EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

'Limbaugh', I believe?

You know, the radio head whose best qualification for office is that he can spin bullshit for hours on end? Of course, he's never held one... That might actually take real work or something.
Spinning bullshit is what politicians do. So that would make him qualified, wouldn't it?
I'd vote for Sanders, despite all this talk of him being a "Socialist", hes really not at all.

Americans just think of "Socialism" as a dirty word for anything left of centre-right.

I still think he hasn't a chance tho...
Who do you think is going to win? Why?
'Limbaugh', I believe?

You know, the radio head whose best qualification for office is that he can spin bullshit for hours on end? Of course, he's never held one... That might actually take real work or something.

i thought he moved to europe..first when obama was elected; then when obama was re-elected..his continual use of pain killers has rotted his mind..any word from ted nugent dead or in jail?:lol:


I'd vote for Sanders, despite all this talk of him being a "Socialist", hes really not at all.

Americans just think of "Socialism" as a dirty word for anything left of centre-right.

I still think he hasn't a chance tho...

total post of the day!!!!:clap:




standing ovation!!!!

and schuylaar love, respect:wink:<3

not win? pretty sure 1M have come out to see him already which is 1/235ths of 2012 electorate (235M) of our 318M americans.
he doesn't pander?

not unless you consider basic human physiolocial needs as:

verb: pander; 3rd person present: panders; past tense: pandered; past participle: pandered; gerund or present participle: pandering
  1. 1.
    gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.).
    "newspapers are pandering to people's baser instincts"
    synonyms:indulge, gratify, satisfy, cater to, give in to, accommodate, comply with
    "David was always there to pander to her every whim"
noun: pander; plural noun: panders
  1. 1.
    a pimp.
    • archaic
      a person who assists the baser urges or evil designs of others.
      "the lowest panders of a venal press"
Bernie Sanders' rallies are bigger than Obama's were in 2007..

The Purple are squirming out from under the stifling corporate media propaganda blanket and telling one another what's news instead of letting the toob tell them.

It's an excellent and long overdue trend in American political discourse, reflecting the way people used to discuss candidates and issues before there was television and the big money to manipulate them.
Sanders is drawing crowds. Crowds of the hard left. It will be interesting to see if he can sell "hard left" propaganda to the other 90+% of the electorate. Nothing would shock me at this point.

The more I hear from him the more I think I want him to secure the nomination. He might just be the perfect mix of batshit crazy and liberal naïveté to usher in a cataclysmic event so damaging that a return to common sense is finally achieved. He'll destroy many lives and get a great many people killed in the process, but, it's all for the greater good. Ya wanna make a omelette, ya gotta break some eggs and all that.
Sanders is drawing crowds. Crowds of the hard left. It will be interesting to see if he can sell "hard left" propaganda to the other 90+% of the electorate. Nothing would shock me at this point.

The more I hear from him the more I think I want him to secure the nomination. He might just be the perfect mix of batshit crazy and liberal naïveté to usher in a cataclysmic event so damaging that a return to common sense is finally achieved. He'll destroy many lives and get a great many people killed in the process, but, it's all for the greater good. Ya wanna make a omelette, ya gotta break some eggs and all that.
