Fushing agents

Dont matter still no point in talkin to you anyways simply cuz you never give knoweledge your too busy trying to correct ppl originally this post was about flushing you guys turned it into a fuckin freak circus..lol
All you have to do is give knoweledge not childish bullshit its that simple I dont know what you guys dont understand about that..lol
All you have to do is give knoweledge not childish bullshit its that simple I dont know what you guys dont understand about that..lol
We did give knowledge. People can take it or leave it. You resorted to name calling to make a point. Children do that.

Yea you only asked about flushing agents, which are worthless and ties into the other things stated.

You asked and got a discussion.
You want knowledge? Then you should do some research instead of argue with people on this forum you are wasting your time. Why would you ask some random people on the Internet? Wtf is a flushing agent anyway this the first time I seen anyone even say that. It's water.
Yea whatever anywas im done debating this shit now im just curious as to if you guys know so much and grow great cannabis why the fuck do you spend all your time on here bullying ppl go grow your plants..
Cuz you got nothing better to do but talk junk to ppl that just need str8 answers not bullshit and its obvious you have no life or you would'nt be sitting online all day intaganizing ppl with your snotty know it all mouths..
no wait, I'm not done, blah,blah,blah

This dude is the biggest assclown,LMFAO

I disagree.. U can flush out the nutrients out of the soil outdoors and it does make a hell of a difference.. Is it a lot harder to do outside yes but it can be done. When there aren't any more nutrients in the soil the plant start eating itself that's good for two things one that has the most natural taste because she's eating her own leaves in two and a last ditch effort to survive and procreate the nugs swell up way bigger than they would any other time. U can always tell weed that's been flushed properly cuz it burns to straight ash.. When it's not it leaves like black clumpy ash.. If u know what I mean.. But hey that's just my opinion..

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Flushes all the micro nutrients n shit out of the soil so your final product taste better wtf kind of question is that? Man I go to disensarys that wont even take what you grow unless you flush the shit dude you have NO fucking clue what your saying every grower I know flushes his pots before harvest dude your not a real grower why are you even on here?
Bahahahahahaha! Sounds like the dumb dealing with the dumber.
I disagree.. U can flush out the nutrients out of the soil outdoors and it does make a hell of a difference.. Is it a lot harder to do outside yes but it can be done. When there aren't any more nutrients in the soil the plant start eating itself that's good for two things one that has the most natural taste because she's eating her own leaves in two and a last ditch effort to survive and procreate the nugs swell up way bigger than they would any other time. U can always tell weed that's been flushed properly cuz it burns to straight ash.. When it's not it leaves like black clumpy ash.. If u know what I mean.. But hey that's just my opinion..

Wow im impressed finally someone on here with intelligent conversation about REAL growing weather its true or not at least the guy has enough class to give str8 up knoweledge instead of belittling ppl like the rest of you fucking losers. All you guys do is talk so much stupid shit I dont know weather to give you guys toilet paper or a fucking breath mint.
If you dont knw what florakleen or any of that shit is you dont know your shit. Like I said if you guys know soooooooo much why are you even on here?? But its no point in talkin to fuckin idiots cuz all they give you is lil punk shit answers to avoid the question.
You know whats funny? You guys are sitting here talking shit to me when domino just disagreed with your guyses bullshit, but yet your running your mouth off to him. Oh I know its cuz your not REAL GROWERS your prolly just jealous of me cuz even though I dont know everything I know alot at least I can admit that. I know you guys are douches so I aint even trippen my plants look nice I dont know what your guyses trip is but honestly you guys are fuckin losers..