Anyone carry a knife daily?

Where i grew up a boy got his first pocket knife around 8-10, nothing fancy, just enough to teach some responsibility. Mine was an old single blade bone handle folder. Almost all my friends had a pocket knife ON them in school right through 8th grade...this was early 90's. I think a little less of a man who doesn't carry a pocket knife..and fold up key chain knives don't count.
Manly-ness is next to knifely-ness is next to godly-ness?
I carry this Kershaw around, because it's small and fits in the little pocket of my jeans
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Super sharp blade. I don't use it much, but I have held up 3 liquor stores with it!

I have that in my pocket right now, except not serrated. It is so thin.
That is my favorite.

I really like Kershaws. I also like the Drifter by crkt. It is a bit smaller than the Kershaw 1660
Here is a few in my collection. Not short on knifes. The only person I've cut is myself also.


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The only person I've cut is myself also.

If you are going to start cutting people, I would suggest something with a non-porous wood or synthetic handle. You definitely want 3 rivet, full tang if you are going to cut people over the long haul. Nickel rivets would be better than brass. Brass will expand more if you put it in hot water to wash blood off. Nickel rivets will not expand as much at that temperature when rinsing off brain matter and such.
If you are going to start cutting people, I would suggest something with a non-porous wood or synthetic handle. You definitely want 3 rivet, full tang if you are going to cut people over the long haul. Nickel rivets would be better than brass. Brass will expand more if you put it in hot water to wash blood off. Nickel rivets will not expand as much at that temperature when rinsing off brain matter and such.
lol; will keep that in mind for sure
Everywhere I go I usually have one on my person. Utility knife while working. If I'm out and about it's usually one of my Gerbers. Used to have an awesome Smith and Wesson folding knife until my retard friend broke it. I still refuse to forgive him for that.
Last year the state laws changed and voided out all local laws that were harsher. So some po dunk town can't prosecute you because their particular law differs.
You can carry what you want. The general rule was a 4inch blade. Now blade size doesn't matter or the type of knife. As long as it isn't carried with "intent to go armed" Like to go commit a crime with it or something.
There's been a huge crime increase. Meth Monkeys and Pill Junkies will steal anything that isn't nailed down. In a lot of cases they steal the shit that IS nailed down. Strong armed robberies etc. So they're throwing us "decent people" a bone. Gun laws have been loosened as well.
I've HAD to use a knife on 3 different occasions. One was life threatening for sure. Random home invasion. I just happened to come home from work while the culprit was there.
The second was a group of 3 thugs who would have probably kicked the shit out of me just to be "gangster and shit" Not to mention I was out on a date with a petite little beauty who would have not been able to escape and for sure not be able to defend herself. We're talking 5'1 and 90lbs soaking wet.
The last was a gigantic silverback gorilla built crackhead that asked me he could just TAKE my wallet after trying to verbally hustle me for cash and was told to fuck off.
I used to carry around rolls of pennies that were taped up for a fist pack.
Picked up some gloves from a military surplus store with ungodly hard plastic casings that hug your knuckles. I can blast the heavybag orpunching dummy with them on and they don't dig in and they weigh absolutely nothing. The material is thin but sturdy.Like a canvas material. Cut the fingers down and can slide leather gloves right up and over them. So they're easy to conceal with a little ingenuity. I haven't had to use them but in the instance I do I'm 100% positive if I were to connect a headshot then whoever is on the receiving end is going to go down.
I used to carry a knife as a kid when i went to my granparents for holiday. I used to cut canes and shit and peel oranges off the tree. I could make a couple of toys too. Cut a bit of bread sometimes. I rtemember my grandma shouting at my grandad everytime he used his all purpose knife to cut bread at the table. He coul;d have been cleaning dried bait on hooks just before or clean a fish. No worries.

For a while in england kids would just slash eachother for fun.