For anyone that doubts the existence of chem trails, and thinks they are all con trails, start looking at the sky more often. Since I moved I dont see so many but when I lived in Southern California, they were everywhere.
The best proof you can get to make yourself a believer is to actually witness a con trail behind a plain right next to a chemtrail. You'll notice that the airplane's contrail dissipates while the chemtrail will remain all day.
Con trails do not stay in the sky all day. Period. I have seen myself a plane with a contrail right next to a chemtrail, and im pretty sure you can find a vid on youtube showing the same. I don't know what chemtrails are, but if you have children that are in high school, you might wanna see what their science book says about them. =)
If you don't have kids, the chem trails are explained as a solution to global warming. Otherwise, the government completely denies the existence, calling them contrails.
The best proof you can get to make yourself a believer is to actually witness a con trail behind a plain right next to a chemtrail. You'll notice that the airplane's contrail dissipates while the chemtrail will remain all day.
Con trails do not stay in the sky all day. Period. I have seen myself a plane with a contrail right next to a chemtrail, and im pretty sure you can find a vid on youtube showing the same. I don't know what chemtrails are, but if you have children that are in high school, you might wanna see what their science book says about them. =)
If you don't have kids, the chem trails are explained as a solution to global warming. Otherwise, the government completely denies the existence, calling them contrails.