Can you clone in flower???


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem.
Cloning a plant in early flower isn't anywhere near as bad as a true reveg. If you do it just after it shows sex or cut clones just before it will revert back to veg easily.


Well-Known Member
re-veg= just place back under veg light schedule...can take around 3 weeks to show any new growth. 12 days in you might not have to wait that long. i've taken cuts 7-8 weeks in flower.


Active Member
I did it with white grapefruit and blueberry head band. All the grapefruit survived only one headband. It didn't take to it as well. Took all my cuttings about 6 weeks into flower as I don't have room for simultaneous veg and flower.

This is them now. Monster crop is worth the wait imo because I keep short plants.image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if I could clone my plants 12 days into flower please help!!!

You are essentially.. "monster cropping" look it up.

It will take them a bit to revert to a veg state. And sometimes they will not revert back to veg state. I suggest 24/0 for a couple of reasons.. consistent warm temps help rooting and a total interruption of flowering hormones.

Here's something I do with basil to keep it from flowering is to simply pinch off the flowers. Same applies to cannabis.


Active Member
Yes, I took clones just as they were showing white hairs. Took longer than when taken before flower, but it worked out for me as I only have one tent and use cfls in a box for clones and had about two months before transferring them while the mothers finished blooming.