any guess on potential yield

I just looked at your posts here and you where asking if its male or female on july 30th.. how the fuck u gonna tell me these plants gonna finish the end of september? These have to start budding before you can predict two months from now!! Man dont come here and pretend you know what your doing! Becuse you dont!
The sun schedule changes in September and your grow will not get enough light.
We're stating the truth! Ur better off finishing indoors.
Noobs gotta love them..bongsmilie
Id advise you to get a good grow guide and pay attention to people that know what theyre talking about. Thats who i listen to as well as a few local growers when i need solid fact on cannabis growing. You have too many grows under your belt to be so ignorant when it comes to what youre doing. Think about your logic. You say that theres no way that a plant that starts flowering at the beginning of august can finish by october. Thats nearly 9 weeks. The strains im growing take 8-9 weeks. I got the seeds from a friend whos been growing them for a few years. His plants harvest at the end of September and are fully mature buds. His plants started flowering this year at the beginning of August also. You sir are wrong. You have too little of facts and not enough grow knowledge to even begin to make the statements that you made with any true conviction. Not trying to start a fight now. Ive argued enough with some of these smart ass know-it-alls on here to last me a lifetime. Your statements were pretty stupid to say the least . i cant believe that you typed that and actually posted it. Did you actually re- read that and think to yourself " got em!! Sounds great!"? Lol. Sorry for picking on you but i cant help it. My best advice to you would be to get a good grow guide and actually let the knowledge soak in
Heres a pic of a 3 oz plant. My plants are just as big now and have as much branching and theyre just beginning flower. I find it hard to believe i will get just an 8th


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U are a fucking idiot. You have probably never grown. Dont talk about me bein a newbie

hahhahahahaha. why you so silly?
you come asking the one ? we dont ask . be thankful your plants are alive . if they give you 10lbs make it work . if they give you 10 grams make that work too.... like @ruby fruit said FUCK OFF BACK TO FACEBOOK .... have a nice day....

edit : man once ruby gets on a thread it GOES off !! funny stuff and some good advice @BuzzD2Kill
If you can answer your own questions, why are you wasting everybody's time asking. Also after drying that 1st pic would probably be an oz!
You're wasting your own time. I didnt yank u by the arm and pull u into this conversation. The people saying ill get an 8th or a half oz are complete fucktards
I have plenty of time between growing my giants. Just having some fun watching you embarrass urself.
Whats embarrassing is that people like u and these other morons predict an eighth of bud off these plants. You obviously have no grow knowledge. I doubt those plants are yours. All of the people who predicted multiple ounces per plant seemed legit by their profiles...the most legit on this post. The rest of you are obviously trolls..haters and sad sacks of shit who couldnt tell the difference between cannabis and a fern if you stumbled across both. Sadly..all you know in your pathetic life is black cock and being a cuckold at home.
I guess a 20 pound harvest for you. That is my 1st prediction. Never made one before this. Hope that prediction and my profile qualify as legit to you. Lols thank god school starts soon. Enjoy your hemp.
I guess a 20 pound harvest for you. That is my 1st prediction. Never made one before this. Hope that prediction and my profile qualify as legit to you. Lols thank god school starts soon. Enjoy your hemp.
Ill enjoy the multiple ounces of dank bud ill be pulling from these ladies. Very excited for school to start as well. Then i will not have to worry about running into the likes of you. I understand that you are going through puberty and its very stressful with all the feelings and the jacking off with stolen family members panties but u gotta get a grip on yourself and atleast try to act like an adult
You're wasting your own time. I didnt yank u by the arm and pull u into this conversation. The people saying ill get an 8th or a half oz are complete fucktards
You might wind up with an 8th how do you know what a plant grown from seed will produce? How do you know your plants are going to format huge nuts like that. Even if they do how do you know it won't mold or get eaten by bugs. How do you know the sun is going to be strong enough in Ohio to compare to a plant grown in a artificial environment Under a hid light ..HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW? That's what I want to know.
Dannyboy.... Ugh....

