Bagseed+Recoverying all fluoro[1st Grow]


Well-Known Member
Not only are the leaves clawing under, now theres some twisting happening, but the newer growth seems to be coming in nicer, only time will tell.
Probly hard to understand with no pics, sorry i need batterys!


Well-Known Member
All looking great, LOTs of roots already touching the cups.
Ill probly need to transplant within a week.:hump:



Well-Known Member
Still rill dark, and curlin, with like leathery leaves lol.

Shes starting to bush out kinda though, and the new growth seems to be comin nicer.(HAHA exaclty what i said last time=P)

Suggestions Welcome!


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Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Looking very nice my brotha! Love those roots they are gonna start taking off soon! #1 is soon to be recovered i bet, its getting slowly better and better! Godspeed homie! :peace:


Well-Known Member
wow those are some hat leaves on that plant... really nice indica for sure.. She does seem a bit strange... what if it's genetics?... if not the only thing I can think of just by looking at her is low RH or Heat stress?

Those other plants look great man.. keep up the good work and have fun with the transplanting =]
Haha yeah the weed was kinda weird, had a funny smell but tasted alright.
And yeah in the beginning it was WAY to hot, and still low RH.

Thanks for the input man!


Well-Known Member
Looking very nice my brotha! Love those roots they are gonna start taking off soon! #1 is soon to be recovered i bet, its getting slowly better and better! Godspeed homie! :peace:
Hell yeah man, the new leaves still seem kinda darkish but they dont seem to be curlin as bad. Clones are doin super good though transplant rill soon.


Well-Known Member
Hmm dont think ive mentioned the light they are under,
all 7 of the clones are under two 40watt CFL's, and #1 is under two 23watt CFL's.

Thought ide throw that out there:peace:


Well-Known Member
Just a note man, clear cuts are a nono. You are exposing those roots to light, which they hate.
Thanks for the input lipples, good lookin!:joint:

Just figured I'd use clear ones to keep track of the root growth so i know when to transplant, new pots will be better for sure.


Well-Known Member
Still doin great, except for #3 has got some kinda burning happening.

What yall think??

pics in order #2-#6b(like title)

Dr Shakalu

Well-Known Member
Hell ya man! looks awesome!
Your taking good care of some of the next gen of my plants! there are more clones where those came from whenever you need em! and we will know the sex of them in roughly 24 days! keep your fingers crossed for all female! :joint:

Keep at it homie!


Well-Known Member

I dont think U heard dude the first time, so im gonna say it again


get them into pots asap please. either that or wrap the clear containers in duct tape so the light does not get to the roots. leaving them the way they are now is not an option. either hide the roots from light, or kill them. the choice is yours

the plants will tell you when they need to be transplanted!
learn how to read ur plants and speak their language!

they are very bushy, green and lush! so Ur doing a few things right!

but theyre curling probably bcuz of the heat and cheap, shitty soil. no offense but it is what it is..


Well-Known Member

I dont think U heard dude the first time, so im gonna say it again


get them into pots asap please. either that or wrap the clear containers in duct tape so the light does not get to the roots. leaving them the way they are now is not an option. either hide the roots from light, or kill them. the choice is yours

the plants will tell you when they need to be transplanted!
learn how to read ur plants and speak their language!

they are very bushy, green and lush! so Ur doing a few things right!

but theyre curling probably bcuz of the heat and cheap, shitty soil. no offense but it is what it is..

Thanks for checkin it out man, none taken!

And your right, #1 was in SUPER shitty soil before i transplanted the first time, and its like 90*F in there.

I got pots yesterday so transplant will definetly be today or tomarrow, and ima light proof the cups right now!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good man...Ya you defnitly need to get those plants out of those clear pots...your feeding your roots slow poison by leaving them exposed to light. Other thent hat your plants look good mate keep it up.