Bush on Georgian aid....yes!


New Member
A couple of American soldiers with A-rations, side-arms, and a movie camera each, live feed to CNN, er, FOX, should suffice.

[email protected]

Active Member
find out the real agenda for georgia and russia wake up fuck bush fuck obama wake up you think your rights to smoke an be free are bad now wake up out of your govt induced coma and fox news brainwashing give INFOWARS.COM A LISTEN ONLINE FOR 1 HR just 1 hr and then make up your mind i dint believe it either but its maj=king sense now --------LIVE FREE OR DIE------- RUST NEVER SLEEPS


Well-Known Member
calm down man lol

i'm on the same page as you, but freaking out isn't going to help!

there is so much information for people to take in, it's too much. as time goes by and things come to pass, more and more people will understand what is happening.

just be patient and as George Washington said, "To be prepared for war is one of the most effective ways of preserving peace."


oh btw i think you might find this site interesting and helpful during these dark and wicked times.
http://www.wtprn.com/ (we the people radio network)


New Member
We will be attacking Russia before November. I guess Iran just got a reprieve. Bushie the kid is determined to leave this country in a shambles.

I'm going to bud out my plants and hole up in my computer room with my bong, some chocolate covered pretzels and a case of Pepsi and wait for the end. At least I'll have the interweb to keep me company. :mrgreen:

P.S. I've got my roll of government approved duct tape right here, in case I need to tape the windows shut. Luckily I grow so my plants can provide me with oxygen :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Preachin' to the choir, my dear. :lol:
We will be attacking Russia before November. I guess Iran just got a reprieve. Bushie the kid is determined to leave this country in a shambles.
We had better not, because we can't finish the fight. Have you read the latest? These old Russian fucks (I'm sorry, but I am racist/prejudiced when it comes to native-born Russians, as my personal interactions with the VAST majority have been... "distasteful", to say the very least, and our LONG story of how we bought our house was just the icing on the fucking cake) are positioning themselves to get a stranglehold on the oil held within that continent.
Russia: 'Forget' Georgian territorial integrity - Yahoo! News
Russia: 'Forget' Georgian territorial integrity

By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, Associated Press Writer 36 minutes ago

GORI, Georgia - Russia's foreign minister declared Thursday that the world "can forget about" Georgia's territorial integrity, and American and Georgian officials said Russia appeared to be targeting military infrastructure — including radars and patrol boats at a Black Sea naval base and oil hub.

An AP Television News crew in the oil port city of Poti saw one destroyed Georgian military boat, and two Russian armored vehicles and two Russian transport trucks. Soldiers who identified themselves as Russian peacekeepers blocked the crew from going further.

Russia's president met in the Kremlin with the leaders of Georgia's two separatist provinces — a clear sign that Moscow could absorb the regions. The comments from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov appeared to come as a challenge to the United States, where President Bush has called for Russia to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia."

The Russian refusal to withdraw from Georgia presents a challenge to the cease-fire agreement designed to end seven days of fighting. The EU-sponsored accord had envisioned Russian and Georgian forces returning to their original positions.
In Washington, an American official said Russia appears to be sabotaging airfields and other military infrastructure as its forces pull back. The U.S. official described eyewitnesses accounts for The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. The official said the Russian strategy seems like a deliberate attempt to cripple the already battered Georgian military.

The United States poured aid into the Georgian capital of Tbilisi on Thursday and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice launched emergency talks in France aimed at heading off a wider conflict.

Russia's deputy chief of General Staff Col.-Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn said he was not sure that the U.S. planes carried exclusively humanitarian cargo. "It causes our concern," he said.

At least 20 explosions were heard near Gori, along with small-arms fire. It could not immediately be determined if the blasts were a renewal of fighting between Georgian and Russian forces, but they sounded similar to mortar shells and occurred after a tense confrontation between Russian and Georgian troops on the edge of the city.
The strategically located city is 15 miles south of South Ossetia, the Russian-backed separatist region where Russian and Georgian forces fought a five-day battle. Russian troops entered Gori on Wednesday, after the two sides signed the cease-fire.

In Washington, a Pentagon official said U.S. intelligence had assessed that the number of Russians in Gori was small — about 100 to 200 troops. But the Russian presence in Gori, only 60 miles west of Tbilisi, was viewed as a demonstration of the vulnerability of the capital.

Nogovitsyn said Russian troops went to Gori to establish contact with local civilian administration and take control over military depots left behind by the Georgian forces. "The abandoned weapons needed protection," he said.

Georgian government officials who went into the city for the possible handover left unexpectedly around midday, followed by a checkpoint confrontation outside Gori which ended when Russian tanks sped toward the area and Georgian police quickly retreated.

A Russian general in Gori had said Wednesday it would take at least two days to leave the city.

Besides the hundreds killed since hostilities broke out, the United Nations estimates 100,000 Georgians have been uprooted; Russia says some 30,000 residents of South Ossetia fled into the neighboring Russian province of North Ossetia.

