detrimental defoliation?

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Well-Known Member
Whatever. The only fool is going to be You, when one bowl of LEAF gets you STONED. I pitty the FOOL.... (Mr. T.....) you ignorant know-it all-asshole. :blsmoke:
Lmao. One dab of ice wax doesn't even get me that stoned. I have a high tolerance.


You are right about one thing. I do know everything. Now you know and knowing is half the battle

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Shame on you Indi, you need to get some more discipline and learn that this is an open forum with many different points of view. If you don't agree with them then move on you don't have respond to every negative comment. Calm the fuck down bro ... jesus. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
IME, there's absolutely no need to progress past high-quality (65%) bubble-hash. Any ignoramus that just NEEDS to go further is asking to be a poster-child for theo ne reason why the federal gvt is not allowing med.cannabis in so many states. Shame on you, dumbasses ~

Talk about ignorant. It has nothing to do with potency. It has to do with money. Do you have any idea how many senators, congressmen and governors are on the pockets of pharmaceutical companies. Even legal states they're are tying to pass regulation making it illegal to grow unless you have a state license. Only corporations are getting those licenses. It's already happened in washington.

No i will never ever do meth, coca or anything. I don't drink at all kid.

Obviously by your demeanor you are just a kid who is just bullshiting.

No one of the age you claim to be would ever conduct themselves in this manner.

Good day


Well-Known Member
Well.....this technically is not yet an official thread on defoliation is it ?
Theres a difference. Today we are discussing the potential presence of THC in the leaves
defoliated correct ?
If it does become a thread on defoliation, I'm leaving straight away.


Well-Known Member
You can "call" whatever you want. High chances are, I was growing pot when you were still in pre-school. I really don't give a shit what you think you're calling, because you have just proven yourself to be a closed-minded ignorant fuck-tard. Congress NEEDS YOU. You will fit right in. Go there, and leave an intelligent,viable community to its' own endeavors. Young ass, dumb-ass Punk. Learn about your plant before you utter nonsense, and maybe after 25 yrs you can call yourself enlightened.
Way to just jump to conclusions. Just because you've been doing something for a long time doesn't make you an authority on shit. You are the worst type of person. Guranteed there are people that have grown for 5 years that are much better at it than you. The fact that you need to ask what we think the possible adverse affects of defoliating might be says everything. If you were a long entrenched, seasoned grower like you say, you should already know the answer to the question.


Well-Known Member
LoL, funny guys... Did I forget to mention my tolerance is currently low, as I haven't smoked any decent bud in months..? So quick to judge ... Any experienced grower/smoker knows that old plants can sometimes carry a fair amount of cannabinoids in their fan leaves. Chlorophyll yes, and occasionally some Thc as well. To me, it is simply an indicator of the eventual potential of this plant. Been growing since I was 16, and I'm 40 now.... No bullshit needed here -
That is an extremly low tolerance to get high off of "one" fan leaf. Not only that,but thc-a only provides a little head rush,almost disorienting intill it turns into thc/cbd which is what "stoned" really is. If you have a low tolerance i wouldnt doubt you got high, but if you did get high for hours then chances are a tiny ass .3 gram nug will toss you on your ass. Btw, i would loveeeee to sample hyroots shit.


Well-Known Member
Hey Indy, I let the mods know you are under 18 and still living in your parents house. They told me the ban hammer is coming soon.

Only the mods including Rollitup himself know I am older than the stepdad that last boinked your mom. It's all good, I understand a stupid jealous fuck-tard like you will do what he can to get me expelled from something that is past your capabilities. Have you choked on a fat dick lately? :sleep: No better time than now, to learn.... punk ass mofo -


Well-Known Member
Main Entry: diluted
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: thinned
Synonyms: adulterated, cut, dilute, impaired, impoverished, light, reduced, washy, watered down, waterish, watery, weak, weakened, wishy-washy
And mostly Objective... with some Subjectivity thrown in for good measure bongsmilie
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