outdoor grow (yeild??????)///// russet mites solved !!!!

here are some pics of my biggest girls. its july 28th when the photos are took. the plants strains are (la cookies) , (blue dream), (girl scout). they were first planted mid may. theyre 4 ft 4 inches tall now. about 8-12 cola branches shot out on each one. i was wondering based on the height and possible cola branches. how many ounces or hopefully a pound can i pull ? also i want to add we think we got rid/contained russet mites with rubbing alocohol. we foliate the acohol 50/50 solution with ph water. and we also foliate with sea kelp for heat and foliate with neem oil just to reduce outbreaks. but please get back to me on any opinions. and guess on yield of course



Well-Known Member
lol i love your blutness:)
he says he only watered like 6gallons per week per plant in the other thread...
i bet you get 80-100grams per plant cuz i am a sporting man...


Well-Known Member
The guy I work with just totally dropped the ball on me. I'm lucky to break even. So me and my higher up looked at what our guy was using. He was using pool ph balancer. I think he fucked up everything
that will work in a pinch for media but it is too easy to over do . the ph can keep heading down in my experience.
just do basic plant food maxi brand works for others on here and they get great harvests... little bit o cal mag and your set...
I'm no expert but I've got a couple years under my belt in the southern half of Cali (215 patient)

Those girls should be much larger by now; are you guys growing in the native soil?


Active Member
I would say for being planted in May, they should be a lot bigger. Your plants are screaming for MOre water!