Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
Thats good . Cant abide people who cry about paying taxes and get back twice what they loaned the government .
Chicken tire wheel drum goes under fox shooting carpet.

But anyway, back to sanity. I paid those taxes, but my tax basis is about 24%, I have a fair amount of earned income credits and other deduction credits that I have as passthroughs from my business.


Well-Known Member
Listen you degenerate, I never suggested any details on how people should raise their children. I said I am against any and all indoctrination of our youth. You are obviously just a degenerate troll, taking up my valuable time.

You know all those rounds just make fun noises when they bounce off......

I never said you suggested any details, did though.....

I`m glad you didn`t run.

You don`t always need to go into details when tell someone how to do something.

I like had success with letting my youth be indoctrinated and then decide later if mommy and daddy were lying and telling stories. And you claim to have issues with that. You`re entitled, I don`t care, and good for you.

Still though, short fuse,...I`m glad you didn`t run.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that is some sort of a star trek joke but I do not get it. Anyways, it's nothing personal towards you, it's your assumption that indoctrinating our youth, is okay, that rubs me the wrong way.

Excuse me,...

It`s my assumption ? I told you I had success with that experiment. That`s a result Spock.


Well-Known Member
My opinions (also known as facts) are derived from much studying and the evidence both sides present.I apologize if the data has forced me to be atheist but math and science make much more sense then your imaginary friend in the sky.View attachment 3474296
See, it is all about perception. For some reason you think that due to my questions that I somehow believe in Jesus and you immediately attack what you believe to be my religion. Now, is that based in fear or were you just born a dick?

If you talk to a Physicist they can tell you that we have identified the solid matter in the universe and it comes to about 4-6% Which means the matter we cannot identify is over 90% of the universe. What we know of the universe due to science changes every day. To proclaim your beliefs are sound based upon a changing base of knowledge is foolish.

Maybe there is a god, maybe there isnt a god maybe there are infinite gods. The people who are agnostics I can understand. It is the people that claim to be athiests that amuse me. You cling to your beliefs as ardently as the religious people with as much proof. Two sides of the same coin ;]

By the way, where did you get all this evidence? Was it from what people told you and what was written down? What do you call that sometimes?


By the way, do you use religion to grow your plants, or do you use science? You're welcome.
Mr know it all here will start to agree with you once he knows he is proved wrong, don't mind him. He is still trying to figure out how to make a funny. Don't call his data lies. He knows everything for a fact. He will begin to call you names. Don't make him mad his vocabulary might increase substanially.


Well-Known Member
You need to die to find out, you haven`t gone that route yet.

I use the sun, cuz it`s free and I got more time than cash.....
Funny story about the sun. Remember how religious degenerates used to think the Earth was the center of the universe and everything orbited the Earth? Then remember science, more specifically, Nicolaus Copernicus, smashed that religious and prehistoric theory?


Active Member
Chicken tire wheel drum goes under fox shooting carpet.

Im @ 39 % or so as the funds come from legal settlements .Next year whatever the ebay business generates .No debts. no problem . I have no idea what your post means .None.


Well-Known Member
Mr know it all here will start to agree with you once he knows he is proved wrong, don't mind him. He is still trying to figure out how to make a funny. Don't call his data lies. He knows everything for a fact. He will begin to call you names. Don't make him increase his vocabulary might increase substanially.
What do I owe the pleasure of having two degenerates in one thread?