These guys might be assholes, but they know their shit. Ive been snooping on rollitup since i was 13... These guys your calling noobs... Are RIGHT!

Get some deer repellent, rabbit repellent, a perimeter bug control and act quickly. Your plants are going to get eaten.

I live in PA, what part of ohio are you in? If your willing to take a road trip after your plants die i can hook you up with some good buddies of mine. Just dont mouth off to them like you do online ;)

Anyway, your not going to get as much as you expect. They will be light airy buds, outdoor crops USUALLY (not always) are. That means that a plant equal size and shape and everything else, will produce less weight than its indoor counterpart.

Also, the sun is currently you enemy. What time did the sun rise today? When will it set?

Average first frost in your area? Mine is 9/26, which means my two outdoor experiments will probably not make it. The frost WILL kill them... Period. You may have to chop early.

Personally, i grow indoors, i just threw 2 seedlings in my yard to see what would happen, ones dying and the other is healthy. They get no attention except i look at them once a day. Water from the rain, thats it.

Weed is a plant.... A weed in fact..... You can't grow a weed right... Thats sad.
Ill enjoy the multiple ounces of dank bud ill be pulling from these ladies. Very excited for school to start as well. Then i will not have to worry about running into the likes of you. I understand that you are going through puberty and its very stressful with all the feelings and the jacking off with stolen family members panties but u gotta get a grip on yourself and atleast try to act like an adult
You won't ever run into me, I wouldn't even drive through ohio! Lols I'll enjoy my year round outdoor crop, while you shovel your mom's driveway before you go to school.
You might wind up with an 8th how do you know what a plant grown from seed will produce? How do you know your plants are going to format huge nuts like that. Even if they do how do you know it won't mold or get eaten by bugs. How do you know the sun is going to be strong enough in Ohio to compare to a plant grown in a artificial environment Under a hid light ..HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW? That's what I want to know.
They are the same seeds a friend has grown outside. This is his third year growing them. They harvest in time and pull weight. They produce fat buds. People have been growing here in ohio for years and years outdoor. Believe me..the sun is strong enough. amazed at the brainless things i hear on this post
I personally think you will get 6 ounces in total. Some will be less then an ounce some will be more . for a first time your doing good.. whatever you get is good just stop comparing your shabby plants to best case scenarios. Your plants are not on point they won't max out the way you think they will. I can't even guarantee you they will finish.. for all you know they could die tomorrow. Be humble or you will be disappointed.
Dannyboy.... Ugh....

These guys might be assholes, but they know their shit. Ive been snooping on rollitup since i was 13... These guys your calling noobs... Are RIGHT!

Get some deer repellent, rabbit repellent, a perimeter bug control and act quickly. Your plants are going to get eaten.

I live in PA, what part of ohio are you in? If your willing to take a road trip after your plants die i can hook you up with some good buddies of mine. Just dont mouth off to them like you do online ;)

Anyway, your not going to get as much as you expect. They will be light airy buds, outdoor crops USUALLY (not always) are. That means that a plant equal size and shape and everything else, will produce less weight than its indoor counterpart.

Also, the sun is currently you enemy. What time did the sun rise today? When will it set?

Average first frost in your area? Mine is 9/26, which means my two outdoor experiments will probably not make it. The frost WILL kill them... Period. You may have to chop early.

Personally, i grow indoors, i just threw 2 seedlings in my yard to see what would happen, ones dying and the other is healthy. They get no attention except i look at them once a day. Water from the rain, thats it.

Weed is a plant.... A weed in fact..... You can't grow a weed right... Thats sad.
My buddy has been growing the same seeds outside for 3 yr now. They finish by end of september and buds are fat and not airy like u say
They are the same seeds a friend has grown outside. This is his third year growing them. They harvest in time and pull weight. They produce fat buds. People have been growing here in ohio for years and years outdoor. Believe me..the sun is strong enough. amazed at the brainless things i hear on this post
Don't be dumb .ever hear of different phenotypes? If your not growing from clone you never know.