-48 hours I go 48 personally. ..but I don't know about distilled I have seen some threads where it was screwy with people's plant


Well-Known Member
1. no need to let water sit for 24-48 hrs if adding peroxide as the peroxide will kill almost everything if not everything in the soil.
2. if you have drainage problems try to water from the bottom or just water lightly. seedlings dont like a soggy waterlogged medium.
3. peroxide is mostly used to treat root rot, it does provide an extra oxygen molecule but to me is just a waste of money and might make your problem worst.
4. water lightly, use small containers to start seedlings(solo cups work great) i know they say you shouldnt transplant autos but if you do it right you wont have any transplant shock. if starting seedlings in big containers mist the soil with a spray bottle and dont soak it just keep the top soil moist.


1. no need to let water sit for 24-48 hrs if adding peroxide as the peroxide will kill almost everything if not everything in the soil.
2. if you have drainage problems try to water from the bottom or just water lightly. seedlings dont like a soggy waterlogged medium.
3. peroxide is mostly used to treat root rot, it does provide an extra oxygen molecule but to me is just a waste of money and might make your problem worst.
4. water lightly, use small containers to start seedlings(solo cups work great) i know they say you shouldnt transplant autos but if you do it right you wont have any transplant shock. if starting seedlings in big containers mist the soil with a spray bottle and dont soak it just keep the top soil moist.
Great info thanks a lot! How do you feel about distilled water??
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Well-Known Member
Great info thanks a lot! How do you feel about distilled water??
some people have great results others dont. my city tap is really good so thats all i ever use.
check the ppm and ph of your tap, if growing organic let it sit over 24 hrs to let the chlorine evaporate. vitamin c also neutralizes chlorine and chloramine


some people have great results others dont. my city tap is really good so thats all i ever use.
check the ppm and ph of your tap, if growing organic let it sit over 24 hrs to let the chlorine evaporate. vitamin c also neutralizes chlorine and chloramine
My tap would break me buying pH down. Maybe a pur water filter? Will that help with pH? PPM of tap is 400+. I'm using advanced nutrients and they say use RO water but I called and asked about distilled and they said it was fine. What is your personal opinion as a grower?


Well-Known Member
My tap would break me buying pH down. Maybe a pur water filter? Will that help with pH? PPM of tap is 400+. I'm using advanced nutrients and they say use RO water but I called and asked about distilled and they said it was fine. What is your personal opinion as a grower?
vitamin c is a natural ph down, i only add a dab so idk how much you would need to lower the ph, ph down is super cheap-one bottle can last you 3+ years its really concentrated. i hope youre not feeding those small seedlings with the AN nutes, if you are then that might be your problem, seedlings dont need much but water the first couple of weeks.
try plain water with seaweed- that should get your seedlings to a healthy start.
sometimes you just get a bad batch of seeds, its happen to me before and sometimes its the soil, water or container that needs to be replaced.
hope that helps. dont give up ive had great grows followed by some bad ones just keep learning from your mistakes.


vitamin c is a natural ph down, i only add a dab so idk how much you would need to lower the ph, ph down is super cheap-one bottle can last you 3+ years its really concentrated. i hope youre not feeding those small seedlings with the AN nutes, if you are then that might be your problem, seedlings dont need much but water the first couple of weeks.
try plain water with seaweed- that should get your seedlings to a healthy start.
sometimes you just get a bad batch of seeds, its happen to me before and sometimes its the soil, water or container that needs to be replaced.
hope that helps. dont give up ive had great grows followed by some bad ones just keep learning from your mistakes.
Thanks for the encouragement