Random Jibber Jabber Thread

ive held cuts together with pine tar straight off of a white pine! Got some free stuff today! ......snip.......

Pine tar would also have some antiseptic properties I'll bet where's @cannabineer? But out here all we got are Joshua Trees and Superglue so you gotta recommend what ya know LOL!

Love the price point. I so miss @420God , and his lovely wife, he rocked that type of thing too.
Pine tar would also have some antiseptic properties I'll bet where's @cannabineer? But out here all we got are Joshua Trees and Superglue so you gotta recommend what ya know LOL!

Love the price point. I so miss @420God , and his lovely wife, he rocked that type of thing too.

I um........would be more than willing to share if there's a need just ask.........i'll gladly share! I wont tell either! lmaopine tars 002.JPG pine tars 003.JPG pine tars 004.JPG pine tars 001.JPG thats off of a red pine grove that is currently in 91 degree heat! perfect time to harvest some sexy tar! I have access to plenty of white pine, red pine, blue spruce let me know if you need!
I um........would be more than willing to share if there's a need just ask.........i'll gladly share! I wont tell either! lmaoView attachment 3481070 .......snip.......

If you (are fucked up enough and I currently am), and look closely at the middle of the glass, in the first picture, it appears there is a severed finger in there. Now tell me what you use this pine tar for? It appears I might have a few uses for it!
i have a real knack for finding uses for it actually, i clogged up a leak in a bong stem with it! I keep stuff like this handy for just incase events, plus in some cases id much rather use that(natural in origin) as oppossed to other things.
It's that damn Nexus card. It's been nothing but bad luck from the beginning! Damn Sunni sorry to hear it but good thing you are on top of it.
ya im up shit creek without a paddle in certain aspects.
I may have to get ahold of a canadian embassy but they recently just closed the only one in fucking alaska a few years ago.

so far ive managed to get my short birth ceritifcate, my immunization records , still hoping the nexus card people will allow me to replace it without going in for an interview
but canada will absolutely not give me my health card back..they wil only send it to my old address ....OMG ..just thought of mail forwarding ...gunna call canada post, have them forward all my mail to new address call back service ontario and get them to send me my health card to my old address which will effectively send it to my new address....

hope it works.
shit. I was pulling plywood out of the garage this morning and didn't see a sheet of glass. I slid my pointer finger across the glass and split the tip o nmy finger wide open. I'm just glad it wasn't my wrist or anything.

Ugh you poor thing! Wash it well, rinse with some Hydrogen Peroxide, then superglue it closed (lightly). Then put some neosporin or bacitracin over it and bandaid it to stent the superglue and keep it dry.
Do what Annie says. I bisected my finger a few years ago, the nail and bone stopped the cut. Did almost exactly what she said, but you need to close the wound so the SG stays at surface not within the wound. So i cleaned it as she said, clamped it in a wood clamp to close it and glued it. Waited there for about 5 min and slathered it with neosapien ;) and bound it. Was about a year before all feeling came back