Still waiting for an answer on those purple colours??


Well-Known Member
Seems like there is no real agreement as to why plants turn purple here. I know if i give less than stellar conditions and hamper transpiration i see build up on stems and petiols and then if i revert back to perfect conditions the purple fades away. Basically i can take the same strain and make one plant have purple and the other all green by few simple adjustments.

I think its the main thing you seem to get shot down for on this site but somthing a lot of growers would like clear concise answers to.

A quick google search brings up many things the plant uses anthocyanins for but not one seems to gain any kind of credentials here...why??
The reason plants turn purple in nature in the very end of season as this is the best color to get some really weak heat from the Sun.

Ah i should have clearly stated non flowering early season plants not end of flowering but thankyou for an answer.
What? Why another thread here? You didn't answer the last postings in the other thread about "purple".....
Get off your high horse and admit there are "purple" strains! Their breed now!
Your conclusion's are (while understandable) wrong! Plant coloring is from "ant's" but it is NOT ALL stress related....not any more.....You need to read more and find the paper on transient anthocyanins........You also seem to disregard papers from actual breeders on this subject....These people have years and years of hands on experience! I feel your conclusions are premature and tunnel visioned.....

Here is the other answer from the previous post....

OK, I get what your attempting to do......The answers to questions from those who use this place to "learn" how to grow, without ever reading about it or even how to grow a house plant. That go "why is my little stem, branch , etc. purple?

So, for some reason you have a bug up your ass to be all "technical" about it and are attempting to chide those of us who give simple, non technical answers to those that have no idea about what the hell we are talking about here.....Is wrong....

Look dude.....I actually like this discussion! It's GREAT to have a real technical chat BUT......When one of the members here gives out an answer on purple stems on a 2 leaved seedling as being "genetic" and to "forget it".......99.998% of the time, it's the right thing to say to this non growing newbie who would go out and take your "stress" answer to the chem shop and throw everything in the book at the problem and kill the frickin plant in the process.......

For the most part. Every time I actually "see" a problem in their plant. It's not related to the "purple in the stem"! It is a sign of plant stress. (In older plants only)....but for gods sake dude, they think it's a direct link to need to throw a "cure" on a seedling!

Here read this as the POINT I'm trying to make here.

"Question: My cannabis plants are young (growing in soil indoors with sunlight and my leaves are medium sized) yet my main stems are turning purple from the top downwards. Have you seen this before?
Answer: When a cannabis plant or seedling has a purple stem without any other signs of problems, it is often the result of genetics. Some cannabis strains just naturally tend to grow with purple stems, especially when seedlings are young, or when the plants get cooler temperatures at night.

Wait a week or two before making any alterations if your plant otherwise appears healthy. The stems should turn green soon in most cases. As long as your leaves are healthy and you have no other symptoms, you usually don't need to worry about purple stems."

THIS is right!

Now then back to adult tech time...
I agree that stress is the main cause of purple expression in plants - no argument about that as I have played the game with temps and chems too.......BUT I disagree in your statement that there are no true purple strains that express without "stress"....
I'm not trolling here and neither was BDOG! Your simply standing firm on your "conclusion" that there are NO purple strains and it's ALL stress related.....
In the past (not to long ago) I did some looking at this too.....I read papers that say that there are transient "Ants" that effect plant coloring and this is becoming prevalent due to the breeding programs to express this "trait".......And no, I'm not going to spend hrs looking to find this and that paper to back my case....This topic is just not that important!

In the end, you are correct and I (along with many others) trying to point out there are purple expressing strains (and pheno's, thanks ACE !!!) that do it without stress, are correct too!!

Nice research by the way....I kinda feel it may be a tad incomplete or that you drew your conclusion a bit early....Maybe your just being a bit inflexible about your conclusion.......What be nice to the rest of the kiddies playing!


BTW as to one of your posts above,,, ..I agree 100%!! Nice....
Growers report more purpling in indoor grows to outdoor at the same latitude location temps humidity etc etc they then went on to explain why conditions outside were more condusive greener growth because they had bigger root systema in the field and group planting provided greater relief from wind etc etc.

I would have said it was the other way round but they say its hard to get it spot on indoors with nutes pots res ph etc.

Yes blueberry will show more purple when stressed over non stressed plants as supposedly it is more genetically sensitive to stress and some growers appreciate this stress gene anthocyanin relationship more because in autumn when it gets colder drier and windy the bud is more susceptable to anthrocyanin stress or purple. It is also reported that a trpical hash plant will show more purple in colder latitudes and thats one that isnt genetically purple like blueberry.{QUOTE]
Ah i should have clearly stated non flowering early season plants not end of flowering but thankyou for an answer.
That's still cold or genetics or Phosphorous issues.

