cbd is the real deal.
got a couple of customers that were HEAVY prescriptions users. they switched to cbd oil. they dont even need the meds anymore.
saved them $$$. and who knows what they put in the meds. i mean they put stuff like speed/opium, heroine? leading to harder drugs/needles...
nobody has ever overdosed from weed. you cant.
only downside is. they got to keep smoking it.
maybe in the future, when these companies finally figure out there opium based drugs arent working, and switch to cbd. they might have something were you dont have to smoke it as often.
also,,, me and my buddy went to a convention. this guy was passing out cbd oil drops. so me and my buddy took some. literally a couple mins later. it hit us. it intensified everything! colors were brighter, senses were more alert. just a good feeling instead of couch lock................... i hate couch lock when im trying to work...
thats why im hoping this healing fields has good qualitys of cbd.