Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
You do know Obama is a socialist don't you. Obama care is socialism
you do remember what happened at the end of the Bush administration don't you? Now that's capitalism at work for you, well actually for Wall Street...
Social security
The military
Roads and water utilities
and yes, the affordable care act
All government programs.
Are all these socialism? Are they all bad? Do you want to privatize the military? What's this got to do with Trump?


Well-Known Member
you do remember what happened at the end of the Bush administration don't you? Now that's capitalism at work for you, well actually for Wall Street...
Social security
The military
Roads and water utilities
and yes, the affordable care act
All government programs.
Are all these socialism? Are they all bad? Do you want to privatize the military? What's this got to do with Trump?
The difference is choice. If you don't get Obama care. You get fined. Obama care is mandatory for every U.S. citizen. I dont know how they're going to collect on those fines.

The military Isn't mandatory. Utilities are not mandatory either. We pay for both via taxes. Obama care is supposed to be free. But it's far from it.

Socialism is basically everyone is and gets the same everything whether they want it or not.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The difference is choice. If you don't get Obama care. You get fined. Obama care is mandatory for every U.S. citizen. I dont know how they're going to collect on those fines.

The military Isn't mandatory. Utilities are not mandatory either.
Death , tax's and Obamacare are all mandatory. The rest is choice so you are correct.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you two have never seen the $$$emergency room bills that we as a society pay for the uninsured

Everyone needs health care. Everyone. Even Donald. See how I folded that in for thread integrity??
Umm have you been to an emergency and gotten the bill. Then had debtors hunting you down. Medical debt stays with you for life just like school debt. No chapter 7 will get rid of that.


Well-Known Member
Umm have you been to an emergency and gotten the bill. Then had debtors hunting you down. Medical debt stays with you for life just like school debt. No chapter 7 will get rid of that.
That's not true. The #1 reason people file for bankruptcy in America is medical bills. 62% of personal bankruptcies in fact. Of that 62%, 78% of filers had some form of medical insurance. Thus the reason we need a single payer system in this country. The staus quo is ridiculous.

You are just parroting right wing talking points about the evils of socialism. In practice it can work quite well.
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Well-Known Member
The difference is choice. If you don't get Obama care. You get fined. Obama care is mandatory for every U.S. citizen. I dont know how they're going to collect on those fines.

The military Isn't mandatory. Utilities are not mandatory either. We pay for both via taxes. Obama care is supposed to be free. But it's far from it.

Socialism is basically everyone is and gets the same everything whether they want it or not.
Are all government programs socialism? Everybody pays for them if they pay taxes that is.
  • By law, every male at the age of 18 must register for the draft. You can guess why. Service will be mandatory in the time of a national emergency. Is this bad?
  • Try living without water or paying sewage service. What will happen is a lien will be filed and eventually your house will be sold to pay for it. Is it wrong to mandate that people can't crap in their yards or pour it onto the sidewalk?
  • You can avoid paying for roads if you don't go anywhere, so you've got me there.
  • Obamacare was never free if a person had the means to pay for it. You are just plain wrong there. The bill does expand medical care coverage to people without the means. Do you have a problem with a child getting care even if their parents don't make enough to pay for it?
And finally, what you call socialism is actually communism. They are different. Neither describe the US at any time in history.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman guilty.

Darren Wilson guilty.

Bernie Sanders.

Ranking based on Probability having nothing to do with probability.

etc, etc...


Well-Known Member
Are you sure he can understand this language?
he threw a hissy fit and put me on ignore because i kept repeating the things he used to repeat (until reality proved that the things he was repeating are retarded).

if that's not funny, i don't know what is. he can't stand having to look at the very things he has written.