Drying Curing crash course?


Well-Known Member
Okay, so...

Long story short.. I started a newb grow. It consisted of bagseed, a 42watt CFL and 2 plants...

I was moving and couldnt take them in the move, so I shoved them off on a friend who immediately put them under 12/12 (no timer just turning it on/off every 12hrs)

A few months later I swung by her house and realized that one was very much a male! even opened it's pollen balls... SHIT! So I killed it.

She kept the female, still under 42watt light on 12/12 and now she has to move... It's too large (was about 3 feet tall and lanky, not a healthy plant as far as having a BADASS plant, but it was green and still well alive last i saw it about 2 months ago) for her to transport... So today, she goes in to dispose of it, and realized that since her mom has been caring for it (just water and 12/12ing it) there were 2 colas. She hacked the colas off and is bringing them to me.

This is a totally ghetto, random grow. Nothing really put into it.

My question:
Ive never gotten this far obviously... So as far as dryng and curing... I just want to make sure im not missing any obvious tricks...

I hang them, upside down for about a week, or until the stems SNAP when bent.....
Then I put the bud into a jar, with a lid (will an old jelly jar work?) and I let it breathe twice a day for about 20 mins each... and wiping off any wetness that accumalates in the jar... Until it's nice and dry and then smoke?

I know.. this is total newb and ghetto.. But hell, it's fun.

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
yes it sounds like you got a handle on it
not sure if i would wait untill stem able to snap long enuff that bud is dry on outside


Well-Known Member
that's pretty much how you do it though you don't have to stick to 20 minutes twice a day. Instead keep the jar sealed until the buds feel wet, then open it for an hour or two until they dry, close it again and repeat the process until they are at the "right" level of moisture, which is really your call. How long was the plant in flower?


Well-Known Member
Dude.. lol... It sprouted May 10th... I gave them to her around June 10th? So they were in flower for 2 months I guess. It's really not time for them to be done.. But, we cant do much due to the moving situation. Plus it was only a 42watt CFL.

I havent seen them yet, but my friend smokes and she says there is enough to smoke.

I guess we'll see. I could be totally jumping the gun and it could just be shit, but she also lives in a legit grow house (90 plants downstairs that someone else cares for) so she does know a thing about what plants should look like.

Basically she said "Its not as big as the bud we've seen in the grow room, or what you look at online. But its there" and I said "Does it have Trichs?" and she said "Whats that?" I go "Like... crystals" and she said "Oh yeah! and long hairs!" I said "does it stink?" she told me "Yes! very much"

So Im thinking it'll work.

If nothing else, getting enough smoke for one session would be really fun since I gave the plant life.

It was all on a whim and due to her telling me "That wont work" when I found a seed while rolling a blunt. I took her up on the challenge. While doing it, I fell in love with the concept of growing and I am working diligently on building a decent little box for my first "serious" CFL grow.

I really appreciate your guys' input. It will help me tremendously!

P.S. How do you give props on here?
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Well-Known Member
Dude.. lol... It sprouted May 10th... I gave them to her around June 10th? So they were in flower for 2 months I guess. It's really not time for them to be done.. But, we cant do much due to the moving situation. Plus it was only a 42watt CFL.

I havent seen them yet, but my friend smokes and she says there is enough to smoke.

I guess we'll see. I could be totally jumping the gun and it could just be shit, but she also lives in a legit grow house (90 plants downstairs that someone else cares for) so she does know a thing about what plants should look like.

Basically she said "Its not as big as the bud we've seen in the grow room, or what you look at online. But its there" and I said "Does it have Trichs?" and she said "Whats that?" I go "Like... crystals" and she said "Oh yeah! and long hairs!" I said "does it stink?" she told me "Yes! very much"

So Im thinking it'll work.

If nothing else, getting enough smoke for one session would be really fun since I gave the plant life.

It was all on a whim and due to her telling me "That wont work" when I found a seed while rolling a blunt. I took her up on the challenge. While doing it, I fell in love with the concept of growing and I am working diligently on building a decent little box for my first "serious" CFL grow.

I really appreciate your guys' input. It will help me tremendously!

P.S. How do you give props on here?
2 months may be just enough time but it unfortunately probably isn't going to be very good. Oh well, my first was pretty ghetto too - enough to get me to want to learn how to do it for real. It'll make your next "legit" grow that much better.

