If you are using tap water for your plants..


Well-Known Member
God damn, I read this whole fucking thing.... I dont even know how to respond between all the zeitgeist quotes, and other quotes people are quoting & misquoting... lol. I feel there is some validity to the idea but I believe because in your post you associate it with the conspiracy that the US government is using it against us is why people will bash you in the long run... If you plant the seed, let it grow in their heads, this is the goal and the way to open people's minds. Let them figure out that there is somthing happening in the world other than what theyre being told. Its when you try to force it all down their throat is when people will reject the ideas.
I too am old.... but not too old, and I was really bad with the conspiracies when I was younger, and I have to say, there is some truth in these stories, but its even harder to seperate the fact from bullshit as our governments insert their own conspiracies to further cloud and distort the truth... what you dont know is that even you conspiracy thorists are getting duped.
Im not here trying to disprove conspiracies, only to ask you to open your mind to what you read, as you are asking others to. Propaghanda is everywhere, in every country, all over the world. I like how people compare the US government to the Nazi party, this is exactly the ideas someone wants you to believe. Youre still being duped into believing something, the only way to be free is to believe in nothing but yourself.(Somthing even Zeitgeist doesnt tell you)
Turning off the TV, is a good start. Not eating fast food, would be the next best thing. These 2 things will save you more than not drinking your tap water. This computer that you are using to spread your message is just as bad, so much disinformation runs unchecked and easily thrown around the internet without even a second thought about what it is intended for... If you people want to quote ZeitGeist, the most import thing that movie talked about was "Critical Thinking"... Read your information with discretion, because theyre changing your mind and you dont even know it.
Ill say this before I finish this post that I didnt even think would go this far, I grew up drinking tap water, I stopped at the age of 13 when I found out what was in it by a school teacher.... My point, That teacher planted the seed and didnt shove the ideas down my throat as most conspiracy theorists do, causing people to reject what it is theyre actually saying. My teacher who shared the same beliefs most of us do had realized this and started to do this at the Jr. High level where most kids begin to use "Critical Thinking"... There is still hope out there... just take it easy, relax and let the ones who wish to open their eyes find you.
If they really want to stick it to the government, stop smoking weed.... this makes you calm, apathetic... and stoned... you dont see potheads protesting much do you? Youre not on the street spreading this idea because you are just like I am.... a fucking pothead. No disrespect intended, as I am just trying to open your mind.


New Member
What are you bitching about? I think its apparent the ONLY section I copied and pasted below here, is copied and pasted, and not from me Its indented and everything. I think you're being argumentative for the sake. If thats the case, fuck off, but thanks for not being a fluoride drone.

Info is info. You're picking out shit thats irrelevant, "makes you look like a fool" to me at least.

This doesnt need a response, im not going to argue over shit that doesnt matter, we both agree on the main point, which does matter. Mission accomplished, over 600 people have read the thread, and if we woke 1 person up, im happy.

Heres my copyright infringement WHICH I TRIED TO PASS OFF AS MY OWN WRITING OF COURSE(not). Most of its quotes anyway. Everything else I either wrote or linked to. Yes im aware that somebody else has already written out the details I wrote, if you want to be critical.

O and its from Fluoride Action Network - However the actual report the quotes are pulled out from is sourced where it says NAS website. I just realized you claimed I tried to pass these peoples quotes off as my own writing. They are QUOTES!
dude,, this isnt a personal attack,, i just expect you to respect people who take the time to write informative articles by citing reference... thats all,, just because we grow pot doesnt mean we steal.... you sound a lot like me,, i try to inform people of the shit that is happeneing in our society and people talk back like they need to defend something,,, all we are trying to do is inform... i said the same thing you said

"and if we woke 1 person up, im happy"

check out my thread similar to this one you started,, it takes a few pages to get into it because i didnt quite start my tread off the same way you did



Well-Known Member
There are studies that indicate minimal levels of fluoride exposure is very good for teeth, even when it is ingested. I see no reason to believe the scientific studies you say you have over these other scientific studies.

