Spider-mites Pesticide


Hi all,
Greetings from the middle east.

Spider mites - those basters.....well I've chosen and used the organic method, sprayed the planets a week ago and another round today.

my babies a in all stages, grow stage, start flowering, middle stage and few are getting closer to the final flower stage (i use the stage and not week# as i thing its different with the outgrows)

well basically my Q is what is the harm by using organic Pesticide instead of bio Pesticide,
Does it have an effect on the final quality?
Should I tread the ladies differently than just 2 weeks flushing at the end?

The Pesticide I've used mention that last use can be done no later then 2 days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
You can rinse your foliage with water before crop if you think you can avoid mold if you spray with something nasty or that leaves a taste. Don't use strong smelling oils during flower.

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
After the war I went through for 9 months it's hard for me to think about dealing with them again. I'm super careful on entering new clones. Got mine from StrainBank out of San Deigo - They guarantee no spider mites...

After the plants went beyond 3 weeks of flowering the plants where sprayed with water - then dirt floor sprayed with clorox to kill the mites.
Buds were cut short enough to microwave for 10 seconds a plate. I smoked all those dead suckers - taste and herb was good, but would have been
better if so many trichomes hadn't been sprayed away! Didn't want mites eating at the buds while drying so they got nuked.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, never thought of microwaving buds, that kind of scares me. I'd think the tiny trichomes would evaporate off before the bud even warmed up, that could explain the lack of the buzz. Spidermites can come from anywhere, I get them from my apple trees. I would cut them down if they didn't give me the privacy I need to keep the prying eyes of my neighbors from spotting my garden.

If you aren't in flower (or at least 8 weeks away minimum) I would recommend using the hardcore stuff. Use it preemptively in veg and you'll likely avoid the problem completely. Just always remember to wear a full face mask, the proper cartridges, and a rainsuit or disposable saftey suit. If you get them good in veg and don't have to reapply I do not think any test results would pop up as positive on your meds. Also, if you aren't in flower, 70% Isopropyl works great if your plants aren't showing any signs of damage, it kills eggs and bugs, but if you have blemishes those will get worse from the Isopropyl. Otherwise the plants are none-the-wiser. Pyrethrin and Dr. Bronners Peppermint soap also work great, peppermint soap with anything seems to work really good.


Well-Known Member
Spinosad, Nuke Em, Big Time Exterminator, and MyCotrol-O are all organic options that are safe to use in flowering. Nuke Em and Big Time Exterminator are supposed to fight mold as well. I've personally used all of these things on flowering plants with no ill effects. I usually don't spray the last week of flower but that's just personal preference.


Well-Known Member
Spinosad, Nuke Em, Big Time Exterminator, and MyCotrol-O are all organic options that are safe to use in flowering. Nuke Em and Big Time Exterminator are supposed to fight mold as well. I've personally used all of these things on flowering plants with no ill effects. I usually don't spray the last week of flower but that's just personal preference.
your up early dear . or late hahaha
did you notice any similarities between the nuke em and the big time exterminator?
i am loving my big time .


Well-Known Member
your up early dear . or late hahaha
did you notice any similarities between the nuke em and the big time exterminator?
i am loving my big time .
Stayed up late making hash. I've personally only used the Nuke Em, Spino, and MyCotrol but I'm pretty sure the Nuke Em and big time are the same stuff. They don't have the big time at my local shop but my buddies up north use it with great things to say about it. I'm happy with the results I've seen in my garden as well.


Well-Known Member
I think Nuke 'em is a bacteria that grows on the bug until it hollows them out and leaves just a white husk of a mummy behind. Big Time Exterminator is a detergent with a mix of pest-smothering oils in it. I've used the Big Time, and I must say, I was not at all impressed with it's mite killing abilities as a foliar spray. However, as a soil-drench, one which you can use every watering and feeding, it is the most effective organic gnat/root aphid killer I have ever used. And for that reason I will always have a bottle on hand and use it every time I water. As a drench it only takes 2-3ml a gal which really stretches out a jug.

My buddy used Nuke em to get rid of mites, root aphids, and a few other pests. He says it works great but it takes a while for it to start working, for that reason it's probably best to start using it at first sign of infestation or as a preventative. If you get a real bad infestation I'd start with a knock-down like pyrethrin, and then use something like Nuke 'em or Big Time.


Well-Known Member
After the war I went through for 9 months it's hard for me to think about dealing with them again. I'm super careful on entering new clones. Got mine from StrainBank out of San Deigo - They guarantee no spider mites...

