Santa Claus


Well-Known Member
So am I a good parent or a bad parent if I don't teach my future children about Santa? Wife says we should, I say we shouldn't (actually I'd skip the Xmas thing entirely but the ol' lady is pretty adamant about it.).
I grew up in catholic school where all the kids had the same Santorial beliefs, but nowadays with our great melting pot melting even further, in public school wouldn't a lil six year old Jewish or Hindu kid tell my lil ones what's up and ruin it anyway?
If you're going to lie to your children why not start off with one that you're not so easily caught in.
So am I a good parent or a bad parent if I don't teach my future children about Santa? Wife says we should, I say we shouldn't (actually I'd skip the Xmas thing entirely but the ol' lady is pretty adamant about it.).
I grew up in catholic school where all the kids had the same Santorial beliefs, but nowadays with our great melting pot melting even further, in public school wouldn't a lil six year old Jewish or Hindu kid tell my lil ones what's up and ruin it anyway?
If you're going to lie to your children why not start off with one that you're not so easily caught in.

I would be more concerned about lying to your kids about the existence of a deity. The Santa Clause lie, will only come up once a year. The lie, of a deity existing, is year round and will make them look ignorant as they grow older.
most of the uk is ignorant anyways so no difference there there a few religions out there that don't celebrate xmas that's if your into religion me I'm a non believer personaly
We're doing Santa Claus for a few years. Remembering what my childhood Christmas' were like, I'd like my daughter to have those same memories as well. Something tells me she's going to figure it out sooner rather than later though. Even at 2, she seems to have a pretty good bullshit detector.
Isn't this one of those things that probably should have been discussed and decided before kids..before marriage even?

I agree with Neosapien, I hate Xmas now, but my childhood memories are pretty good....maybe why i hate it now, it can't live up to my memories anymore.

And keep them away from religion...spirituality..OK, organized
I think its appropriate to believe in santa till about 4th or 5th grade. it makes that time of year funer and gives the kid somthing to look foreward to.

my buddys mom was a jahova so they didnt do christmass, he was pretty resentful when he got nothing and everyone around him got all kinds of shit. it also teaches the kid not to be a selfish lil cock sucker too cuz they have to give to others.
You gotta play along bro. She's going to get a heavy dosage of Santa at school whether you like it or not. Better to have her enjoy what all the other kids are enjoying before little Ricky, that shithead coxksucker in 2nd grade ruins her dreams.

My brother tried your route with his daughter a few years ago and paid the price. His daughter was shocked and ashamed that they didn't do santa. Bullys tore her apart. Nearly offed herself with daddys 357 one afternoon when she got wasted on zani bars back in 4th grade.
when she comes home and asks about santa, all the other kids talking about what they got etc. kid gon be sad kid wont give a damn its not real just like the easter bunny. i hope you didnt hold some odd hate for your parents for lying to you. dont deny the wonders of childhood
I would be more concerned about lying to your kids about the existence of a deity. The Santa Clause lie, will only come up once a year. The lie, of a deity existing, is year round and will make them look ignorant as they grow older.

Another one who hasn`t died yet to prove us wrong,.....but insists he knows better than you.

Teach your kid about Santa, so they know what the fuck the other kids are talking about.
I'm a non believer but some great child hood memories is Xmas..... Dont take that away from ur kids. Especially when all the kids around them are showing off what they got for xmas. Your kid will be that weirdo who doesn't celebrate Xmas..
But who was easter bunny


I say don't let them have any holidays.
Kids love to be looked at like weirdos at school plus if you tell them you are doing it because they are special
maybe they will grow to be pretentious assholes.
The world always needs more deranged assholes.
Let them be kids
Creepy ass easter bunny! Since when do they lay eggs anyways? And what does that have to do with Jesus? Not much. Christian holidays=corporate America trying to screw us out of our hard earned money.