I'm not a scientist, so I have no idea who's science to believe. But I do know that fluoride occurs naturally in many sources of water (some communities don't need to add it). I also know that many minerals, elements, and vitamins that are good for me become harmful when ingested in amounts that are too large. My wife drank too much fluoride when she was too young, and her teeth got a little bit discolored (it is not very noticeable though). My cousin once drank too much Orange Juice when she was too young (and took vitamin C) and had some medical problems related to that.

I have no problem with conspiracy theories. I definitely believe there are political conspiracies that occur all the time; and I believe marijuana being illegal is a result of one (among other causes). But I'm not worried in the least about fluoride. Then again... maybe that's just because I'm apathetic and calm. If anything, though, I think there is a conspiracy in water distillation and filtration companies to convince the public that a little fluoride is going to poison us so we'll buy their products.


New Member
Christ. Not a conspiracy theory. I stated my conspiracy theory later in the thread and did not put much emphasis on it, and I draw that theory from this data and the fact that its dumped into our water supply. Sorry, im not a coincidence theorist. I didn't compare America to Nazi germany, I pointed out Adolf Hitler's use of fluoridated water. If there was any proof out there proving otherwise, I would read it, and probably reread alot of other stuff, cross reference and source the new info etc. All the things people normally don't do, which is why people normally don't know. Aside from that, they are told by the television and other propaganda sources just the opposite.

Ive been looking into fluoride for over a year. I don't think its wise to read something once and run out freaking out about it. I read about it regularly, hence all the information I provided, most of it from memory. Ive done what you've suggested, I use discretion, im not some kid getting fired up on conspiracy theories. This isnt the UFOs, 2012, Lizard people or any other shit that isnt provable, and makes it tough for people to believe what they read. Don't go lumping fluoride off into the conspiracy theory file just because the government, and lots of people dont agree with the data. Did you read the Chinese study or any of the other links? India did one with the same results, showing higher % of retardation and overall lower IQ in areas where school children consumed more fluoride.

Also based on information readily available, you cannot assume that fast food and TV is worse than tap water. That would be your theory, given nothing has ever proven your statement. Processed foods and mechanically deboned chicken also contain fluoride. It's been over 3 years since I've owned a TV and I don't eat fast food or fake sweeteners. I even try to avoid corn syrup, expecially high fructose corn syrup. There are reasons, but since everything is just a big conspiracy theory, and it has nothing to do with plants Im not going to explain it.

Did someone quote zeitgeist? Or are you assuming that because I talked about fluoride? I don't even recall if zeitgeist talked about fluoride.

I wanna see what results speedfreak gets in his split test with 1 plant using distilled water, the other using tap(after sitting for 24 hours of course). This post was initially about the plants, I used all the other information to basically say "If its strong enough to fuck up people, Im guessing it might fuck up plants as well".

God damn, I read this whole fucking thing.... I dont even know how to respond between all the zeitgeist quotes, and other quotes people are quoting... lol. I feel there is some validity to the idea but I believe because in your post you associate it with the conspiracy that the US government is using it against us is why people will bash you in the long run... If you plant the seed, let it grow in their heads, this is the goal and the way to open people's minds. Let them figure out that there is somthing happening in the world other than what theyre being told. Its when you try to force it all down their throat is when people will reject the ideas.
I too am old.... but not too old, and I was really bad with the conspiracies when I was younger, and I have to say, there is some truth in these stories, but its even harder to seperate the fact from bullshit as our governments insert their own conspiracies cloud to further cloud and distort what you really believe... what you dont know is that even you conspiracy thorists are getting duped.
Im not here trying to disprove conspiracies, only to ask you to open your mind to what you read, as you are asking others to. Propaghanda is everywhere, in every country, all over the world. I like how people compare the US government to the Nazi party, this is exactly the ideas someone wants you to believe. Youre still being duped into believing something, the only way to be free is to believe in nothing but yourself.(Somthing even Zeitgeist doesnt tell you)
Turning off the TV, is a good start. Not eating fast food, would be the next best thing. These 2 things will save you more than not drinking your tap water. This computer that you are using to spread your message is just as bad, so much disinformation runs unchecked and easily thrown around without even a second though about what it is intended for... If you people want to quote ZeitGeist, the most import thing that movie talked about was "Critical Thinking"... Read your information with discretion, because theyre changing your mind and you dont even know it.
Ill say this before I finish this post that I didnt even think would go this far, I grew up drinking tap water, I stopped at the age of 13 when I found out what was in it by a school teacher.... My point, That teacher planted the seed and didnt shove the ideas down my throat as most conspiracy theorists do, causing people to reject what it is theyre actually saying. My teacher who shared the same beliefs most of us do had realized this and started to do this at the Jr. High level where most kids begin to use "Critical Thinking"... There is still hope out there... just take it easy, relax and let the ones who wish to open their eyes find you.


