weirdos unite


Well-Known Member
So yeah I've mentioned a couple times in various threads that I like weird people... Well, at least the weird people that are weird in good ways. So weirdos unite! What's your kind of weird? And, go.

I guess I'm just your average anime, star wars, lotr, and comic (among others)nerd, with a quirky, sarcastic humor and social awkwardness that I fully embrace (and occasionally use to embarrass those around me... Purposely). I love love love making people laugh in whatever way seems most appropriate. I use the word "appropriate" loosely there. Hence the weirdness.
You do look like Miley:-)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm weird I suppose. I like to sing. But I like to sing like the singer of the songs. Guy or gal.

Annoys some people.

I like my things the way I like them. When I get an idea in my head of what I want, it is very hard to make me do something else.

My sense of humor often leaves me the only one laughing. About 70% of the time my hubby laughs.

For some reason... If i don't have anywhere to be that day I don't shower. Like its an inconvenience instead of a luxery. Then often I will end up having to go somewhere and feeling like a fucking mess.

I get anxiety around people that are dressed really nice.

I like time alone, but I find it hard to motivate myself to do things when I am alone.


Well-Known Member
I'm weird I suppose. I like to sing. But I like to sing like the singer of the songs. Guy or gal.

Annoys some people.

I like my things the way I like them. When I get an idea in my head of what I want, it is very hard to make me do something else.

My sense of humor often leaves me the only one laughing. About 70% of the time my hubby laughs.

For some reason... If i don't have anywhere to be that day I don't shower. Like its an inconvenience instead of a luxery. Then often I will end up having to go somewhere and feeling like a fucking mess.

I get anxiety around people that are dressed really nice.

I like time alone, but I find it hard to motivate myself to do things when I am alone.
Lol we have stuff in common.