How long do you trim for in one sitting?

I like to trim about an ounce, well not more than a qp at a time.. the shit hurts my neck.
That damn spring even fuks wit me. I've moved onto grape scissors w the angled blade, sharp as hell. realized the spring on fiskars is also a safety device, as the grape shears just keep cutting if u catch yer finger.
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Use them for three days. I know people that like them.
Then you have sweat and bodily fluids dripping all over everything. I dont use gloves I wash my hands.

i have thought about the glove idea, i have seen folk put them in the freezer to get the hash off after
i guess it will be better than scraping it off the fingers with added skin
Naw dude scissor hash is good. fingers and scissors go into alcohol clean as a whistle. I dump it out. A cleaning station is key to a long trim job.
Naw dude scissor hash is good. fingers and scissors go into alcohol clean as a whistle. I dump it out. A cleaning station is key to a long trim job.

scissor hash is good its part of the harvest reward
i do not see any need for alcohol though
I use a latex glove on the hand that holds the but but not on the scissor hand.
I hate sticky hand

have you ever put the glove in the freezer to get the hash from it, i see a guy on youtube do it
looked kind of fun, but it made me feel unconformable at the same time, i have yet to try it
I did try once but really all that accumulates on the glove is a few red hairs.
I change the glove constantly so not enough to mess with.
have a buddy that rotates scissors in and out of alcohol then at the end of harvest they evaporate it and smoke
up, he has a bunch though.

I end up with enough trim that I dont worry about it.
Don't smoke much so the lucky person that shows up gets the scissor hash.