Multiculturalism Myth

Is he still mad about the whole confederate flag thing?...
Still would imply i was mad about it to begin with.....How many times are people going to let that divide and conquer them? It comes up every few think this was the last time youll hear about it? sad...
Still would imply i was mad about it to begin with.....How many times are people going to let that divide and conquer them? It comes up every few think this was the last time youll hear about it? sad...
I'm glad the finally put it away....
wouldnt they be for black separatism? wouldnt i be inclined to let them separate from the governments institutionalized racism for all people of all color? i would absolutely let them separate, i dont want to enslave them, you might, but not probably want ben carson to save your life if he was in the right place at right you wouldnt care he was angry black kid once, then.
Define "people of color".
Now a days that's a pretty ambiguous title.
Now I will soon be told to leave.... Why? Because they want relatively homogeneous people here in their forum community.... Thus proving my point of the original post.
Nice racial epithet there. See racism exist in all people. You prove my points valid. Thank you.
You poor oppressed white guy...
The site blows. I posted in grow and no responses. Seems only douchey people are active in threads made for baiting, sharking, and trolling.

You should go to Stormfront, there are plenty of people there who share your views who will welcome you since you hate it here so much.

Buh-bye peckerwood.
Processes leading to cultural change include resistance to it. Resistance to it has some benefit in that it slows it down but you are wrong in your summation. Do you honestly believe we are better off living in areas of race? It is true that integration has been forced through trade route building and the likes. It is true that democracy is a farce and this whole shitty system is just smoke and mirrors. But what is also true is that we are all brothers and sisters in this shit. All we want is peace and to not worry about our next meal. Racial propaganda is a tool to aid capitalism. It is used to weaken the bargaining power of the working class. You are ascribing to their indoctrination brother, think critically. Even culture is an invention, part of the interwoven web of control to separate us all and distract our attention.
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Processes leading to cultural change include resistance to it. Resistance to it has some benefit in that it slows it down but you are wrong in your summation. Do you honestly believe we are better off living in areas of race? It is true that integration has been forced through trade route building and the likes. It is true that democracy is a farce and this whole shitty system is just smoke and mirrors. But what is also true is that we are all brothers and sisters in this shit. All we want is peace and to not worry about our next meal. Racial propaganda is a tool to aid capitalism. It is used to weaken the bargaining power of the working class. You are ascribing to their indoctrination brother, think critically.

bravo! standing o! :clap: +rep!!!

we are all born to this planet, in the same way we die..alone and equal to all.

and the next time some smart ass thinks that just because they are wealthy and can afford mausoleum space their body is safe; keep in mind the whiteflies still get matter what..even that fancy $20k casket with locks and seals can't keep you from being eaten..somehow this give me great pleasure in knowing this:wink:

and if you are jewish..after the 1st anniversary (yahrzeit)..your family doesn't give a shit about you and hire professional yahrzeit mourners because they can't be bothered.
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Dream big.
You mean work hard and farm? Nice thing about farming is you'll never go hungry. A little hard work goes a long way. I'm not worried about your next meal. If you don't have a next meal maybe ask you brothers and sisters for one instead of getting the government you love to force one for you. That's all I'm saying. Absolutely no government is needed and these intellectually inept people want socialism??? Holy fuck!!!