Oath Keepers in Ferguson

Jesus wasn't white. He looked Muslim. Nothing wrong with that. It's just that Jesus wasn't white like some beaming examples of civility here on this thread.

Hope that's ok to point out.
Jesus wasn't white. He looked Muslim. Nothing wrong with that. It's just that Jesus wasn't white like some beaming examples of civility here on this thread.

Hope that's ok to point out.

Theoretically, since this was a miraculous birth from a virgin (the first and only claimed ever in history of course)... Couldnt the child have been any color his dad wanted him to be?
Theoretically, since this was a miraculous birth from a virgin (the first and only claimed ever in history of course)... Couldnt the child have been any color his dad wanted him to be?
He could, theoretically at least, be omni-racial...

I bet I just blew your mind.
Well yes and no. I back what they are doing. Most people don't trust the police. The police give zero fucks about the constitution. Glad somebody is protecting it.
So, explain please how five old white guys walking the streets of Ferguson at night in a mainly black neighborhood carrying military style weapons and other kit in a confused and tense situation is defending the constitution. I'm not disagreeing, and I won't reply to disagree with whatever you say, I'm just really curious how you drew your conclusion.
Theoretically, since this was a miraculous birth from a virgin (the first and only claimed ever in history of course)... Couldnt the child have been any color his dad wanted him to be?

He could, theoretically at least, be omni-racial...

I bet I just blew your mind.

Virgin birth. With no sperm involved in the conception, hence no x chromosomes, Jesus would have been a woman and pretty much genetically identical to her mother. Everybody here is pretty familiar with clones herming, so maybe its possible that she carried some junk down there too. .I don't know why conservative Christians are so hung up about this.

Oh yeah and Santa too.
Virgin birth. With no sperm involved in the conception, hence no x chromosomes, Jesus would have been a woman and pretty much genetically identical to her mother. Everybody here is pretty familiar with clones herming, so maybe its possible that she carried some junk down there too. .I don't know why conservative Christians are so hung up about this.

Oh yeah and Santa too.
Per the story, when judas turned over Jesus, he had to describe him carefully, because you look like everybody else. So the story goes. Jesus was brown
The whole premise of this Jesus debate is void. Jesus, did not exist. How is it we know what people from that era look like via, statues, face on currency, drawings etc, (Julius Caesar for example). Yet, not a fucking shrivel of evidence of a man who was known for walking on water, raising the dead, and self admitting, to be the son of "god"? People need to use a little common sense. The answers are there if you have half a brain.
I see that you're upset that Jesus wasn't white. That's understandable, however better to get your mind wrapped around it now than continue to live in the deluded white Jesus state
I see that you're upset that Jesus wasn't white. That's understandable, however better to get your mind wrapped around it now than continue to live in the deluded white Jesus state

If I were to describe the color of Jesus's flesh, I would say transparent.