Bill Cosby - Serial Rapist?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Damn Bill - say it ain't so.

And I used to think this dirt bag was funny - well, nobody is laughing now.

Bill Cosby faces sex abuse accusations from 3 more women
New York Daily News
Three more women came forward Wednesday with accusations of being sexually abused by Bill Cosby — including an actress who worked on “The Cosby Show” and another who appeared in a Charles Bronson action movie.
The actresses — Eden Tirl and Linda Ridgeway — were joined by a former New York flight attendant named Colleen Hughes.

Ridgeway, best known for her turn in the 1972 Bronson movie “The Mechanic,” said she was attacked by Cosby a year earlier when she went to talk to him about her career.

“His attack was fast with surgical precision and surprise on his side,” she said. “I couldn't breathe. I was in shock.”

Cosby, she said, forced her to perform oral sex and afterward she felt like “a small animal that had been hit by a car.”

Ridgeway said she considered going over to tell her ex-husband Fred Apollo, the legendary talent agent at the William Morris Agency who helped turn Cosby into a star. But she didn’t want to embarrass him.

“In closing, an actress is like a tennis player,” she said. “Her integrity and confidence are everything. For me, Bill Cosby was a career killer.”

Hughes, who worked for American Airlines, said she met Cosby on a flight to Los Angeles and that he invited her to lunch in Beverly Hills.

“When we arrived at the hotel, Bill walked me to my room and said that he would watch TV while I got ready,” she said.

When she came out, Hughes said she found Cosby drinking champagne out of one of her Gucci shoes.

“I said, ‘Ewww, don't do that, that's gross, I just walked 3,000 miles in those shoes’,” she said. “He raised the shoe toward me offering the drink in my shoe to me and said, ‘A princess should always drink champagne out of a glass slipper.’”

Hughes said she passed on the shoe but accepted a glass of bubbly from Cosby and the next thing she remembered was waking up several hours later and finding semen on her back.

Bill obviously did not use a condom and there was no lunch and he was nowhere to be seen,” she said. “I was confused and ashamed and never told anyone about what happened to me.”

But she did see Cosby again on another flight.

“It was obvious to me that he did not remember me and used the same line about how I was a ‘fine Irish lass,’” she said. “I told him, ‘You already had me once and I don't want to ever be drugged by you again.’"

Hughes said Cosby blanched and asked her if she told anybody. She said no.

“You are Bill Cosby, who would believe me?” she recalled telling him.

Ridgeway, Hughes and Tirl laid out their accusations at the offices of lawyer Gloria Allred, who is representing several other Cosby accusers.

They join the more than three dozen women who have already made reputation-ruining accusations against Cosby, 78, who continues to deny any wrongdoing.

Once a beloved cultural icon best-known for playing doting dad and husband Cliff Huxtable on "The Cosby Show," Cosby has admitted under oath that he obtained Quaaludes in the 1970s to dope the women he wanted to grope.

That admission was from a 2005 deposition, which was taken after a former Temple University worker alleged in a lawsuit that Cosby doped and groped her.

Cosby's lawyers, however, insist the comedian never admitted using Quaaludes to drug and rape women.

Allred also represents Judith Huth, who claims in a civil lawsuit that Cosby molested her when she was 15 at the Playboy Mansion in 1974.

Cosby has been ordered to appear at an Oct. 9 deposition.

Previously, Cosby tried to get the case dismissed and then asked that Huth's deposition be taken first.

The California Supreme Court rejected his appeal and said the lawsuit could proceed.


Well-Known Member
Just to chime in on the past and these allegations not being brought up.

I'm old, I remember back in the heyday of television when the Cosby show was new and these allegations weren't new then. There were about 20 women who came forward and that's when my mom taught me about rape and respecting women. I asked her why the man did this and she said it was because he could probably help their career. I didn't really understand but I took it at face value. I asked her if it's ok to watch the show and she said it was and then I remember my mom saying that he'll just buy their silence and it'll all go away.

Sure enough, the Cosby show wen't on and all the women wen't away, I'm assuming he paid them off and kept doing what he was doing, racking up the abuses of power, raping the women who would have probably slept with him anyways until now.

The allegations are back, the number of women claiming assault has doubled at least and now I don't think he can pay them off. He's probably hoping to ride this out until he dies in which case those women will never get a cent.

