That's too bad you can't enjoy psychedelics, I've had a few bad trips but honestly I've also had some of the greatest experiences of my life on them. Weed is an aphrodisiac for sure, but can't say it's the best sex, coming down off speed trust me it's intense, and you go for like an hour.
What in the fuck are you doing coming off weed for so long, it doesn't drain you it relaxes you, yes it calms your energy that's a good thing. So let me understand this, you've gone over 10 days without smacking it and 21 days off weed; I'm a schizophrenic psychopath and right now you're probably a lot more dangerous than me lol
DUDE TRUST MEEE, I was the biggest advocate for psychedelics, joined an organization called SSDP, I wrote a freaken speech on the therapuetic use of lsd and presented it Infront of my speech class everyone was like this guy is a nutcase, I've read everything about lsd and shrooms, I had the speech memorized verbatim "Steve jobs said that lsd was one of the two or three most significant...noble prize winner francis said that he was on lsd the time he envisioned the double helix strand of DNA..bill Wilson co founder of AA said it tuned him into the same spiritual awareness that made sobriety possible"
But that shit makes you skinny as fuck and took me to a different world even though I felt comfortable and in tune..the skinny crackhead look was enough to push me away, plus it was a fast downward spiral for me..
I'm super sensitive and notice shit very easily like even if water or fruit tastes slightly funky so I get fucked in the head easily
I stopped smoking because I kept spending money every day so I decided to not smoke until my plant flowers and I don't have to give someone else my money and can be self sufficient and it turned out to make me feel better..
I'm not dangerous I became wiser and more balanced and much happier, the way lsd and shrooms gives you spiritual connection and awareness the same exactly thing happens when you don't cum for weeks except there's no bad to it
I cut out alcohol, cigarettes, weed, sugary foods and caffiene completely..fuck sugar it kills your teeth, now I brush and floss and rinse three times a day it make you happy cause your teeth get white as possible after only a couple weeks..caffiene causes anxiety..cigarettes forget about it and alcohol nuh uh