what should I make with all these fan leaves?

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, im really really new to concentrates, I have tryed dab thats about it, im pretty familiar witj how to make it and all but my question is what should I make with all these fan leaves I have ? I was told there arent verry good for making dab witb butane extraction so I was thinking maby ice water hash? I have alot of fan leaves
When we have the capacity, we extract the fan leaves and stems for topical application, They really don't produce a high, but more of a charley horse between the ears when smoked or dabbed.

When we don't have extra capacity, we compost them.
I used to make decent brownies with fan leaves ground and used as flour. About 4oz ground leaves per cup of flour replacement in the recipe. They would have been better had I decarbed the leaves first, 250° for 25 minutes, but were acceptable w/o decarbing. Since I have discovered making canna butter/oil I haven't used the fan leaves that way.
Ok well I have been making cannabutter with them, I do about 2 oz of ground up fan leaves and put them in tea bags and double broil the butter and green for bout 6 hrs.then its nive and dark gree. Ive been suplimenting the vegetable oil on brownies and been making decent stuff, dont really give you a head change but boy dose it make you relax and sink off in the couch with a lovely smile on your face
Best thing to do with fan leaves is juice them. They have great anti-oxident, ammune boosting properties. This is a medicinal use though. It will not get you high. If you decide to try this go on you tube and watch some videos. You will need a masticating juicer made for that type of leaf. Need to drink it within a day or two or you can make ice cubes and freeze them. Hope that helps.
Best thing to do with fan leaves is juice them. They have great anti-oxident, ammune boosting properties. This is a medicinal use though. It will not get you high. If you decide to try this go on you tube and watch some videos. You will need a masticating juicer made for that type of leaf. Need to drink it within a day or two or you can make ice cubes and freeze them. Hope that helps.
Hello everyone, im really really new to concentrates, I have tryed dab thats about it, im pretty familiar witj how to make it and all but my question is what should I make with all these fan leaves I have ? I was told there arent verry good for making dab witb butane extraction so I was thinking maby ice water hash? I have alot of fan leaves

We used to save the fan leaves and stems to run when we had capacity, but we stopped having time/capacity, so presently compost them.

The yield is low, and gives you a Charley horse between the ears, as opposed to a euphoric high when vaporized, but makes an excellent topical for arthritic pain.
You would have to have a whole trash bag full of fan leaves to get just the littlest bit for maybe some edibles . Throw them in your compost heap, not much medicinal value
I actually retract that statement...you can juice the leaves and make smoothies and such with them ...its good for you edit: oops just read a few said that
you can definitely make edibles with them. I save them in bags ground up until I have the time to do a long drawn out, messy vegetable oil exrraction.

I use about 2.5 cups of vegetable oil and ussually a pound (minimum) of dried decarbed fan leaves (they build up quick when you dont use them up). just add.water to the mix until all the leaves are covered.

ussually extract for about 10-12 hours in a pressure cooker. straining that mich material by hand takes quite a while though.
Compost or trash can is your best bet for fan leaves, they don't really contain enough THC to get you high so not worth the time/effort/money involved in extracting them in my opinion. If they are fresh and disease free you could juice them.
I actually made pot brownies with cannabutter from the fan leaves, it was kinda like taking an ambiean. Juat made you supper sleepy.