Germination trouble or a false concern?


Active Member
So, I bought 6 Special Queens from Royal Queen, great stuff! I had them all germinate, the seeds were 4 lighter green with almost none black signs on them, then the two other were darker in green and with normally spread black signs on them. One of the darker green seeds was a bit larger than all the rest.
So Before 7 days I put them to germinate in soil directly, on day 2, 3 of them were above the soil, the next 2 went the other day, so on day 3 I have 5 of them out and growing as fast as I never seen my cannabis grow! But the 6th, the largest of them the one from the two darker in color on day 6 was still not showing up! The others already put up the second pair of their regular, not seedling leaves and this baby is still not above the soil!
Concerned about that I very delicately dig it up on day 6th and examine the issue, what I find is about a centimeter long root, biggest germination root I seen ever, it's about as large as the seed it's popping out of lol, this root is white-ish, sorta yellowing in nuance (- I guess due to the dirt?) and is hard to the touch. The seed's shell is cracked but it also remains hard to the touch!

What I had before was seeds rotting while germinating, the seed's root was really soft in that case.

Now, my question is, am I dealing with a hardcore motherfucker that's gonna get some more time until fully germinate, a mutant of a kind or something else I cannot provide a thought of? At the very least has someone else experienced a such issue before?

This is day 7 by the way, I don't think it has grown at all, but maybe it has a liiitle bit? Could also the hard shell be making it go harder in order to crack it?

I could dig it out and provide a low quality picture in a few hours @Work atm.

Peace brothers and sisters, tokers! Long live the planet's savior plant!

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
If the soil is moist - not wet and the seed isn't buried too deep it should be growing and breaking through the surface. Is the container the seed is growing in kept around 75 to 80 degrees? When I go grow from seed I make a small hole no more than an inch deep - drop the seed in with the root part heading down. Have the seed head sitting just on the top and put a leaf over it so it dosen't freak from sudden light. Once the seed starts to take of let it get plenty of light... Only touch the plant with an instrument - don't touch it with skin as it has oil on it...


Active Member
Well I germinate directly in soil, works best for me, so I just drop the seed as-is in a small hole you said, the soil's temperature is about 25 - 28 celsius, air is 32 - 34 +. It's moist, but not wet. The concern is really why is the seed taking so long to sprout and why does it looks like stunted pretty much now. My best guesses are the shell is too hard to break fully so the seed can continue growing, or mutation, or nutrient lockout, but the soil is the very same in all the 6 containers, so it shouldn't be that likely.


Well-Known Member
Some seeds are duds. It happens...

Id suggest letting it go. Dont dig it up, just keep it watered and under light. Who knows it might be a beast of a plant just taking its time.

This round of seeds most of mine showed taproots after 24hrs, but a few of them never opened. I left em in the paper towel and checked a few days later and they all caught up.


Well-Known Member
Nothing you can do at this point besides wait. Don't handle it. I've had seeds (of many types of plant) fail at different stages and I've had seeds that seemed like they were failing grow into fine plants. As Molly mentioned, some just don't make it so don't stress if it doesn't do anything for you.


Active Member
Maybe, I'm a bit too anxious indeed, I have 5 going in full strength! I'm just a perfectionist as well! Thank you everyone for the input in my thread guys! :)


Active Member
Well, this fella didn't make it! Just for further reference for anyone. :) He just rotted away in the dirt. But the other 5 are going well, or I'm not sure how to even call that!!! :D They already have trichomes o_O