Russian troops also appeared to be settling in elsewhere in Georgia outside the breakaway provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"One can forget about any talk about Georgia's territorial integrity because, I believe, it is impossible to persuade South Ossetia and Abkhazia to agree with the logic that they can be forced back into the Georgian state," Lavrov told reporters.

The White House bluntly rejected Lavrov's message.

"Our position on Georgia's territorial integrity is not going to change no matter what anybody says," White House press secretary Dana Perino said Thursday. "And so I would consider that to be bluster from the foreign minister of Russia. We will ignore it."
Georgia's coast guard said Russian troops had burned patrol boats and destroyed radars and other equipment at the port city of Poti, home to Georgia's main naval base and a major hub for oil exports to Europe. The APTN crew saw one destroyed boat, about 60 feet long.

On Poti's outskirts, the APTN crew followed a different convoy of Russian troops as they searched a forest for Georgian military equipment.

Nogovitsyn avoided comment on the Russian presence in Poti, saying only that Russian forces were operating within their "area of responsibility."

Another APTN camera crew saw Russian soldiers and military vehicles parked Thursday inside the Georgian government's elegant, heavily-gated residence in the western town of Zugdidi. Some of the soldiers wore blue peacekeeping helmets, others wore green camouflage helmets, all were heavily armed. The scene underlined how closely the soldiers Russia calls peacekeepers are allied with its military.

"The Russian troops are here. They are occupying," Ygor Gegenava, an elderly Zugdidi resident told the APTN crew. "We don't want them here. What we need is friendship and good relations with the Russian people."

Georgia, bordering the Black Sea between Turkey and Russia, was ruled by Moscow for most of the two centuries preceding the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union.
A steady, dejected trickle of Georgian refugees fled the front line in overloaded cars, trucks and tractor-pulled wagons, heading to Tbilisi on the road from Gori. One Soviet-era car carried eight people, including a mother and a baby in the front seat. The open back door of a small blue van revealed at least a dozen people crowded inside.
The Russian General Prosecutor's office on Thursday said it has formally opened a genocide probe into Georgian treatment of South Ossetians. For its part, Georgia this week filed a suit against Russia in the International Court of Justice, alleging murder, rape and mass expulsions in both provinces.

More homes in deserted ethnic Georgian villages were apparently set ablaze Wednesday, sending clouds of smoke over the foothills north of Tskhinvali, capital of breakaway South Ossetia.

One Russian colonel, who refused to give his name, blamed the fires on looters.
Those with ethnic Georgian backgrounds who have stayed behind — like 70-year-old retired teacher Vinera Chebataryeva — seem increasingly unwelcome in South Ossetia.

As she stood sobbing in her wrecked apartment near the center of Tskhinvali, Chebataryeva said a skirmish between Ossetian soldiers and a Georgian tank had gouged the two gaping shell holes in her wall, bashing in her piano and destroying her furniture.

Janna Kuzayeva, an ethnic Ossetian neighbor, claimed the Georgian tank fired the shell at Chebataryeva's apartment.

"We know for sure her brother spied for Georgians," said Kuzayeva. "We let her stay here, and now she's blaming everything on us."

North of Tskhinvali, a number of former Georgian communities have been abandoned in the last few days. "There isn't a single Georgian left in those villages," said Robert Kochi, a 45-year-old South Ossetian.

But he had little sympathy for his former Georgian neighbors. "They wanted to physically uproot us all," he said. "What other definition is there for genocide?"


New Member
i bet if australia turned around and said to america no more uranium we would become a pack of thugs too according to american intelligence.and know doubt bushy would turn us in to terrorists like the rest of the world.
So, to you its all about your hatred of Bush? Question: Did you watch Glenn Beck last night as suggested, or is your mind slammed shut.

For those who did watch Beck last night, it was a very interesting and enlightening live interview with the President of Georgia.



Well-Known Member
Vi they were doing live interviews with the President of Georgia on CNN all day yesterday. What makes Glenn Beck so special?

But I do agree that we should support Georgia on a moral basis.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I pretty much can't stand watching Glenn Beck. I'll read something instead.
Yeah, Glenn Beck is a total different person on TV than he is on his radio show.
He's actually funny and entertaining on the radio, on TV he tends to be a Shawn Hannity wannabe.


New Member
I couldn't watch Glenn Beck last night, my f-ing cable was out. When it came back on CNN was the only channel that didn't work (it's a conspiracy) :o

I don't think trying to duke it out with Russia is a good plan right now. We're already spread pretty thin where military is concerned. Morale is low all around the USA. The discontent with the present government is at an amazing high.

I don't see how America is the world police. Why is it up to us to stop all the crap from going on around the world and then pay to rebuild countries that aren't ours while ours falls apart. :evil:

It's a sad, sad state of affairs in this once great proud land. :cry: