EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Sanders has stated it may be too late, but he seems to be the only candidate that cares.

The NSA should have a good idea as to the direction the Nation is heading ........

It's illegal for the CIA to run black/psy ops against the American People. The FBI and NSA are another story, and they play together all the time. Long history of political meddling on the part of the FBI too, J Edgar Hoover was a real live motherfucker. And he's STILL their fuckin' hero.
The system is flawed. How can any politician, on either side of the political spectrum, take money from corporations, and not expect to put the corporations first? Government for the people, by the people, went out the window long ago.

Maybe it's time to take matters into your own hands; send some letters to your congressmen, participate in a march or protest.

To be blunt; sitting on your ass and waiting for the politicians to come to their senses will be a long haul.

For my part, I'm giving a short Bernie '16 elevator speech and pep talk to as many people as I can every day; neighbors, the trash truck driver, delivery man, girl in line at the gas station, out with my dog...

The only way change will happen is if we make it happen. That's the only way it's ever happened and the only way it ever will. Bernie isn't magic; he's not yet another 'anointed one', all slick with prepared script and perfect hair. He's a lightning rod FOR US; and only when it's clear that We the People are overwhelmingly backing his proposals and will settle for nothing less will it come to pass.

That's how the American People got Social Security, The New Deal, union protections (before they were slowly eroded away again) and more recently The Affordable Care Act.

The megacorps know there are limits to the influence of money. It's time to show them their fears are well founded, and their nightmares are about to come true because they took far too much advantage of the system and hurt far too many people for far too long with their wanton greed and lust for power.


Bernie isn't the answer, he's just the lightning rod. The rest of the candidates are unfortunately all too well insulated from responding to the needs of the People.
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To be blunt; sitting on your ass and waiting for the politicians to come to their senses will be a long haul.

It's always worked before, lol jk. I hear you my man and I am doing my part in getting out the word. It seems you are right about his credibility and the way he handled that little microphone theft incident. He is soaring in the polls right now. I am headed back to the bay by the end of the month and plan on working more diligently, for Bernie Sanders.

Question to you tty, have you considered a running mate for Bernie and who?
It's always worked before, lol jk. I hear you my man and I am doing my part in getting out the word. It seems you are right about his credibility and the way he handled that little microphone theft incident. He is soaring in the polls right now. I am headed back to the bay by the end of the month and plan on working more diligently, for Bernie Sanders.

Question to you tty, have you considered a running mate for Bernie and who?

Not my job, but I trust his judgement. Hillary would make an awesome Secretary of State again, LOL not that she'd take the job back in a million years!
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to each his own, ty:wink:

a halogram is a turn off? don't look. this is not about sense of humor this is about survival now..survival of the middle class species.

are you aware that the smoking section of a restaurant (defunct of course) has now given way to the 'homeless section'..next time you're in a mcd..look in the back of the restaurant out of view and tell me what you see.

i'm seriously thinking of putting my 'freelance living off the grid' story here.

what this country has done..what i have to say, will shock you.
nothing you say shocks me
Sanders has stated it may be too late, but he seems to be the only candidate that cares.

The NSA should have a good idea as to the direction the Nation is heading ........

word of mouth is what will count most next to voting and it's so easy to have the conversation..we are all mechanically going through our lives, the oligarchy wants it this way..they don't want us peering out of the coal mines..
well if you do the math..these 10's of thousands of people going to see bernie are starting to add up to 100's of thousands..we only have 318 million people.

in 2012, only 235 million people voted..i wonder if 1/235ths of voting america has come and seen him yet?

i want to keep track.

About a thousand showed up and got the BLM roadshow instead. Do they count?

the headline:

Why Clinton trails Sanders for the first time in a N.H. poll
A new poll has Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton by seven points among likely Democratic voters in the key 2016 state of New Hampshire.

A new poll in New Hampshire from Franklin Pierce University and the Boston Herald shows Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton 44 percent to 37 percent among likely Democratic primary voters, a huge uptick from another Franklin Pierce poll that showed Clinton besting Sanders 44-8 in March. This most recent data marks the first time frontrunner Clinton has trailed in a poll during the 2016 primary season.

the headline:

Why Clinton trails Sanders for the first time in a N.H. poll
A new poll has Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton by seven points among likely Democratic voters in the key 2016 state of New Hampshire.

A new poll in New Hampshire from Franklin Pierce University and the Boston Herald shows Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton 44 percent to 37 percent among likely Democratic primary voters, a huge uptick from another Franklin Pierce poll that showed Clinton besting Sanders 44-8 in March. This most recent data marks the first time frontrunner Clinton has trailed in a poll during the 2016 primary season.

The headline does not describe what is in the article. Not a word about "why"