Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
So if republicans won't vote for him. How can he be a threat to the Republican party if he runs as independent?
Because most of his fan base are republicans & they will follow him away from the party & dilute their chances of winning. He won't drain many democratic votes away....


Well-Known Member
Trump will single handedly sink the republicans in 2016....
So if republicans won't vote for him. How can he be a threat to the Republican party if he runs as independent?
Because most of his fan base are republicans & they will follow him away from the party & dilute their chances of winning. He won't drain many democratic votes away....
So you are saying Donald Trump IS the republican party

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
i just knew you ate a lot of the free government cheese, even though you had to defraud the government to get it.

enjoy that welfare, ya cheating little welfare rat!
I guess you are still a little bit pissed off at that ass whopping you took. You may not ever get over that. fuck that had to hurt.