Adding new nutes


I watered my girls about a week and a half ago, they are about two weeks into flowering (outdoor grow). I just bought Open Sesame and I would like to add it to the plants but only 2 out of 5 have dry soil. So my question is, can I mix the new nutes into one divided watering? I normally give them about a gallon of water when I water each (they are in 15 gallon pots), so could I divide one gallon between the three? Or would that be risking overwatering?


Well-Known Member
I realize I'm not answering the question you asked, but its a little to late for 'Open Sesame.' You need a P/K supplement.


Well-Known Member
1 gallon per 15gallon pot is not enough water. You should be watering with 3+ gallons of water roughly each watering. I dont believe in the pk booster myth but open sesame is suppose to be used at early bloom stage, exactly were your at now. Personally i dont like the tripak from fox farm, the npk #s arent what i feel are right. At this stage in bloom you should be feeding nitrogen still, at least 120ppm per gallon, phosphorus at 50 ppm per gallon and around 180ppm of potassium per gallon on a 500ppm =1ec scale.
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1 gallon per 15gallon pot is not enough water. You should be watering with 3+ gallons of water roughly each watering. I dont believe in the pk booster myth but open sesame is suppose to be used at early bloom stage, exactly were your at now. Personally i dont like the tripak from fox farm, the npk #s arent what i feel are right. At this stage in bloom you should be feeding nitrogen still, at least 120ppm per gallon, phosphorus at 50 ppm per gallon and around 180ppm of potassium per gallon on a 500ppm =1ec scale.
I had read a few places that I should water until there was about 30% runoff. I get that(probably more actually) after watering with a gallon. Should I still water them more? Sorry I am very new to growing anything at all lol. The nutes I'm using right now are FF tiger bloom, open sesame, and Cal-Mag. 20150811_090105.jpg


Well-Known Member
What is your medium(soil) your growing in? Doesnt sound right water wise. I water 5 gallon pots with 1.5 gallons of water every 4 days. Id just stick to the tiger bloom and calmag. Id give alittle fox farm grow big another week too if i was you. I ran fox farm cha-ching for many years and wish i wouldnt have.


What is your medium(soil) your growing in? Doesnt sound right water wise. I water 5 gallon pots with 1.5 gallons of water every 4 days. Id just stick to the tiger bloom and calmag. Id give alittle fox farm grow big another week too if i was you. I ran fox farm cha-ching for many years and wish i wouldnt have.
I'm using FFOF.


Well-Known Member
I use ffof mixed with hp promix at 1:1 ratio for bloom pots. I got a few 7 gallon pots going now that take almost 2 gallons of water each watering. If you have straight ffof in your pots id recommend buying a ppm pen and test the runoff water to see how much nutes are still in the pots before feeding anything. Ffof is hot out of the bag and needs a few waterings to get in range that you can feed without causing any unwanted issues. Get the ppm down to 800ppm then start lightly feeding. Is your avatar pic the plants you have? They look healthy.


I use ffof mixed with hp promix at 1:1 ratio for bloom pots. I got a few 7 gallon pots going now that take almost 2 gallons of water each watering. If you have straight ffof in your pots id recommend buying a ppm pen and test the runoff water to see how much nutes are still in the pots before feeding anything. Ffof is hot out of the bag and needs a few waterings to get in range that you can feed without causing any unwanted issues. Get the ppm down to 800ppm then start lightly feeding. Is your avatar pic the plants you have? They look healthy.
Ok I will definitely look into getting one. Yes the plant in the avatar pic is my biggest girl :) I'll post more pics. I had major problems with the plant in the last pic (bubba Kush) during the first week of flower that's why it looks horrible. It's now I believe week 3 of flower and she's seeming to flower well. 20150807_164412.jpg20150807_164404.jpg 20150807_164419.jpg 20150807_164358.jpg