EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

You do realize you're out of your mind if you believe that for one second?
Like I said earlier, it's going to be Perry. The guy hasn't even announced yet and he's right behind Romney in the latest poll. They have him at 18% and Romney at 22%. Put Rubio on the ticket as VP and unless a miracle happens with the economy, they win in a landslide.
Certain people may disagree, but Obama is going to loose (lol). Anything can happen in the next year, but it isn't looking good for him.

If that turns out to be the case, are you saying you wouldn't prefer Paul to say, Romney or Perry?

I still stand by the Perry/Rubio prediction and it is looking good for Perry at the moment.
It's pretty clear even in this poll that Romney would wipe the floor with Obama. Add about 25% to his tally for the people who are being told "not to vote", that WILL vote for Romney over Obama when the moment comes. As always, the only way to get an accurate sample at this point in the process is to make the two choices, Obama VS Republican candidate. In every national poll structured like that, Obama loses handily.
320 to 218 for Romney sounds good to me. I love the smell of progressive tears in the morning.
I don't know where you get your information, but Romney has been killing Obama on the Independents for a while now.



LOVE this- so it's a brand new idea, huh? Only 110 years old?
Rumors are that Perry is no longer paying his staff, that is being picked up by his super pac and that the staff has been given the green light to look for other employment.

Whoever is backing him is going to be one sad pony...
so this morning, i'm on my way to drop of yet another application for 'server' (big bear brewing).

on my way, down the main drag in 'my town' (@Wavels :wink:), i encounter a white porsche with 'i'm ready for hillary' (i bet you are) bright shiny, new sticker..well, i just couldn't resist a friendly game of chicken:fire:

i sped up and totally cut her off (all the while checking no police) then did 20mph for 2 miles..she only tried to pass me once and i cut her again..she had this grin pasted on her face, 50-60', glasses, short blond hair cut in a shag (not unlike the pic below) put my 4-ways on..she's still behind me..fucking cars everywhere passing us looking..she started to fall back on me even at 20, and turned off..

remember one thing men, oligarchy has money..not the fortitude:lol:

schuylaars ideas:

**busking for bernie (i interviewed homeless in my town to figure out where i can do this without getting arrested)..'homeless voice' is not 'allowed' in my town..damn! spent about 2 hours and did i learn a lot from them..

**gonna figure how to get a cheap projector for my laptop and project bernie's halogram at night in 'my town' ala snowden..right at the entrance where it says 'welcome to my town'..

**of course, bernie-mobile when i have real cash..initially, white marker, bull horn and rotating red light on dash..bernie speeches and quotes through bull horn..then shrink wrap the car.

**new bumper sticker: 'got a porsche?..bet you're ready for hillary':mrgreen:

**new bumper sticker: to arms; to arms..the oligarchy comes! bernie as paul revere.

schuylaars ideas:

**busking for bernie (i interviewed homeless in my town to figure out where i can do this without getting arrested)..'homeless voice' is not 'allowed' in my town..damn! spent about 2 hours and did i learn a lot from them..

**gonna figure how to get a cheap projector for my laptop and project bernie's halogram at night in 'my town' ala snowden..right at the entrance where it says 'welcome to my town'..

**of course, bernie-mobile when i have real cash..initially, white marker, bull horn and rotating red light on dash..bernie speeches and quotes through bull horn..then shrink wrap the car.

**new bumper sticker: 'got a porsche?..bet you're ready for hillary':mrgreen:

**new bumper sticker: to arms; to arms..the oligarchy comes! bernie as paul revere.


The Paul Revere riff is brilliant, positive and will appeal to the sense of humor of your vote audience.

Some of the rest of that will just turn people off, not the outcome we're looking for!
The Paul Revere riff is brilliant, positive and will appeal to the sense of humor of your vote audience.

Some of the rest of that will just turn people off, not the outcome we're looking for!

to each his own, ty:wink:

a halogram is a turn off? don't look. this is not about sense of humor this is about survival now..survival of the middle class species.

are you aware that the smoking section of a restaurant (defunct of course) has now given way to the 'homeless section'..next time you're in a mcd..look in the back of the restaurant out of view and tell me what you see.

i'm seriously thinking of putting my 'freelance living off the grid' story here.

what this country has done..what i have to say, will shock you.
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to each his own, ty:wink:

a halogram is a turn off? don't look. this is not about sense of humor this is about survival now..survival of the middle class species

are you aware that the smoking section of a restaurant (defunct of course) has now given way to the 'homeless section'..next time you're in a mcd..look in the back of the restaurant out of view and tell me what you see.

i'm seriously thinking of putting my 'freelance living off the grid' story here.

what this country has done..what i have to say, will shock you.

No, it wouldn't. I'm the guy in the front row yelling, "TELL IT, sister!"
oh..yes, they are there..they don't all look like this:


they are now looking like this:




those who are ill and off their meds are usually those who really let themselves go and 'live rough' (without a car).

there are two kinds of homeless..those with and those without a car.

I almost felt sorry for the displaced man in the last image, until I saw his sign that reads, "smile Jesus loves u).
We need a war on poverty in this country, not a republican/oligarch led war against the poor as practiced over the last few decades.

SANDERS IN '16! It's now or never.
We need a war on poverty in this country, not a republican/oligarch led war against the poor as practiced over the last few decades.

SANDERS IN '16! It's now or never.

The system is flawed. How can any politician, on either side of the political spectrum, take money from corporations, and not expect to put the corporations first? Government for the people, by the people, went out the window long ago.
The system is flawed. How can any politician, on either side of the political spectrum, take money from corporations, and not expect to put the corporations first? Government for the people, by the people, went out the window long ago.

As it happens, Mr Sanders agrees and isn't taking corporate campaign contributions. You might call him the Consumer Reports candidate.

That alone should be enough for you. But please- examine his record. Then decide for yourself. Just don't let MSNBC, CNN, FOX, BBC, PBS or fucking MICKEY MOUSE do your deciding for you...
As it happens, Mr Sanders agrees and isn't taking corporate campaign contributions. You might call him the Consumer Reports candidate.

That alone should be enough for you. But please- examine his record. Then decide for yourself. Just don't let MSNBC, CNN, FOX, BBC, PBS or fucking MICKEY MOUSE do your deciding for you...

Is that so? Glad to know Bernie Sanders (the guy at the top of my list) has never taken a penny from any corporations. Not even as a member of the House of Representatives nor as Senator... wait a second.
Don't get me wrong though, Bernie is my man as of now. Just wanted to throw in that they all lie when it's convenient.

Edit: Let me clarify, Bernie Sanders is my guy. I will vote for him as POTUS. He or his campaign would have to do something extremely ignorant to change my mind.
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