uk police no longer to target small grower


Well-Known Member
i see it like this the goverment must have given the police the nod to not take action againts simple grows for personal use the law is uk law the cannabis is illegal so if its legal in durham it legaly is legal in outher citys and town as we all follow the same law one town carnt have a diffrent law to outher as we all are in the same country
i think what there sayig is if you grow small say max 4 plant and dont brag and bost sell the product you will not be busted
this sounds like a fair comprimise to the legality of cannabis and about bloody time aswell


Well-Known Member

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
The 2012 guidlelines state a grower can grow 9 plants and only get caution so just grow 9 beasts☺ this new soft approach is great and i think if your in durham or surrey you could grow around 15-20 plants and still get slap on wrist if caught as you can say you are growing to make oils for edibles creams etc


Well-Known Member
The 2012 guidlelines state a grower can grow 9 plants and only get caution so just grow 9 beasts☺ this new soft approach is great and i think if your in durham or surrey you could grow around 15-20 plants and still get slap on wrist if caught as you can say you are growing to make oils for edibles creams etc
Or you could stay legal! Set up a perpetual grow harvest every month would be my choice.

Son of a collier

Well-Known Member
in a bid to legalise cannabis the uk police has stated thay will no longer target or arrest small personal grows unless comaplints are made or your being blatant about it
full story below
Good move in the right direction i have to say, although around here it's local "amoeba chavvy" you have to look out for, they'll nick the eyes out of your head if your not looking.


Well-Known Member
My town has a bad drug problem in that if weed were legal no one here would smoke it preferring instead coke. Sounds stupid but most peeps here arent trying to expand their mind but be involved in illegal activities and crime. Theres no market for legal highs round my parts its sad!

Son of a collier

Well-Known Member
Well in Scotland's papers their BOASTING about busting 33 different houses with a 1.2m haul..........lmfao........they look at one plant being worth£4000......fkn clowns.....:wall:.......
i live in thanet mate the rectum of southeastern britain , they think we get 50 quid for a henry ....dunno where they score but its not thanet...if anyone thought you had 50 quid they'd kick ur ass and u get no weed to boot lol


Well-Known Member
Never heard of a Henry before mate .......£50 gets you 5g where I am.......if your lucky....sometimes you would be lucky to walk away with 3 1/2 g if the shit is good......that's why I started doing my own thing........and man am I glad I did.......I adore growing and anything £ is a bonus.......


Well-Known Member
Idk? but I won't be letting My guard down with dibbles anytime soon.. .. just because 1 Plod says "We ain't Targeting Percy Throwers no more" and the amount a "Bust/Raid" is worth is always Bigged up by Old Bill, Tha ain't got a Clue on what weights you get for ya monies.. ..I refuse to Buy off the Cretins round our way.. 0.7g = Tenner. .. can kiss my ass!!