Props are the scale in the upper right corner to answer your question. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, for sure. Im not expecting some crazy chronic bud.

If I get stoned, I will come back to this thread and let you know... while Im high.. haha

Im a lightweight.

Oh and thanks for teaching me about the SCALE.. I thought it was the freakin box with the + in it. lol


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, for sure. Im not expecting some crazy chronic bud.

If I get stoned, I will come back to this thread and let you know... while Im high.. haha

Im a lightweight.

Oh and thanks for teaching me about the SCALE.. I thought it was the freakin box with the + in it. lol
no prob. definitely report back.


Well-Known Member
Oh one other thing... My plan for my box is to have it used for veg, flower, and curing... No mother plants.. Just a one time go, to learn from and improve...

My box is not near done... I was going to use the DYI filter to double for flowering as drying since I hear it smells pretty strongly.

So, my Q is... Do you think (and I know this is ghetto lol) if I hung these little buds in a box, with a fan.. in my closet and like "dog piled" extra blankets and stuff on there... Do you think that would "filter" the smell enough?

I know it's going to be a "try it and find out" sorta thing... Just wondering for small-chat's sake.

I just dont need my landlord sniffing anything out.. Or any company if people come over.


Well-Known Member
my guess is that might be ok for your ghetto buds because I doubt they will smell very strong. But I don't think that will be enough to filter the smell from your next grow.


Well-Known Member
Haha post pics of your buds! I've been growing two plants (both female) since April 6th, and I'm about to harvest! I'll post dried buds when they dry. :D


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics. Minimal bud, but it does have some small trich's and it has orange hairs. Smells like herb too.

I trimmed leafs from it, left some on cuz I dont know how much to trim off. I then strung this half box thing and hung the two little branches from it. I have a fan circulating in the closet, but not directly on the bud... It's the coolest closet we have, so if it's not cool enough with this hot weather, I really have no other alternative.

The leafs I cut off already smell like grass/hay... I hope my buds dont smell/taste like that in the end.

Also, I bought a bag the other day.. I am storing it in a jar this time. Same closet hidden by the light under a rug... Is this a bad idea or a fine one? I just want it there for some storage, rather than sitting in a baggy until I roll it.




Well-Known Member
Here are some pics. Minimal bud, but it does have some small trich's and it has orange hairs. Smells like herb too.

I trimmed leafs from it, left some on cuz I dont know how much to trim off. I then strung this half box thing and hung the two little branches from it. I have a fan circulating in the closet, but not directly on the bud... It's the coolest closet we have, so if it's not cool enough with this hot weather, I really have no other alternative.

The leafs I cut off already smell like grass/hay... I hope my buds dont smell/taste like that in the end.

Also, I bought a bag the other day.. I am storing it in a jar this time. Same closet hidden by the light under a rug... Is this a bad idea or a fine one? I just want it there for some storage, rather than sitting in a baggy until I roll it.


I always store my bud in glass jars. I think that's what you were asking. That second pic actually looks like a decent bud. Not too bad for free weed.


Well-Known Member
42Watt is not enough you need a 400W MH 18/6 then a HPS 400W for the 12/12
the 42W your using will make your plants appear malnurished..


Well-Known Member
So, I dried it as directed and I have had it in a jar for over a week now. I burp the jar every now and again but there is no moisture build up in the jar or on the plant.

It still just smells like hay...

What gives?


Well-Known Member
how does it smoke? Since the buds are not very dense, there probably won't be much moisture build up. Curing in jars is designed to get the moisture from the center of dense buds to disperse evenly and dissipate into the air. You probably won't get much of that.

As for the hay smell, that may be due to ferts if you used them but didn't flush. I have had that hay smell before and the bud still smoked okay.


Well-Known Member
I havent bothered smoking it yet because the thought of smoking hay stench makes me sick. I didnt use ferts at all the entire grow. It was just water actually.

Man.. i wonder why the hay smell isnt leaving


Well-Known Member
hmmm. not sure. I do notice a bit of a "green" or grassy smell when I am curing that seems to get less and less everytime I open the jars. I think its the last bit of chlorophyl escaping.