He was giving us as a "group" grief for telling newbies that their stems on their little seedlings being purple is "genetic and to ignore it". In another thread!
He wants us to be "truthful" and tell them it's "stress"

He seems to not really be a grower as he should know that almost every frick'in seedling will express a "purple" stem for a short period.....I don't see it in clones and if you have paid attention, none of the questions on "purple" stems involve clones!

If I'm wrong about what your speaking on - please feel free to actually post THAT! So we can all understand better your reason for attempting to "school" us on anthocyanins and your conclusions on their role in plant coloring....I mean at this point. Many seeing this don't even know what your frickin talking about!

I'm not trolling!
I'm trying to figure out just what this new thread is actually for...

All my seeds sprout with green stems not purple reguardless of strain. This didnt use to be as the predominantly use to be purple.

This is the crux of the matter, i found i got purple for totally different reasons to you guys...
He seems to not really be a grower as he should know that almost every frick'in seedling will express a "purple" stem for a short period.....


My stems pop green, so is this bad because i can jam them right up close to my lights for a few days and they will go back to purple if your SURE your advice is spot on. I kind of liked them green though and grew faster and bigger this way?

Im confused here because i have a choice what colour they pop as?
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I say why are you so worried about purple? Search Japamese Maple trees. They have been bred to offer many different color varieties. It's all good bro. Let genetics do their thing. Let the plant adjust and grow to its conditions. Nothing is perfect. So why bellyache and obsess over something that doesn't matter?

I know several years ago purple weed was not common. I know the first time I saw a pic of a purple strain, I was like WTF? And it was really purple. It was cool! I never saw it before. Yet, it got so popular(being uncommon) that growers wanted purple. Now the breeders stepped up to the demand and breed many purple varieties. And blue, and red, even dark blackish plants.

It is what it is man. I've never grown purp even though I think it's cool. Don't sweat the small stuff. I also hear that a plant will go to purp due to colder temps. I don't know if that's right.

Good luck bro.
I say why are you so worried about purple? Search Japamese Maple trees. They have been bred to offer many different color varieties. It's all good bro. Let genetics do their thing. Let the plant adjust and grow to its conditions. Nothing is perfect. So why bellyache and obsess over something that doesn't matter?

I know several years ago purple weed was not common. I know the first time I saw a pic of a purple strain, I was like WTF? And it was really purple. It was cool! I never saw it before. Yet, it got so popular(being uncommon) that growers wanted purple. Now the breeders stepped up to the demand and breed many purple varieties. And blue, and red, even dark blackish plants.

It is what it is man. I've never grown purp even though I think it's cool. Don't sweat the small stuff. I also hear that a plant will go to purp due to colder temps. I don't know if that's right.

Good luck bro.

My plants are non purple strains and their parent genetics is all from non purple strains. I agree stressing a plant with cold will induce anthocyanin pigments as they deal with the cold well and signal changes in the plant.

I never have low temperatures and have made solid observations that if i change certain things like distance to lights or humidity my plant is more prone to purple markings mainly on stems and petioles to begin with.

I would guess the vapour pressure deficiet in my veg tent was off but more recently i dont see hardly any purple and just thinking of reasons why because i cant believe it was ever too cold or purple genetics.

I would guess purple genetic describes strains that are more able to deal with the cold especially late in the season rather than a whole new genetic sub species of marijuana.

I dont disagree cold turns the plant purple but most grows run on the warm side.
It's kinda like this. You need to research phenotypes. Although your plant may not be a "purple" strain, the genetics carry the code. Otherwise? How could it go purple? Hello?

Nothing but a thang bro. Just accept it and don't try to argue it away. Good luck. WTF? It's just weed man.
My stems pop green, so is this bad because i can jam them right up close to my lights for a few days and they will go back to purple if your SURE your advice is spot on. I kind of liked them green though and grew faster and bigger this way?

Im confused here because i have a choice what colour they pop as?

Honestly not trying to be a troll, but I am unclear as to why this is such a big issue/hot button for you? Are you really finding a difference in plant strength, health, productivity as a direct result of color difference?
LMAO dude. You just need a friend. I'll be your buddy.

I love you. Hugs bro. Have an awesome day.

I dont want to be your friend and that fact is easily google'able, must be some reason why so many plants like it (scratch head look dumb and whistle)...