possible yield


Active Member
Have had these vegging for 50 days under 8 hours direct sunlight. They are in a mix of 2 gallon, one gallon and half gallon pots. I will be transplanting all into 5 gallons tomorrow and should start flowering in the next few weeks. The heights are between one and 2 feet tall with most being around 2 feet. This is my first grow and just curious if anyone saw the potential for any of these plants to yield 3-4 ounces.



Active Member
Makes sense. Well..assuming all goes well and theres no real pest problems im hoping to get around 3-4 oz. Ive seen other plants of comparable size turn out nice weights. These will veg atleast another week or so in 5 gallons. Transplanting tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Makes sense. Well..assuming all goes well and theres no real pest problems im hoping to get around 3-4 oz. Ive seen other plants of comparable size turn out nice weights. These will veg atleast another week or so in 5 gallons. Transplanting tomorrow.
Good luck man and keep us posted. I'd love to see what you ended up with. What area are you in?


Well-Known Member
In canada, If its that size in the pictures above when it goes into flower that's about an ounce to two oz . So if she doubles in size before flower you should get a quarter pound yes. But overall it comes down to genetics when growing outdoors and pot size makes a huge difference to man you would be surprised on how much bigger a plant will grow in a 15-20 gallon pot, and not nessisarily in height but branches!!!