Disgraced ’19 Kids’ Star Josh Duggar Named in Ashley Madison Leak

I guess you had nothing to type but typed anyway.
I find no humor in the fact that you think it is ok for 13 year old girls or boys fucking.

No. My point went over your pointed head as usual hypocrite. I meant the core of the problem is, actions, institutions and customs that arise from nonconsenting human interactions are inherently flawed. You correctly identify some of those actions as bad, but then embrace others which benefit you thru coercion.

I find no humor in your endorsement of institutional systemic "molestation" which manufactures individuals consent out of thin air and attempts to build some legitimacy from flawed imaginary concepts such as tacit consent.

Okay, now that you are thoroughly confused, let me shift topic and dumb it down for you....

So how old were you before you wondered what was under Sally's dress?

Do you think Dick Butkus ever took shit for his name?
No. My point went over your pointed head as usual hypocrite. I meant the core of the problem is, actions, institutions and customs that arise from nonconsenting human interactions are inherently flawed. You correctly identify some of those actions as bad, but then embrace others which benefit you thru coercion.

I find no humor in your endorsement of institutional systemic "molestation" which manufactures individuals consent out of thin air and attempts to build some legitimacy from flawed imaginary concepts such as tacit consent.

Okay, now that you are thoroughly confused, let me shift topic and dumb it down for you....

So how old were you before you wondered what was under Sally's dress?

Do you think Dick Butkus ever took shit for his name?
I kind of feel sorry for you.
Instead of watching TV you had to watch your parents do the "nasty nasty". It has really taken a toll on your mental
I kind of feel sorry for you.
Instead of watching TV you had to watch your parents do the "nasty nasty". It has really taken a toll on your mental

False dichotomy.

Although I did watch television as a child, not really much as a younger adult and hardly at all the last 20 odd years or so.

Never saw mom and dad doing the nasty nasty. You must be having childhood flashbacks.

I kind of feel bad for you too, secretly admiring all those sweaty boys in the shower after your football practice, when guys like me were out in the backseat with the football players sisters.
False dichotomy.

Although I did watch television as a child, not really much as a younger adult and hardly at all the last 20 odd years or so.

Never saw mom and dad doing the nasty nasty. You must be having childhood flashbacks.

I kind of feel bad for you too, secretly admiring all those sweaty boys in the shower after your football practice, when guys like me were out in the backseat with the football players sisters.
So can a child of 13 consent to having sex with an adult yes or no chester?
False dichotomy.

Although I did watch television as a child, not really much as a younger adult and hardly at all the last 20 odd years or so.

Never saw mom and dad doing the nasty nasty. You must be having childhood flashbacks.

I kind of feel bad for you too, secretly admiring all those sweaty boys in the shower after your football practice, when guys like me were out in the backseat with the football players sisters.
Again we don't blame you for what your parents did by making you watch them fuck, but you do have to take responsibility for your actions NOW.
I ask again why do you think men/boys who plays football, secretly admire each other in the shower ? Is this some sort of secret fantasy of yours.
My goal in playing sports was to obtain a scholarship to college. What was your goal when you were 13 fucking ? To catch a disease or to have a baby as a baby ? Did you and your wife teach your kids to have sex early and often ? Did you make your children watch, the same way your parents made you ?
Again we don't blame you for what your parents did by making you watch them fuck, but you do have to take responsibility for your actions NOW.
I ask again why do you think men/boys who plays football, secretly admire each other in the shower ? Is this some sort of secret fantasy of yours.
My goal in playing sports was to obtain a scholarship to college. What was your goal when you were 13 fucking ? To catch a disease or to have a baby as a baby ? Did you and your wife teach your kids to have sex early and often ? Did you make your children watch, the same way your parents made you ?

Goals at 13? Wow that was along time ago...I think I wanted to be able to grab the rim of a regulation basketball hoop at 13. I had to wait a bit, then it got real easy, like the football players sisters.
Goals at 13? Wow that was along time ago...I think I wanted to be able to grab the rim of a regulation basketball hoop at 13. I had to wait a bit, then it got real easy, like the football players sisters.
seems like the only thing you thought about was sex. Pretty damn sad. Do you think that this is a problem ?
Goals at 13? Wow that was along time ago...I think I wanted to be able to grab the rim of a regulation basketball hoop at 13. I had to wait a bit, then it got real easy, like the football players sisters.
So as an adult why are you sexually attracted to 13 year olds And why shouldn't we feel revulsion at your degenerate actions?
Rob has been trolling you for months you imbecile

its getting painful to watch now, dam you're slow on the uptake


good job on defending a pedophile.
It's kinda ironic that the person supporting baby dick sucking would lambaste others for percieved jokes about pedophilia tho...

keep repeating the lie. that's what goebbels said to do.

it should be banned for the health concerns in my opinion

at least you got a 'like' from white supremacist sirgreenthumb, who is too cowardly to even post here anymore.

typical cowardly racists.
why do you find it so hard to answer a simple yes or no question....very telling

I enjoy the attention from the Prohibitionist and want to see if I can make him whine some more. I tried a year or two back to engage him intelligently, but it became evident he had a lifetime seat on the short bus. Now you on the other hand have some very deep and insightful things to say, but need to brush up a bit on your delivery and timing. Okay, I'm lying sue me.
I enjoy the attention from the Prohibitionist and want to see if I can make him whine some more. I tried a year or two back to engage him intelligently, but it became evident he had a lifetime seat on the short bus. Now you on the other hand have some very deep and insightful things to say, but need to brush up a bit on your delivery and timing. Okay, I'm lying sue me.
Longest answer to a Yes or No question.

I enjoy the attention from the Prohibitionist and want to see if I can make him whine some more. I tried a year or two back to engage him intelligently, but it became evident he had a lifetime seat on the short bus. Now you on the other hand have some very deep and insightful things to say, but need to brush up a bit on your delivery and timing. Okay, I'm lying sue me.

why do you refuse to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a pre-pubescent child?
I enjoy the attention from the Prohibitionist and want to see if I can make him whine some more. I tried a year or two back to engage him intelligently, but it became evident he had a lifetime seat on the short bus. Now you on the other hand have some very deep and insightful things to say, but need to brush up a bit on your delivery and timing. Okay, I'm lying sue me.
Somethings you should be against and have no problem speaking out against it, NO MATTER WHAT.
Child molestation is one
Longest answer to a Yes or No question.


You're not gonna back pedal like you did on your stupid "pot should be legal to grow, but illegal to sell" idea are you?
I'm not going to give you advice on how to go about accomplishing your perverted goals, but I wouldn't be surprised if you try to say, b-b-but she looked 18, before you end up in another suspect lineup.

Also, there's no need to shout Prohibitionist.

I said at 13, I would have boned an 18 year old chick if one had been ready willing and available. Were you in the shower soaping up London Fog's back after football practice then or still pretending your sting ray bicycle was a harley then?
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