New Member
I linked mine, link yours. Within the past 20 years please. And a scientific study, not an article or "Anne's blog".

There are studies that indicate minimal levels of fluoride exposure is very good for teeth, even when it is ingested. I see no reason to believe the scientific studies you say you have over these other scientific studies.

I'm not a scientist, so I have no idea who's science to believe. But I do know that fluoride occurs naturally in many sources of water (some communities don't need to add it). I also know that many minerals, elements, and vitamins that are good for me become harmful when ingested in amounts that are too large. My wife drank too much fluoride when she was too young, and her teeth got a little bit discolored (it is not very noticeable though). My cousin once drank too much Orange Juice when she was too young (and took vitamin C) and had some medical problems related to that.

I have no problem with conspiracy theories. I definitely believe there are political conspiracies that occur all the time; and I believe marijuana being illegal is a result of one (among other causes). But I'm not worried in the least about fluoride. Then again... maybe that's just because I'm apathetic and calm. If anything, though, I think there is a conspiracy in water distillation and filtration companies to convince the public that a little fluoride is going to poison us so we'll buy their products.


Well-Known Member
allthough I was speaking mainly to you, ALOT of people quoted zetgeist in this thread.... I found it funny. If you read my post I choose my words carefully... I never said you posted a conspiracy thoery.. I speak about your IDEAS.... Not conspiracies... youre all bent over being called a conspiracy theorist... but when I tell you why people will call you that you choose to reject what it is Im saying, just as others are doing to you..
Dont put government in the same paragraph and people may take what you say more serious.
This is just my thoughts on your post.... I understand what it is you ar saying... Im just trying to get you to look at it from the outsiders perspective.... There is a million things wrong with the world, fixing 2000 years of corruption is impossible.


Well-Known Member
Otis•Driftwood;1184086 said:
So what does it mean when the water says Fluoride Ion - <.01 mg/L ?

im guessing 1/100th of a milligram per litre?

____________ In Response to Socialized Medicine_____________



New Member
Yes Calcium fluoride is commonly found in natural water sources. Sodium fluoride is what they put in the water. In some areas its hexafluoride(i think thats the right spelling). People get too much of both, which has been proven to be dangerous. Fluoride is in everything that contains water from a municipal water supply in 60% of the US.

Do you really think they put fluoride in the water to help your teeth? And does your study indicate that while fluoride is very good for teeth, it does not cause any negative effects to mental or physical health?

Does it not bother you that the water your tax dollars pay for contains fluoride? I gotta buy bottled water or distill to stop drinking toothpaste chemicals? Not very American, sounds more like socialism. If it is to prevent tooth decay, it is medicine. Socialized medicine, which I hear is gaining popularity.

There are studies that indicate minimal levels of fluoride exposure is very good for teeth, even when it is ingested. I see no reason to believe the scientific studies you say you have over these other scientific studies.

I'm not a scientist, so I have no idea who's science to believe. But I do know that fluoride occurs naturally in many sources of water (some communities don't need to add it). I also know that many minerals, elements, and vitamins that are good for me become harmful when ingested in amounts that are too large. My wife drank too much fluoride when she was too young, and her teeth got a little bit discolored (it is not very noticeable though). My cousin once drank too much Orange Juice when she was too young (and took vitamin C) and had some medical problems related to that.

I have no problem with conspiracy theories. I definitely believe there are political conspiracies that occur all the time; and I believe marijuana being illegal is a result of one (among other causes). But I'm not worried in the least about fluoride. Then again... maybe that's just because I'm apathetic and calm. If anything, though, I think there is a conspiracy in water distillation and filtration companies to convince the public that a little fluoride is going to poison us so we'll buy their products.


