What is this and what can it do to my plants


Well-Known Member
Well idk. But im at war with all flying bugs near my plants so...its gotta go. Id get some soap and vinegar mixed.im a bowl.to.draw them in.to.see how.bad it is

Unless. Ur.outdoor.


Well-Known Member
one drop if non bacterial dish soap or ivory soap to a gallon of water and buy one of them YELLOW sticky pad to hang in grow area..cover to soil with perlite or sand to stop the adults from laying eggs till ya get them under control

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
to get rid of them first understand why you have them
1 fungus gnats are caused from to much water in your soil if your soil is dry they cant survive
2 fungas gnats are an essential part of nature they help compost raw organic material so if you are using organic soil like ffof this could be how you got them in the first place
Diatomaceous earth, safers end all catapillar dust with BE can be mixed in to your soil and will kill FG for months+
if you are running an organic grow nematodes can be sprinkled in to your soil they will eradicate them quickly but any nutes with salt in them will kill nematodes