to the dutchmaster users out there


Well-Known Member
I been saving up proof of purchases from the 4 pack dutchmasters for the past year or so and I have well over 50. I heard a rumor from someone that if you have a certain amount of proof of purchases, you can send them back to the dutchmaster company and get some stuff :lol:

Anyone know anything about this?? I haven't been able to find anything specifically on their website but it would be nice ot find out if I'm either wasting my time saving these things or if I can send them in for something :leaf:
Well guess no one cares but it's true you can get a 25 pack if you send in 50 UPC is anyone is interested feel free to ask
never heard of that, but i know every once in a while, inside the box they have like a voucher thing printed, and you fill it out and they send you a free box or sumtin. let me know if they have anything else.

Vanilla dutchies, fuk da rest
never heard of that, but i know every once in a while, inside the box they have like a voucher thing printed, and you fill it out and they send you a free box or sumtin. let me know if they have anything else.

Vanilla dutchies, fuk da rest

yea I fuck with the palmas/vanillas too.... That's the thing that I sent in to them, it was a information thing that you send to them and tehy send you a sheet of paper with some 35 cent coupons but on that sheet there's also a thing that you fill out and send 50 UPCs and they're supposed to send you 25 dutches of your choice free
Figured I'd follow up on this thread.... so I sent in 50 UPCs from the 4 pack dutch masters and it took a while, probably 8-10 weeks but they sent me 7x 4 packs = 28 dutches :-)
Figured I'd follow up on this thread.... so I sent in 50 UPCs from the 4 pack dutch masters and it took a while, probably 8-10 weeks but they sent me 7x 4 packs = 28 dutches :-)

damn bro, thats pretty much worth it lol you buy 50 packs, n get more than half back for free.
i forgot about this thread, im gonna start saving the upcs from now on.

enjoy your free dutchies. and what "flavor" did they send you?
damn...i fuckin wishi knew that...

i used to smoke 10-12 vanilla dutches a day for 3 years. and in ny dutches now cost 2.00 lol..i remember when they were a dollar...1.25, 1.50, its fuckin 2 bucks. it may have even gone up since i left ny.

anyway...if one of you mail me a box of dutches and 3 ounces of bud, i will +rep you.
Lol! I thought this thread was about Dutch Masters nutes, not the nasty little cigars. I've been using DM gold line for years, and at first I was like, 'why did I not know about this promotion? I've been through dozens of 5 liter bottles...'
Lol! I thought this thread was about Dutch Masters nutes, not the nasty little cigars. I've been using DM gold line for years, and at first I was like, 'why did I not know about this promotion? I've been through dozens of 5 liter bottles...'

an owner at a local dispensary said Dutch Master is expensive but well worth it ....I use Botanicare
an owner at a local dispensary said Dutch Master is expensive but well worth it ....I use Botanicare

Yep. I used to use Canna nutes, but I had more success with DM gold and it's less expensive. 2 part flowering nutes and DM zone, that's all I need for a productive, sterile perpetual sog...
I've been saving newport upc's since i started smoking. The plan was to trade them in for a pool table or a race car after i finally quit smoking but it looks like the cock suckers at the FDA put an end to cigarette UPC product exchanges in 2010 and i just now figured this out.
I been saving up proof of purchases from the 4 pack dutchmasters for the past year or so and I have well over 50. I heard a rumor from someone that if you have a certain amount of proof of purchases, you can send them back to the dutchmaster company and get some stuff :lol:

Anyone know anything about this?? I haven't been able to find anything specifically on their website but it would be nice ot find out if I'm either wasting my time saving these things or if I can send them in for something :leaf:
I like your avatar. Sounds like a pickup line doesn't it? But seriously, cool pic. I might steal it and use it elsewhere.