New Member
Dont put government in the same paragraph and people may take what you say more serious.
I get it. I am actually surprised how few people called me a conspiracy theorist. I don't like the phrase personally, its misleading and misused too often. The few that don't care or don't check the things they put in their body deserve what they get. If the word government is too much for people, they deserve what they get. I know it may sound cruel and strange, but id be real happy if the blissfully ignorant die before they reproduce. Unfortunately they are more likely to pass on their bad habits and die of cancer later on.

I gotta get to work. This fluoride shit is well covered in this thread, and people are free to do their own research. I hope they do.


New Member
Otis•Driftwood;1184108 said:
What about bottled "spring water" ?
Call the 800 number on the bottle. I don't think Ive ever seen fluoride in the ingredients since its in the water.


Well-Known Member
No while i was reading this thread i looked at the bottle of spring water i was drinking and it says Fluoride ions: 0.1 p.p.m.

Then i took a look at the analytical results done on water that came out of a distiller and it said Fluoride Ion <.01 mg/L

I don't know the difference if there is one or weather it would be good or bad.


New Member
Otis•Driftwood;1184162 said:
No while i was reading this thread i looked at the bottle of spring water i was drinking and it says Fluoride ions: 0.1 p.p.m.

Then i took a look at the analytical results done on water that came out of a distiller and it said Fluoride Ion <.01 mg/L

I don't know the difference if there is one or weather it would be good or bad.
Not sure what an Ion is. If its pure spring water, I wouldnt be too worried. I avoid tap water and toothpaste with fluoride in it. This is going to cut most of your exposure. If you do this, I wouldnt worry too much about naturally occuring fluoride, although it can stain your teeth - but I doubt it if you cut out tap and toothpaste+fluoride. I personally wouldnt drink it lol.

Fluoride occurs naturally as well as in the industrial byproduct we ingest. But so does arsenic and lots of other nasties.

<.01 mg/L = Less than 0.1 mg/L


Well-Known Member
I get it. I am actually surprised how few people called me a conspiracy theorist. I don't like the phrase personally, its misleading and misused too often. The few that don't care or don't check the things they put in their body deserve what they get. If the word government is too much for people, they deserve what they get. I know it may sound cruel and strange, but id be real happy if the blissfully ignorant die before they reproduce. Unfortunately they are more likely to pass on their bad habits and die of cancer later on.
Oh give me a break. Do you mean to tell me that you have never been ignorant of facts, or deceived by propaganda? Never once in your life? Dude, *you* are blissfully ignorant. We all are. No one knows everything and everyone has been (and even is being deceived) by someone. So get over yourself. You may know more about certain topics then other people, but at the same time other people know more about certain other topics then you do.

There is no need to be so pissed off at the world. When you're wishing death on people just because they aren't as smart as you think you are, you have problems. Just do your part to share what you think is good information to share, and try to live in peace. Try to chill out and to have a little more compassion, and if you are unable to then go talk to a fucking minister or a psychologist or something. Seriously.

P.S. - You asked me to link a study showing the benefits of fluoride. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5014a1.htm There you go. That isn't a study in and of itself, but it refers to hundreds of studies, many of them recent. Like I said, I'm no scientist, so I'm not claiming any of these studies are better then yours. But you asked for them. The reasons I'm not concerned about fluoride I have already outlined in a previous post. Plus my dentist recommends I drink the tap water, and I trust him. He has studied teeth and fluoride for a lot longer then you or I. Thanks for sharing your info, but I'm just not worried.


New Member
Fuck compassion.
I don't deny the obvious and proven just because of popular opinion or my own lazyness. I may ignore it, but not openly deny and ridicule it. These people who do this should be shot. Not just because they are not as smart as I think I am. Minister. Thats a joke. Whats he going to do, give me the new testament version of Romans 13 ? (sidenote: check out king james version of Romans 13 vs the new testament, the updates are pretty convenient)

Ive read this study. But I bookmarked it and am going to read it again.

