When you burn the roof of your mouth


Active Member
is it just me or have you ever felt your that hungry you just can't wait for your food to cool down.... The prime culprit of mine is pizza, it seems cool enough and then you take a bite and burn the shit out of the roof of your mouth and then for the rest of your night your blagged trying to nurse your mouth lol
What do you use to easy the pain, I'm currently sat here sucking on a ice cube ha.
I saw a couple in the parking lot of a pizza place a while back and both of them grabbed a slice as soon as they got in the car with the box. I never thought of pizza as an eat it on the way home kinda thing.

As said above, pizza rolls always used to fuck me up, cool on the outside.... lava on the inside.
Maybe eat the pizza slice upside down. That way you burn your tongue instead of the roof of your mouth. Your tongue heals a shitload faster than that skin up there.

Or just take a big blast of hot sticky spooge all up in your gaping maw. That should help.
I saw a couple in the parking lot of a pizza place a while back and both of them grabbed a slice as soon as they got in the car with the box. I never thought of pizza as an eat it on the way home kinda thing.

As said above, pizza rolls always used to fuck me up, cool on the outside.... lava on the inside.

Pizza on the way home? I'm guessing they were fat, munchy, or both...
Maybe eat the pizza slice upside down. That way you burn your tongue instead of the roof of your mouth. Your tongue heals a shitload faster than that skin up there.

Or just take a big blast of hot sticky spooge all up in your gaping maw. That should help.
Defiantly risking chin burn like that, you know when you take a bite but then the cheese stays attached and pulls the rest off slapping your chin with "lava" lol
One time I burnt my mouth on some chicks hot kooch. Smelled like the back of your ears or a fat persons belly button, but I ate it anyways... it was out-fucking-standing!:weed:(pretend that weed leaf is a blue waffle)

Anywho, my mouth was on fire for days! I tried everything, I snorted coke, I took a beer enema(how would beer in my butt help my burning mouth? idk but I tried it!) smoked crack rox, injected smack right into the veins of my wiener, but the only thing that helped was some good ole meff.
I don't think we have meth in the uk.
Might have too cook some up, I'm sure there's a forum some where on the net I can learn how to, or I could just rewatch the whole entire series of breaking bad lol

@tytheguy111 had a meff cooking thread I think.

One time I burnt my mouth on some chicks hot kooch. Smelled like the back of your ears or a fat persons belly button, but I ate it anyways... it was out-fucking-standing!:weed:(pretend that weed leaf is a blue waffle)

Anywho, my mouth was on fire for days! I tried everything, I snorted coke, I took a beer enema(how would beer in my butt help my burning mouth? idk but I tried it!) smoked crack rox, injected smack right into the veins of my wiener, but the only thing that helped was some good ole meff.

You shoulda soaked a tampon in meff and wombed yerself. The only way to salvation, brah. Jah Vaginastifah!!
lmfao may i use this as a signature please??????/

Or just take a big blast of hot sticky spooge all up in your gaping maw. That should help.