Club 600


Well-Known Member
I have not had the Mulanje tested for CBD. I have some Pennywise and Sour Tsunami that I need to work and find some high CBD phenos.

I need to find out what nutes the CBD phenotypes prefer. Once I get some going I will try cuts in different grow environments.
I tried growing shark shock a couple times and man I could not keep that plant happy for nothin!


Well-Known Member
Hey Mo, have you had much experience with high CBD strains and spasms? Or anyone else for that matter. I've got some arm twitches here and there. My left tricep spasms quite regularly for ohhh about the last year. I actually find that I twitch more when I smoke most strains.
I had biopuncture treatment for spasms in my hand and it worked. GP told me nothing could be done....


Well-Known Member
Damn.. Just got home from a long ass drive and then pusher street was closed.. Opens at 6pm.. Damn and no word why.. Also it was somekind of gay pride day in Copenhagen so traffic was all kinds of fucked up :/
Time for a dab-a-thon :)


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm just close minded, but I have never understood the whole gay pride shit or the parades. I mean, if I went to city council asking,to close main street because I want to celebrate how much joy boobs bring to my life, I imagine they wpuld say no. I'm hoping that since its legal now (definitsly what the supreme court should be wasting it's time on to be the way) we can stop being bombarded with it.