Is my plant ready or should i wait?

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys! i am new here and its my first time growing weed. i was in amsterdam and got some ROYAL DWARF seeds with me! i have planted one of them and its fully grown now i guess, but i dont know if its ready to start drying it or no. i am going to upload some pictures of it.Is my plant ready? HELP ME PLEASEIMG_7523.JPGIMG_7524.JPG IMG_7523.JPG IMG_7523.JPG IMG_7524.JPG
Look at the trichomes with a magnifying glass. If they are milky/cloudy and NOT clear - they are close to being mature. Look for ⅔ of the trichomes to turn amber before cutting down.

Hang it upside down by the stem with a clothes pen on hanger in your closet. Keep an eye on it around day 6 as it could be done that fast if it's not humid where you live.
Enjoy your beautiful herb!

RoyalDwarf grows quickly, reaching an average height of 40 to 60 cm. Ready for harvest in just 8 to 9 weeks. ... Floweringtime 6-7 Weeks;

How long have they been in a 12 hour of darkness period for flowering?
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Look at the trichomes with a magnifying glass. If they are milky/cloudy and NOT clear - they are close to being mature. Look for ⅔ of the trichomes to turn amber before cutting down.

Hang it upside down by the stem with a clothes pen on hanger in your closet. Keep an eye on it around day 6 as it could be done that fast if it's not humid where you live.
Enjoy your beautiful herb!
Look at the trichomes with a magnifying glass. If they are milky/cloudy and NOT clear - they are close to being mature. Look for ⅔ of the trichomes to turn amber before cutting down.

Hang it upside down by the stem with a clothes pen on hanger in your closet. Keep an eye on it around day 6 as it could be done that fast if it's not humid where you live.
Enjoy your beautiful herb!

RoyalDwarf grows quickly, reaching an average height of 40 to 60 cm. Ready for harvest in just 8 to 9 weeks. ... Floweringtime 6-7 Weeks;

How long have they been in a 12 hour of darkness period for flowering?
thank you dude:) its been been flowering for like 6 weeks! i dont get what you mean by 12 hours of darkness period for flowering, its the first time i grow weed and i lack experience. So i need your help plz
Microwave the buds for 10 seconds on a paper plate to kill off the mites so they don't eat the bud while it's drying.

You need to kill that plant and start a super clean up to get rid of the mites for any future grow.

are you sure its ready??
No I'm not sure..but you have hundreds of bugs on your plant. You can't ignore that.if you wait the quality may be worse than it would be if you were to pull it this stage you won't be able to spray them..It's infested brother take what you can before it all goes to shit.
how do i do that? i cut down the plant then do what? im a bit confused now :confused:
Then you'll have dead bug body's stuck to your should just let them walk away . Use double sided tape on each end of the drying line or something. I wouldn't kill them on the nugs tho. unless u like smoking bugs
Cut the plant at its base. Get rid of the super infested leaves cut all of those off asap. Hang the entire plant upside down.the bugs will crawl to the top use double sided tape to catch anything
Cut the plant at its base. Get rid of the super infested leaves cut all of those off asap. Hang the entire plant upside down.the bugs will crawl to the top use double sided tape to catch anything
ok so i take of the plant,keep the roots then cut the leaves then put it upside down in my closet? how do i put the double sided tape? thanks for helping bro
ok so i take of the plant,keep the roots then cut the leaves then put it upside down in my closet? how do i put the double sided tape? thanks for helping bro
leave the roots in the pot.. cut here right above the soil.20150807_110956.jpg
Then hang lines or a line like this20141106_002129.jpg in a dark cool area with air movement. Don't point the fan directly at them you just need air to circulate.see the yellow rope in using you can put double sided tape on each end. The mites will climb up the hanging plant then walk the rope to try to leave when they hit the end of the rope they get stuck to the tape.
I'm seeing way too many spider mites to let it hang for a week while they much theh shit out of the buds so I'd cut the plant into pieces that would fit into a microwave.
Nuked each plate 10 seconds at a time then hung to dry.... I never saw any live mites on the smoke when it was dry!