After the plants went beyond 3 weeks of flowering the plants where sprayed with water - then dirt floor sprayed with clorox to kill the mites.
Buds were cut short enough to microwave for 10 seconds a plate. I smoked all those dead suckers - taste and herb was good, but would have been
better if so many trichomes hadn't been sprayed away! Didn't want mites eating at the buds while drying so they got nuked.
you didn't need to do that brother. after cutting the plant down, the mites scramble off them over night, like fleas off a deer...
what I like to do is smear some of that sap-like stuff at the base of the plant, and when you hang it upside down, you'll see a glob of mites at the base of the plant, tryin to escape up..
at that point, when they are all a glob at the base, at THAT point... is when I get my butane torch that I use for soldering... and I fuckin flambe those little bitches... and dance around the fire afterwards.
their webs are surprisingly flammable..
:fire: :finger:


Well-Known Member
I think Nuke 'em is a bacteria that grows on the bug until it hollows them out and leaves just a white husk of a mummy behind. Big Time Exterminator is a detergent with a mix of pest-smothering oils in it. I've used the Big Time, and I must say, I was not at all impressed with it's mite killing abilities as a foliar spray. However, as a soil-drench, one which you can use every watering and feeding, it is the most effective organic gnat/root aphid killer I have ever used. And for that reason I will always have a bottle on hand and use it every time I water. As a drench it only takes 2-3ml a gal which really stretches out a jug.

My buddy used Nuke em to get rid of mites, root aphids, and a few other pests. He says it works great but it takes a while for it to start working, for that reason it's probably best to start using it at first sign of infestation or as a preventative. If you get a real bad infestation I'd start with a knock-down like pyrethrin, and then use something like Nuke 'em or Big Time.
Its the spino and MyCotrol that are made from bacteria. Actually the MyCrotrol is from a fungus and Spinosad is bacteria. The Big time and Nuke Em are both made from citric acid and yeast enzymes. I've been doing big time homework on pest sprays this season trying to stay ahead of of the russet and broad mites that are trending.


I had good luck with the Nuke Em to battle white flies and thrips that started trying to invade. But I always alternate multiple sprays so it was just part of a one two punch.
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Well-Known Member
you didn't need to do that brother. after cutting the plant down, the mites scramble off them over night, like fleas off a deer...
what I like to do is smear some of that sap-like stuff at the base of the plant, and when you hang it upside down, you'll see a glob of mites at the base of the plant, tryin to escape up..
at that point, when they are all a glob at the base, at THAT point... is when I get my butane torch that I use for soldering... and I fuckin flambe those little bitches... and dance around the fire afterwards.
their webs are surprisingly flammable..
:fire: :finger:
I 100% agree with you. When I had mite problems I would hang my buds and come back to see the chain I hung them from was crawling with mites that had migrated up looking for fresh green growth to attack. They leave behind a few eggs, but I'd rather smoke bugs than chemical bug sprays....

Spino and neem alternated in veg, then Spino, Nuke Em, and Mycotrol in flower will keep the fuckers at bay.


Well-Known Member
I 100% agree with you. When I had mite problems I would hang my buds and come back to see the chain I hung them from was crawling with mites that had migrated up looking for fresh green growth to attack. They leave behind a few eggs, but I'd rather smoke bugs than chemical bug sprays....

Spino and neem alternated in veg, then Spino, Nuke Em, and Mycotrol in flower will keep the fuckers at bay.
oh damn... reminds me of a BAD infestation I got this last run, it was a big girl scout cookie that my friend grew in soil with chemicals and a small pot (poor lady) anyways it got especially hot one weekend, and I must have missed the first signs (none of my plants got webbed) but his GSC was literally DRIPPING with mite globs, like over about 30 hrs or so. They were on my plants too, but only lightly, they definetly preferred the chemical GSC over my organic plants... Could be coincidence, but they were all touching, and the GSC was almost in the middle, important to note I use crushed bugs, shrimp meal, and crab meal for as much chitin as I can get, whether or not that's the reason, who's to say...
BUT the evidence doesn't lie, that poor GSC was webbed worse than I have EVER seen in my life, and I've seen waaaaaaaay more mites than i'd like to admit... but everyplace I've grown has been like mite heaven, so sadly i'm accustomed to dealing with them.
Preventative maintenance is the key with those bastards.. but even still..
I do take GREAT pleasure in lighting those globs on fire though... i'm serious... It's almost alarming.