Donald Trump Leading The Republicans

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Well cmon think about it no different then the F 35 failure big corporations collecting billions of dollars and you as a american citizen stuck with the bill paying for garage

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
You will get a lot of sticks and stones to your face should you utter that outside of your mom's basement.
lol sorry i do not live in USA haha Whats it at now around 25 - percent of the youth have moved back home whats the chances of you living in your parents basement i would say its high
As for me i own my own house shit i own a Zr1 Vette a Cobra i payed my dues and life is great and yes i can call anyone i like what ever i like haha cause i can

The land of the free and the land of the brave also happens to be the land of some of the most racist people in the world. Although the picture we see of USA is through a rose-tinted glass and it all seems flowers and butterflies, the actual case is quite different. In the Deep South and Mid-West regions like Arizona, Missouri, Mississippi etc, racism is an everyday thing. Be it against Asians, Africans, South Americans or even the actual people of USA – the Native Americans. Cases of hate and hate due to color of skin are ever-increasing and unless we change the mentality of the people, no law is going to change anything.


Well-Known Member
lol sorry i do not live in USA haha Whats it at now around 25 - percent of the youth have moved back home whats the chances of you living in your parents basement i would say its high
As for me i own my own house shit i own a Zr1 Vette a Cobra i payed my dues and life is great and yes i can call anyone i like what ever i like haha cause i can

The land of the free and the land of the brave also happens to be the land of some of the most racist people in the world. Although the picture we see of USA is through a rose-tinted glass and it all seems flowers and butterflies, the actual case is quite different. In the Deep South and Mid-West regions like Arizona, Missouri, Mississippi etc, racism is an everyday thing. Be it against Asians, Africans, South Americans or even the actual people of USA – the Native Americans. Cases of hate and hate due to color of skin are ever-increasing and unless we change the mentality of the people, no law is going to change anything.
I didn't say you lived in the U.S.A. I nominate you as the toughest keyboard gangsta, I have seen today. You strike fear in many.



Well-Known Member
Thats the problem with people like you , If someone disagrees with you then there racists and idiots . Stop being so narrow minded , open your eyes and pay attention to what is going on. Me calling someone a monkey is a not racist IMO , I didn't call the guy a stupid nigger who has depleted and wasted our money and spent more time on golf then any other president in history , even though it is true. And I would love for you to go down to detroit or any other city in the country and get along with the roving gangs of blacks , you will be face down dead and raped in the gutter before the night is over.
you are a very stupid racist.

have you considered suicide yet?


Well-Known Member
I only hope the Donald keeps his promise NOT to support the Rep nominee & runs on his own......he will split the party & hand the presidency to the Dems..
I hope Trump is a man of his word..
He didn't make that promise. He just said he might. Wishful thinking again.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
I didn't say you lived in the U.S.A. I nominate you as the toughest keyboard gangsta, I have seen today. You strike fear in many.

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lol see this gets even more funnier by the second i mean when someone is correct he gets bashed or called a loser or racist or what ever..
But the truth is and whats even more funnier is people like you and uncle buck screaming racism at every chance you get lol
and most importantly blind to whats actually happening in USA

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
kill yourself!
84 thousand posts since 2010?? You really need a life out side of your parents basement kid . He who has the most posts on RIU does nothing for you in life other then make you an awesome keyboard ninja . I feel bad for people like you . On the bright side there is therapy in your area I'm sure. You should work on getting some when your not busy trying to get other people on here to see how awesome you are. You have yet to give one valid point in all your racist finger pointing posts. I told you the second time i posted, If me calling the current useless bag of cocks president a monkey is racist then oh well I guess I am . I would much rather be a racist then to hold your title . Once again , Have a good evening and I hope you seek some treatment for your issues , BB


Well-Known Member
84 thousand posts since 2010?? You really need a life out side of your parents basement kid . He who has the most posts on RIU does nothing for you in life other then make you an awesome keyboard ninja . I feel bad for people like you . On the bright side there is therapy in your area I'm sure. You should work on getting some when your not busy trying to get other people on here to see how awesome you are. You have yet to give one valid point in all your racist finger pointing posts. I told you the second time i posted, If me calling the current useless bag of cocks president a monkey is racist then oh well I guess I am . I would much rather be a racist then to hold your title . Once again , Have a good evening and I hope you seek some treatment for your issues , BB
i make a lot of posts making fun of racists like you.

say good evening again!

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
yo herban think what you like dude i really do not care Trump is the best USA has as for next president lol sad but true
And no matter who becomes president the real truth is the economic horror that is about to unleash in next couple years will change USA as you know it just the other day was talking to neighbor he has was telling me how he is purchasing a 90,000 US motor home for only 15,000 US and going on how people are unloading shit cheap hell made me decide to look at a nice boat instead of paying stupid money just buy one from some hurting american lol


Well-Known Member
yo herban think what you like dude i really do not care Trump is the best USA has as for next president lol sad but true
And no matter who becomes president the real truth is the economic horror that is about to unleash in next couple years will change USA as you know it just the other day was talking to neighbor he has was telling me how he is purchasing a 90,000 US motor home for only 15,000 US and going on how people are unloading shit cheap hell made me decide to look at a nice boat instead of paying stupid money just buy one from some hurting american lol
It is unequivocal, a collapse is coming. But guess what? When the U.S. starts to sink, along comes the rest of western economies, with it.