Look at all the sources. They have pulled information from just about every decade of the 1900s to craft their crap. Most of these studies over 20 years old have been debunked, were funded by chemical companies, or are not up to par with modern scientific standards.

If I could take bits and pieces of a subject from 100 years of 'research' I could come up with all kinds of shit. Also, this information is provided by the government. This isnt a study. This is a bunch of information chopped up over several decades and levels of quality of scientific scope, and blended together to form a story. It's funny, if you look at some of the more obscure conspiracy theories (David Icke specifically) it is put together the same way.

I will reread this. However, I don't think the Gov's story(not study) can hold a candle to studies released by independent research groups. Especially since they do the study in one go, rather than collect snippets from years of propaganda and science. Also since the Chinese and Indian study shows the same results, Im going to have a hard time accepting that they conspired to fix the results, and ive said before, im not a coincidence theorist, especially when numerous other studies and research groups (not governments) are singing the same tune.

Can you track down 1 real scientific study in the past 20 years, where they actually perform 1 experiment in 1 time frame (within reason of course) and show positive results?

Also this doesn't say anything about the brain or skeleton. This is all dental.

Thats your wife?! Fuck she just left my apartment! ha :hump: lol

Oh give me a break. Do you mean to tell me that you have never been ignorant of facts, or deceived by propaganda? Never once in your life? Dude, *you* are blissfully ignorant. We all are. No one knows everything and everyone has been (and even is being deceived) by someone. So get over yourself. You may know more about certain topics then other people, but at the same time other people know more about certain other topics then you do.

There is no need to be so pissed off at the world. When you're wishing death on people just because they aren't as smart as you think you are, you have problems. Just do your part to share what you think is good information to share, and try to live in peace. Try to chill out and to have a little more compassion, and if you are unable to then go talk to a fucking minister or a psychologist or something. Seriously.

P.S. - You asked me to link a study showing the benefits of fluoride. Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States There you go. That isn't a study in and of itself, but it refers to hundreds of studies, many of them recent. Like I said, I'm no scientist, so I'm not claiming any of these studies are better then yours. But you asked for them. The reasons I'm not concerned about fluoride I have already outlined in a previous post. Plus my dentist recommends I drink the tap water, and I trust him. He has studied teeth and fluoride for a lot longer then you or I. Thanks for sharing your info, but I'm just not worried.

P.P.S. - Where did you get that picture of my wife in your avatar?


Well-Known Member
Sorry small correction, this isnt a republic anymore, although it was meant to be (See US Constitution)
Why would we not be a republic any more? Here is a link to the definition of a republic republic - Definitions from Dictionary.com The first definition is exactly what we have.

I agree totally with the issue on fluoride in the water. I saw some study in Time magazine that said something like 32% of children in the US have some sort of dental fluorosis. But yet the dentists all want fluoride in the water. Why do you think this is? Could it be because they want to make money off of these 32% of children in the US?

Fluoride weakens the bones, causes tooth issues when not used topically, and actally has been proven to lower the IQ of children drinking the water. There were days of arguing about this subject in another thread, and I don't feel like getting into it again. But fluoride is horrible to have in the water, and I'm glad that I have never lived anywhere that adds it to their water.

Heavy Smoker

Active Member
All I can say is check out the book "The Fluoride Deception": By Christopher Bryson -- This book is hard-hitting and extensively referenced, I loaned a copy from my University's Science Library. It tells the shocking story of Fluoride's extreme toxicity, its necessary role in making nuclear weapons, and its utter failure in tooth decay prevention. Fluoride basically kills any living cells, making it possibly useful for eliminating bacteria on teeth which can cause cavities. BUT, this concept is only possible if was to be applied topically to the teeth, not by digestion into the human body where it is absorbed into your tissues for slow poisoning and destruction of your body.

I drink spring and mineral waters only. Lately, I've been getting poland spring in the Hard plastic (less PVC flavor) for about $1 a 3-liter, and its worth every penny. Some other spring waters are even better, but less available. Spring water is very rarely fluoridated, unlike "purified" water, which almost always contains added fluoride. Read the labels on your bottle of water. Good water is worth it! This is the age we live in; you must buy special non-medicated/toxified water.

