Last Week or Two Flowering, Flush??

Why do people in hydro pH water for "the flush"? You only pH adjust water to help nutrient uptake. Do people even know why they do what they do most of the time?
No lol, most get what they know from forums and conversations with other growers. Get enough info to get by but know nothing of actually botany, so yup a bit of bro science.
There sure are alot of less experienced forum learners that have cups then I guess. You are one of those guys that will argue a point just to argue and have no regard for the fact that you are spreading bad info. You are a joke and I am done with you. Enjoy your weed. It is obviously alot better than anything most of the rest of us can grow. I am real surprised that High Times isnt beating down your door asking you to do an article on the proper way to grow. Wait aminute no Im not.

Proper cure, proper cure, proper cure!!!!!
There are non flushed cup winners!

What other plant used for human consumption is flushed? Name one?
Any one? Beuller?

Nope, none are!

Tobacco is is not flushed! Why cannabis?
The very finest cigars tobacco is dried and cure slowly and carefully.....You need to apply that to your cannabis.

Riddle says this and I only have 1 year on him and I agree 100%

"Well I have been growing for over 40 years and I don't flush, perhaps all of you should read these ,,,,,,"

Do yourself a favor and read these links!

Flushing is a MYTH!

That truth about flushing as a goldmine! Tons of good info and very eye opening. If you want to produce pristine bud read it and read it over again click on the links and absorb the knowledge.

If you're just growing to flip the crop then don't bother with the thread, keep flushing your plants and stay snuggled in that safety blanket of yours
I just posted this in RM3's (aka riddleme) thread but I've askec this question a few times and never had a reply. Perhaps someone folliowing this thread could provide some insight.

" I have never noticed a difference in my flushed (straight un PH'd water in res) and nutes till the end plants except one time using a growth hormone. Had a nasty taste with the early harvested few and used plain water to finish of the remainder. The remaining plants no longer had the taste. Can anyone answer why, if flushing does nothing that it worked in this case? I typically just lower nutrient levels during the final week just as water uptake falls off and have no reason for it just always done it lol. As for the boiling thing I did that back in 1975 lol. Pretty sure it was in an early canna publication possibly the growers bible"?
@Budley Doright

I would have to ask if the dry was exactly the same?
Time of?

Same for the cure.
How long?
In what?

When was the growth hormone applied in the grow?
What hormone?

Variations in any of these factors will skew the results......The curing of Cigar tobacco is a science in it's self! Each different type of tobacco used in different parts of the cigar are cured in very different ways....It's an ART!

It seems odd but, I'm curious though...

In major marketing studies for food products and their taste studies.
It was found that even if given the exact same product to sample (3 plates of sample products). The testers found differences in each one.....They contacted colleges and asked why. Studies were done.
It was found that given the task. The brain will find a difference, even if one does not exist!

This has been the basis for deeper more "blind" and controlled taste studies.
Most companies now work only with people who are considered "super tasters" and work in their labs and do all the taste testing themselves!

So, it could be a number of factors involved....

It doesnt seem to matter how much proper information is put out there, and despite the total factual debunking of the need to flush for some reason people just dont want to believe it.
Almost on a weekly basis it will appear again " When should I begin flushing" and then others chime in on the "proper" way to do it.
It's one that can't seem to be put to rest. It seems as though people strongly want to believe that it is necessary. I suppose those that have thrown the most shit in the way of nutrients at it are the ones who also believe in it the most.
@Budley Doright

I would have to ask if the dry was exactly the same?
Time of?

Same for the cure.
How long?
In what?

When was the growth hormone applied in the grow?
What hormone?

Variations in any of these factors will skew the results......The curing of Cigar tobacco is a science in it's self! Each different type of tobacco used in different parts of the cigar are cured in very different ways....It's an ART!

It seems odd but, I'm curious though...

In major marketing studies for food products and their taste studies.
It was found that even if given the exact same product to sample (3 plates of sample products). The testers found differences in each one.....They contacted colleges and asked why. Studies were done.
It was found that given the task. The brain will find a difference, even if one does not exist!

This has been the basis for deeper more "blind" and controlled taste studies.
Most companies now work only with people who are considered "super tasters" and work in their labs and do all the taste testing themselves!

So, it could be a number of factors involved....

