Picture of your pet thread !!!

A MWD and his handler sleeping, pic I saw this morning in my Pin acct.

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Kurhzaar have a little shorter coat? Closer to a gsp?
4 years? Bet he still had tons on energy to burn!

His coat is a bit thicker than a GSP, and he does poorly in the heat, you would think a short haired dog would be ok in 70 degree weather but not him.

The biggest difference between the German and American lines is the German dogs have a bit more pray drive and they hunt fur.

This is my first DK, have had GSP's and almost didn't buy this dog because of the "high energy" of German dogs but was surprised on how mellow he is in the house. In the field he's non stop.
Pit bulls are banned in the city limits and I pissed my neighbor off and he called the police to report my dog saying it was violent just to get the po over there. Once there ,they were required to call animal control unit to come get it cause of its breed.
Pit bulls are banned in the city limits and I pissed my neighbor off and he called the police to report my dog saying it was violent just to get the po over there. Once there ,they were required to call animal control unit to come get it cause of its breed.
Pit bulls are banned in the city limits and I pissed my neighbor off and he called the police to report my dog saying it was violent just to get the po over there. Once there ,they were required to call animal control unit to come get it cause of its breed.
That sucks if you look up the most aggressive dog breed , its not pitbull. Dogs that are treated like shit become ferocious and because pit bulls are awesomely strong and dont give up they get the bad wrap . This is my baby girl Kitty, shes 8 mths now
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Kitty doesnt know how to be aggressive...but she'll lick you to death and give you hugs while shes doing it
I'm definitely going to bring him in asafp. Google searched it and all sounds bad. I'm thinking he's allergic to something in the yard. The backyard is full of 3' weeds and bugs.
And I'm just noticing he's scratching the bald spots.
What are you feeding him? My dog looked much worse last year before I found out he was allergic to chicken.

Also, wet a white piece of WET paper and do the flea test. If any particles run colour then that's the blood/feces of the fleas.
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This is my dog, shitball. I hate him. I've tried to get rid of him many times, but he somehow always finds his way back home. I haven't fed him in 8 months, yet he keeps right on living. I'm not even sure it's actually a dog. It shit on my bed again today (hence his name), so I kicked him hard in the ass. His tail fell off and I heard a snapping sound, now I can't seem to straighten him out again. I brought him to my local shelter and told them about my seething hate and that I abuse him, they simply laughed and said, 'we don't blame you.' They will not take him. What should I do???