One of the more disturbing things I've seen is "Infant water"... which is bottled water with fluoride -- K-Mart sells this as well as many other mass retailers I'm sure.

Get a copy of this book, study it and ask the legislators of your local municipality why they are spending hundreds of thousands of OUR tax dollars adding this toxic, damaging, life-snuffing substance into the water supply.


New Member
A republic has been defined many times throughout time, and I should probably spend the time to find the signers of the constitutions words.

Since im in a time crunch
Source: tm_2000-25.htm

Fuck im tired and still lots of work. For the sake of time im going to mark bold everything we are outside of the definition on, as defined 1928 -

This definition also calls democracy by its right name btw, MOBocracy.

In 1928 a republic was defined as:
“Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress[if they meant positive progress]. Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world. A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for the election of

  • (1) an executive and
  • (2) a legislative body, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation, all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create
  • (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality of their government acts and to recognize
  • (4) certain inherent individual rights
Liberty - You're either free or you're not. What are we?

Reason - Would you describe our government as reasonable?

Justice - Do you feel that the United States holds justice in high regard (I have to add) FOR ALL CITIZENS. Look at the criminals at the top.

Progress - yeah

Form of gov under constition - Our government is above the constitution, meaning they've passed laws in violation of the constition. One popular example (of MANY http://americasamerica.org/constitution.org - this is not fully filled out, but it does categorize some violations) is the infringing on our right to bear arms, the ultimate national defense. Look up the word infringe.

Certain inherent individual rights. We don't have inherent rights, rights cannot be taken away, we have priviledges. The first 10 amendments of the constitution is also known as the bill of rights. You can read it and see what the higher ups think about our "rights".

But probably only if you pay attention to the same stuff I do. If you read the bill of rights and dont see where you're getting fucked, youll have to look at laws and admissions that have subverted the BOR. For example, George Bush's US warrantless wiretapping is a violation of your 4th amendment right. Any restriction/infringement on firearms is a violation of your 2nd, routine traffic stops where they ask you for your papers, but had no reason to stop you is also a violation of the 4th. I think torture is covered in the constitution somehwere. Marqs of reprisal (a hit - declassified documents can be found reguarding the attempted assassination of fidel castro, using mob elements). It also says that no state shall coin anything other than gold and silver as money to pay a debt or something along that line. Ive spent way more time on this reply than I wanted to. The shits fucking important. I should be working right now, but I needed to answer your question in the best way I could. Which is half ass anyway. sorry about that. tired

If you go to that americasamerica.org/constitution.php site, the first 10 amendments have some links under them documenting some of this. Keep in mind it doesnt cover every violation. I don't claim to know of every violation, but 1 is enough. That may sound terribly strict, to not be able to "cheat" a little, but as you can see, here in 2008, they've taken 1 at a time.
Im sure some people will disagree with this, they can fuck off. Im not arguing about this.... unless you REALLY REALLY want to. lol.

All I can say is check out the book "The Fluoride Deception": By Christopher Bryson -- This book is hard-hitting and extensively referenced, I loaned a copy from my University's Science Library. It tells the shocking story of Fluoride's extreme toxicity, its necessary role in making nuclear weapons, and its utter failure in tooth decay prevention. Fluoride basically kills any living cells, making it possibly useful for eliminating bacteria on teeth which can cause cavities. BUT, this concept is only possible if was to be applied topically to the teeth, not by digestion into the human body where it is absorbed into your tissues for slow poisoning and destruction of your body.

I drink spring and mineral waters only. Lately, I've been getting poland spring in the Hard plastic (less PVC flavor) for about $1 a 3-liter, and its worth every penny. Some other spring waters are even better, but less available. Spring water is very rarely fluoridated, unlike "purified" water, which almost always contains added fluoride. Read the labels on your bottle of water. Good water is worth it! This is the age we live in; you must buy special non-medicated/toxified water.

One of the more disturbing things I've seen is "Infant water"... which is bottled water with fluoride -- K-Mart sells this as well as many other mass retailers I'm sure.

Get a copy of this book, study it and ask the legislators of your local municipality why they are spending hundreds of thousands of OUR tax dollars adding this toxic, damaging, life-snuffing substance into the water supply.