detrimental defoliation?

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Well-Known Member
So I have an awesome landrace kush from North India, called "Hubble-Bubble" by Mandala Seeds. She just started throwing pistils about 10 days ago. On a whim (and out of smoke), I decided to pinch her fan leaves a few days ago and smoke them. After an entire bowl, I noticed to my surprise, that I was entering an impending STONED state which lasted a good 2-3 hours. Ime, this is nearly unheard of, with just the fan (sun) leaves. Since then, I've been pinching them quite regularly, and packing fat bowls bongsmilie The problem is obvious: Is this going to really hurt (delay) the flowering process? I have read about people defoliating their plants in a similar manner before, and they claimed the plants ended up flowering just fine... here is a pic of one of her branches, after I pinched some fan leaves off. What do you think.. will she be alright, minus those solar-panels?


Well-Known Member
LoL, funny guys... Did I forget to mention my tolerance is currently low, as I haven't smoked any decent bud in months..? So quick to judge ... Any experienced grower/smoker knows that old plants can sometimes carry a fair amount of cannabinoids in their fan leaves. Chlorophyll yes, and occasionally some Thc as well. To me, it is simply an indicator of the eventual potential of this plant. Been growing since I was 16, and I'm 40 now.... No bullshit needed here -
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Well-Known Member
I'm imagining a slight headachy type of buzz.
Just remember that ( contrary to what some believe around here ) the plant doesnt just make them for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Lol I think so
Indeed I did... can't wait to peak out the bud on this particular plant. She'll be ready no later than Halloween. Maybe I just got a really potent pheno. Have nothing to compare it to as I only have one girl from this strain.(Himalayan land-race kush, btw). Smoked a little leaf from my Durga Mata girls, which had no effect. Seems like it's just a Potent Kush. Either way, harvest is going to be... Magical :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm imagining a slight headachy type of buzz.
Just remember that ( contrary to what some believe around here ) the plant doesnt just make them for nothing.
Actually, it wasn't nearly as bad as one might think. Took a whole bowl, coughed a bit, but it was worth the 2+ hour stone that followed. Slept well that night :sleep:
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Well-Known Member
To answer your question - a lot of people swear by defoliation - claiming it increases yields by allowing the grow tips to get more light. I have not tried it, but I am considering trying it. Nice plant by the way.


Well-Known Member
To answer your question - a lot of people swear by defoliation - claiming it increases yields by allowing the grow tips to get more light. I have not tried it, but I am considering trying it. Nice plant by the way.
Thanks bro, we will see how it goes... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
IMO, all defoliation is detrimental.
Your plant (and you) would be better served if you would wait until she provides you with some baby buds that you can sample with less deleterious effect on the plant and the upcoming healthy, robust harvest.
Patience is a virtue.
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