There's evidence that he's admitted to gaining roofies for certain women, it's court documented so he does have access. He's got the power situation on lock down because who's stupid enough to fuck with Bill Cosby and most importantly of all, He's Bill Cosby. Of course he's guilty, but being guilty and proving it are two very separate things. He has the money, resources and power to survive anything.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Just to chime in on the past and these allegations not being brought up.

I'm old, I remember back in the heyday of television when the Cosby show was new and these allegations weren't new then. There were about 20 women who came forward and that's when my mom taught me about rape and respecting women. I asked her why the man did this and she said it was because he could probably help their career. I didn't really understand but I took it at face value. I asked her if it's ok to watch the show and she said it was and then I remember my mom saying that he'll just buy their silence and it'll all go away.

Sure enough, the Cosby show wen't on and all the women wen't away, I'm assuming he paid them off and kept doing what he was doing, racking up the abuses of power, raping the women who would have probably slept with him anyways until now.

The allegations are back, the number of women claiming assault has doubled at least and now I don't think he can pay them off. He's probably hoping to ride this out until he dies in which case those women will never get a cent.

There's evidence that he's admitted to gaining roofies for certain women, it's court documented so he does have access. He's got the power situation on lock down because who's stupid enough to fuck with Bill Cosby and most importantly of all, He's Bill Cosby. Of course he's guilty, but being guilty and proving it are two very separate things. He has the money, resources and power to survive anything.
You must admit a logical person would say "Damn, that's a lot of women", I'll bet that's what his lawyer is saying.


Well-Known Member
oh my god are you fucking with me? this guy is a millionaire and wasting his time with women? he should have just got boss hookers, they wouldnt have played these stupid fucking games trying to get his fetti. women will do anything to get the most out of a high status male. i mean come on where do you think hillary clinton would be today if it wasnt for bill? sure as fuck wouldnt be running for president.


Well-Known Member
oh my god are you fucking with me? this guy is a millionaire and wasting his time with women? he should have just got boss hookers, they wouldnt have played these stupid fucking games trying to get his fetti. women will do anything to get the most out of a high status male. i mean come on where do you think hillary clinton would be today if it wasnt for bill? sure as fuck wouldnt be running for president.
It's not the sex, its the power tripping/control; ego thing. Can't get that with top dollar hookers cuz its a biz transaction that both parties are in agreement of.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Cosby wants to rape, not to pay for sex.
Big difference in the mind of a serial rapist who rapes women a lot.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to even attempt to defend Cosby and the things he did but he should get out. The prosecutors screwed the pooch. I'm more concerned about prosecutorial misconduct than keeping an old blind man knocking on death's door in prison. DA's play fast and loose all the time to get a conviction. That should not be tolerated by anyone. Especially considering how many innocent people are sitting in jail due some overzealous prosecutor looking to up their conviction rate.

"In accordance with the advice his attorneys, Cosby relied upon D.A. Castor’s public announcement that he would not be prosecuted. His reliance was reasonable, and it resulted in the deprivation of a fundamental constitutional right when he was compelled to furnished self-incriminating testimony. Cosby reasonably relied upon the Commonwealth’s decision for approximately ten years. When he announced his declination decision on behalf of the Commonwealth, District Attorney Castor knew that Cosby would be forced to testify based upon the Commonwealth’s assurances. Knowing that he induced Cosby’s reliance, and that his decision not to prosecute was designed to [J-100-2020] - 72 do just that, D.A. Castor made no attempt in 2005 or in any of the ten years that followed to remedy any misperception or to stop Cosby from openly and detrimentally relying upon that decision. In light of these circumstances, the subsequent decision by successor D.A.s to prosecute Cosby violated Cosby’s due process rights. No other conclusion comports with the principles of due process and fundamental fairness to which all aspects of our criminal justice system must adhere.28 Having identified a due process violation here, we must ascertain the remedy to which Cosby is entitled."

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Will someone just please castrate the punk . All rapists should get their dicks cut off. Then watch the raping come to a halt . It’s not rocket science . One sharp cut and it’s done. Then feed it to the alligators and snakes. Didn’t even want say that I got distracted going to tell
Me about your bike thread. I just have been so appalled by his release.