Big Bud/White Rhino Grow - Aeroponics Grow


Active Member
oooh wee the scrog looks like the go! when i started, my method was to leave them be and not trim a single leaf, now i've started to train to get the SOG happenning with uniform canopy andhanging wire all over the place, but i think i might have to take it to the next level.

what an awesome grow dude, im goin out to get me some of your nutes!

bet you cant wait til harvest :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
These rainforest's would fit in your tub honkytonk... you should check them out

Dude...that scrog is lookin amazing!...i am doin my first scrog right now...very small scale...just to see how I like it. and I was thinkin about goin aero I have my eye on your thread bro...good job + rep:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I figure 10 more days my friend... then flush for one week and cut. Almost 3 weeks to go... The buds are starting to grow horns or spurs from the main colas. This part is fun to watch as the buds explode.

oooh wee the scrog looks like the go! when i started, my method was to leave them be and not trim a single leaf, now i've started to train to get the SOG happenning with uniform canopy andhanging wire all over the place, but i think i might have to take it to the next level.

what an awesome grow dude, im goin out to get me some of your nutes!

bet you cant wait til harvest :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
god...that just looks amazing....I gotta know how much weight you pull from that mofo. I am seriously thinkin about makin my shower into a scrog...but I really wanna see how my little one does I have some seed makin goin on right now that I need to finish before I put a screen in there if I so decide. either way...your shit looks absolutely awesome...I can only imagine standing in front of it in person. wowza:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
goddamn that must smell really good in that room, please describe :D, your harvest is looking to be a damn good one! GROW GROW GROW!


Well-Known Member
whats the groy space, hps wattage? two plants correct? yea make sure u give the weight im a big fan of big bud, and usually the branches need to be supported, how come ur arent, no need to?


Well-Known Member
Wow, they are really looking sick! I wish I could see that in person, I wonder what it smells like in that room? I bet it smells like heaven! Lol, keep up the good work man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the comments guys. I appreciate them.

There are 4 plants that were vegged for 3 weeks. I am using a 1000W HPS and a GH Rainforest 66. They don't need support because of the screen.

whats the groy space, hps wattage? two plants correct? yea make sure u give the weight im a big fan of big bud, and usually the branches need to be supported, how come ur arent, no need to?


Well-Known Member
Nice work!! Love the Big bud pics from your other journal. That's some GOOOOOOOOD pot that big bud...used to grow it years ago in the mid 90's.


Well-Known Member
whats the grow space 5x5? how far u keep the 1000w from the plants 18"?
you think u could get a similar amount of end product using a 600w-hps in a 4x4?