Bring back the draft

I just asked a simple question. Your ideology is simple. Mine more complex because I think people are complex. I like simple. Where have your simple ideas been realized within a human society and not a book. A society that's larger than a small village, that is. Any time or place is OK.

Where has a "society" ever voluntarily (without force or indoctrination or both) existed? Is that the gist of your question?

If it is your question and no large scale society like that has arisen, you are admitting that your society isn't free and is based in coercion. Why do you continue to think that through systemic coercion based societies somehow something better will result?

You can't bake shit into a Wendy's hamburger and then somehow complain the hamburger tastes like shit, can you?

It sounds like you are saying that coercion is necessary ? Is that your point?
I guess that I could just put him on ignore. The problem is that he appears and drones on as if nobody understands him when his ideas are kindergarten level. So, I pick a simple question and keep repeating it until he goes away again. That way he can't sit back and take his pot shots.

But maybe you are right, just ignore him and talk around his posts. I might try that.

Except your type never ignore people. Your type can't ignore people, you embrace running other peoples lives via your ideology.
You were never gone. A sock puppet appeared about the same time that you "left". I'm wondering if you will keep it now that you are "back"

Nice try. I'm not wearing socks now and my toes are big and hairy.

Also, you seem angry, like you don't like being reminded that your ideology is based in force and mine is based in peaceful and voluntary human relations. I hope you get laid soon and maybe find that little chunk of really good weed you hid. Please smoke it and think happy thoughts.
Where has a "society" ever voluntarily (without force or indoctrination or both) existed? Is that the gist of your question?

If it is your question and no large scale society like that has arisen, you are admitting that your society isn't free and is based in coercion. Why do you continue to think that through systemic coercion based societies somehow something better will result?

You can't bake shit into a Wendy's hamburger and then somehow complain the hamburger tastes like shit, can you?

It sounds like you are saying that coercion is necessary ? Is that your point?
You have a very inflated view of your intellect. You imagine this wonderful place where everybody just does the right thing and then insult the intelligence of anybody that sees complexity as the norm rather than simplicity. Your bigfoot avi is appropriate

So maybe there is one group...
You have a very inflated view of your intellect. You imagine this wonderful place where everybody just does the right thing and then insult the intelligence of anybody that sees complexity as the norm rather than simplicity. Your bigfoot avi is appropriate

So maybe there is one group...

You are faltering. Being peaceful isn't complex, but sometime the rationalizations people use to cover their own indiscretions can get complex as the cognitive dissonance bell in your head rings loudly.

So, Mr. Complex, are you asserting that my ideology based in peaceful human interactions is inferior to your "highly intellectual complex" ideology that makes excuses for systemic coercion?
Except your type never ignore people. Your type can't ignore people, you embrace running other peoples lives via your ideology.
You don't really know anything about me.
You are faltering. Being peaceful isn't complex, but sometime the rationalizations people use to cover their own indiscretions can get complex as the cognitive dissonance bell in your head rings loudly.

So, Mr. Complex, are you asserting that my ideology based in peaceful human interactions is inferior to your "highly intellectual complex" ideology that makes excuses for systemic coercion?
I have no idea how your ideas can be realized. So I'm asking for you to give me a real world example. You can't, so I'm right.
You don't really know anything about me.

I have no idea how your ideas can be realized. So I'm asking for you to give me a real world example. You can't, so I'm right.

I know that you have been rude in the past and miscast my ideology and beliefs. I have thick fur though and am also willing to forgive you.

My idea is realized one person at a time, not collectively by force. I practice peaceful human interactions, what else would you have me do as an individual? Aren't all of us just individuals and only responsible for our own actions?

Also, it seems important to you to be "right". If you are a peaceful person how can you embrace systemic coercion and not be contradictory?
I know that you have been rude in the past and miscast my ideology and beliefs. I have thick fur though and am also willing to forgive you.

My idea is realized one person at a time, not collectively by force. I practice peaceful human interactions, what else would you have me do as an individual? Aren't all of us just individuals and only responsible for our own actions?

Also, it seems important to you to be "right". If you are a peaceful person how can you embrace systemic coercion and not be contradictory?
So all this talk, all this taking of pot shots at others, all your droning on and on about the evil nature of the world is just substance. Your non-violent non-coercive ideas are being gifted to RIU in the interest of bettering us intellectually. OK. Done.
So all this talk, all this taking of pot shots at others, all your droning on and on about the evil nature of the world is just substance. Your non-violent non-coercive ideas are being gifted to RIU in the interest of bettering us intellectually. OK. Done.
It would be nice to see you at the BBQ too Fogdog....
So all this talk, all this taking of pot shots at others, all your droning on and on about the evil nature of the world is just substance. Your non-violent non-coercive ideas are being gifted to RIU in the interest of bettering us intellectually. OK. Done.

I'm sorry you cannot mount a rebuttal to the fact my ideas center on peaceful human interactions and yours do not. Also, you seem angry, take a big hit and smile, It's okay.

Take heart though, Bernie Sanders is gonna make EVERYTHING better, cuz when he steals peoples stuff it's for their own good right?
I'm sorry you cannot mount a rebuttal to the fact my ideas center on peaceful human interactions and yours do not. Also, you seem angry, take a big hit and smile, It's okay.

Take heart though, Bernie Sanders is gonna make EVERYTHING better, cuz when he steals peoples stuff it's for their own good right?
There is nothing to rebut. I get it. Thanks
Fogdog, Project Jade Helm is occurring all across America at this time. Some kind of an expanded 'Robin Sage' type exercise only involving much more than Special Forces. That may just be some new millennial ghillie suit....
So the US is a Panarchist Voluntaryist free trade utopia of no coercion.

No the US is a coercion based geo-political gang held together through means that negate individual consent and redirect it via government word smithing to mean collective acquiescence or apathy etc.

Also, you haven't said inb4 penis or something equally absurd like that in awhile, you feeling okay?