Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

id love to have a chat with that guy.. either a master chief petty officer..or fleet commander.. i cant see the badge very well. . either way.. lots of rank and looks like hes done shit

MCPO & "Chief of the boat" @ my last three units, but my active bravo jacket was in storage when she asked me to wear the monkey suit so if you look closely you will see only one star on the left sleeve (SCPO), but the collar devices are correct.

Gold hashmarks.
Someone kept their shit straight.
Very nice.

I just didn't get caught. :wink:

Jesus, look at all that flair!! No wonder the guy (GWN) is a super-mod :-)

15 pieces of flair is the minimum.

and Marines.

AND MARINES, damn straight;

Did you guys hear about the two Marines who caught a would be terrorist on a French bullet train today?

No bullshit, they heard the motherfucker loading his weapons in the bathroom and confronted him when he came out- armed to the teeth!

One of them got knifed and the other got SHOT- and they STILL 'subdued' the shitstain until the train stopped and the police showed up.

HOOOO-RAAA! Lives saved, bad guy in jail. That's what I call making a good impression!
AND MARINES, damn straight;

Did you guys hear about the two Marines who caught a would be terrorist on a French bullet train today?

No bullshit, they heard the motherfucker loading his weapons in the bathroom and confronted him when he came out- armed to the teeth!

One of them got knifed and the other got SHOT- and they STILL 'subdued' the shitstain until the train stopped and the police showed up.

HOOOO-RAAA! Lives saved, bad guy in jail. That's what I call making a good impression!
That is situational awareness!...I guarantee they weren't sitting there staring at their phones..
is it a bad thing if you did private shit after working for the govt?. I did some black water stuff a few times..they pay is hella compared to the peanuts you get from the govt.. even the Canadian military my 9 months in Kandahar only got me 80,000 net. where as one private job gets ya almost 200,000 take home.. this is cdn dollars mind you.. i said fuck it to getting my ass shot and went into the oil industry..make as much as private sector but dont get shot at.
Yeah, I want to get me an AR15..basically an M4
ever try the Canadian colt C7 ? its like an M16a2 but fully auto and has way less jamming issues the bolt forward assist pin is lightly longer to force the bolt to lock into the chamber better or if there is high carbon build up..due to it being a shit eater style cocking mech..i prefer my M418.. way more reliable in shit conditions. due to the fact that its piston driven..rather than a stupid gas tube blowing GSR all over your bolt and slides