I totally can understand the blending and wanting strain variety. Seeds are good too, especially if im looking for a new mom.
Would it not be in your best interest to try to produce your own seeds via the silver method from a femmed auto?. OR do your own cross? I admit I have not tried this myself but it seems to be a well documented procedure. This would keep you self contained.
i run a little op that supplies myself and a select few ppl .....the reason autos is well the time frame and the fact all the work can be done in one area using both lights at the same time .....i got no zone i could allow a male to grow in with out risk of getting seeds in all the crops
i am doing what i am doing as a underground marketing .....i can not open a shop here legally until the rules are set....one of my marketing tricks is my cut on the stem and the fact i never have seeds in my buds( ppl get the most possible smoke from one of my Ozs .....2-3 grams of stems at most rest is pure flowers)
i thought about it but the sheer fact is i need to have someone living in the house i would move to set something like that up in .......but u know how that goes finding the right person and right house is always a bitch .....when u find a house the person is in a lease when u get them out of it the place is gone and have to look again