It's bullshit that nobody gives a fuck.White lives matter. They fucking do.
It's bullshit that nobody gives a fuck.
It's about reforming police, not race.
White lives matter. They fucking do.
You're right. A white cop kills a black man in the US, and it's world-wide news for 6 fucking months.
A black cop kills a white man, and it's "well, it could happen to anybody".
white lives do not matter.
You must be speaking about your self. That would make sense.
who cares?
whites are going extinct anyway.
if they suffer from the totalitarian, authoritarian police state that they themselves created, that's no one's fault but their own.
white lives do not matter.
Whites are Americans, with no hyphens. I kinda like that. So does Raven Symone. And I love her.
A refreshing take by Raven-Symoné.
Quote: “I’m tired of being labeled. I’m an American. I’m not an African-American. I’m an American.”
She's gay (although she doesn't like the term). Her "gayness" is fine by me, because she doesn't try to shove it down my throat. She's just gay. Quite refreshing. She doesn't demand that I bow down and worship her gayness.
And she's black, which is fine by me. Because she doesn't demand reparations, or yell "racism" at the drop of a hat.
And most refreshing of all, she wants to be called an AMERICAN, and not a damned African-American. Just like Americans should be known. As AMERICANS.
Fuck hyphens, and those who swear by them.
I would gladly contribute to his defense would you Buck, if you truly cared about the constitution and American freedom...
The civil rights case will never happen, because educated blacks (i.e. a very, very, few of the hyphenated Americans) know it would never end in conviction...
yeah, you've expressed that racist sentiment about "hyphenated americans" in many of your previous sock accounts.
nah, i mean white people like you.
old, racist, stupid white people.
your lives do not matter in the least.
So other members here have heard of Raven Symone. So the fuck what?
I caught a 20lb rainbow runner aka"kamanu" today. It will be feeding three Hawaiian families tonight. They are more than likely going to thank me like it did matter.
that wasn't another member, that was you. repeatedly.
Buck, you are so fucking wrong it's funny.
you've been banned time after time after time again for being caught as a sock puppet.
just kill yourself already.