Pretty sure everything in the room was the same as it was only a two week extension in the time to finish so that would have stayed the same other than straight water in res. The stuff I used was cytokinin I believe, it was a few years ago. I used half the recommended dose and stopped 14 days before first harvest. Cure, which I do the same every time was typically short for the first jar as I'm typically running out, but the two samples had distinct differences months later. The taste was the exact same as the hormone smelled so the only logical conclusion was it was somehow leached out IMO. Also is it not true that plants have the ability to absorb heavy metals and toxins? Once they are in the plant is there no way to get them out. Cattails come to mind when used to remediate wet lands. Again I typically do not flush and only in this instance have I seen a noticeable difference in finished product. I grow from seed mostly in trays and keep EC levels on the low side rarely going over 1.2 ish unless plants require it. Thanks for the interest!!!
Pretty sure everything in the room was the same as it was only a two week extension in the time to finish so that would have stayed the same other than straight water in res. The stuff I used was cytokinin I believe, it was a few years ago. I used half the recommended dose and stopped 14 days before first harvest. Cure, which I do the same every time was typically short for the first jar as I'm typically running out, but the two samples had distinct differences months later. The taste was the exact same as the hormone smelled so the only logical conclusion was it was somehow leached out IMO. Also is it not true that plants have the ability to absorb heavy metals and toxins? Once they are in the plant is there no way to get them out. Cattails come to mind when used to remediate wet lands. Again I typically do not flush and only in this instance have I seen a noticeable difference in finished product. I grow from seed mostly in trays and keep EC levels on the low side rarely going over 1.2 ish unless plants require it. Thanks for the interest!!!

Interesting to be sure....
Shouldn't the hormone have been stopped earlier? Normally any hormone is used for limiting node spacing, correct?
The effect of it would be somewhat moot after the stretch!

Anyway,,,,I asked a Grad student (Hort) at the MSU extension near Fennville. He agreed with my thought that you used it too long and he stated that you gave it more time for the plant to actually breakdown the excess remaining in the plant during those 2 weeks for the others......As another point of note. He stated that the hormone would not be "washed" out by caition exchange in the soil as far as effecting reduction of the hormone levels in the plant it's self.....Hmm, now that's an interesting answer that can be applied to the the concept of "flushing", don't you think?

Hey, That got my interest (your observation) just for what it implied!

It is called Kin-gro and the reason I was trying it was due to the recommendation of the guy who manufactures it, I just started growing indoors in water and had no clue (still dont). I was a poop and dirt guy lol. I was told to foiler feed up to 2 weeks before harvest and its advertised to promote flowering and increased bud sites. Also I do lightly spray my plants with water after trimming and before hanging. Only used it the one run and have basically stopped using all additives, sticking now with Aqua Flakes, which have greatly increased stability of res. all be it pricey. Yes it makes sense that it could have broken down over that two week period as stop using and flushing were the only things different. In saying that would it not stand to reason that when using a manufactured product, there may be things in there and by not using them for the last week or two and just using plain water they would break down. And maybe this is were some get a noticeable difference in taste? Perhaps its the nutrients?
It doesnt seem to matter how much proper information is put out there, and despite the total factual debunking of the need to flush for some reason people just dont want to believe it.
Almost on a weekly basis it will appear again " When should I begin flushing" and then others chime in on the "proper" way to do it.
It's one that can't seem to be put to rest. It seems as though people strongly want to believe that it is necessary. I suppose those that have thrown the most shit in the way of nutrients at it are the ones who also believe in it the most.
well you fed your plants for months and to think last 2 weeks is going to rid the plant of its nutrients is just beyond belief there is no way in hell 2 weeks is going to rid plant of NPK or in terms of nutrients NO WAY
All you are doing is leaching your soil from any remaining N as N is the easiest to leach hence the runoff issues in agriculture today..
many do not realize that there are nutrients that will not leach no matter how many times you flush
Riddle me known this guy for some time he also uses i think ice water to flush Where on earth naturally do plants get flushed with ice water i almost shit my self when i read that in one of his posts all your doing is killing your fucking plant period you chop a plant and hang it its dead that's it
By flushing are you have down is fucked with osmosis that's it ,
your plants like your self needs nutrients at all times to function i not what happens ???? you will not shit and if you do not shit you die
in plants never understood why you would deprive plants in last couple weeks when its the most crucial time and plants need nutrients the most to fatten up but no no
Lets starve the plants the yellowing is normal and what its suppose to look like hahaha fucking unreal folks fucking unreal
I'm back to soil and I do water only built soils......So, any kind of flush is moot.....
Flush toilets, not plants..

Yes I agree, but is it not possible that there may be some aspects of flushing, or just using plain water that, given the example by your friend, may cause things to break down over that period, changing the taste?
Yes I agree, but is it not possible that there may be some aspects of flushing, or just using plain water that, given the example by your friend, may cause things to break down over that period, changing the taste?

Unless its been tested and scientifically been proven i would not always listen to the average pot head saying there is a significant taste difference cause WTF really would they no there the sheep following other peoples direction lol seriously if you really think about it a plant is over 80 percent water to begin with wonder what the other 20 percent is
My opinion is still that flushing is a waste of water. I bet all the water used for flushing weed isnt helping California with the drought problems.

Taste depends on cure and strain.

Perhaps if your using the plant for extracts and the leaves and stems are not getting trashed, a flush might help. Buds store only chlorophyll, reproductive parts and cannabinoids... Maybe some other shit but certainly they dont contain anything your going to be able to flush out.

If your that concerned about it, why not just stop giving ferts starting a little before you would flush?